WTF!?!?...Philly transit strike!!!

i was going to take the subway to the spectrum!! :evil: wtf Philly...get your shit right!! :evil: ya know how much it will suck trying to get a cab if this strike goes down!! :evil:
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FIrst Stone not playing and now this!! Sux for you guys!
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
Stone will be there...don't believe the bullshit.
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
If they are union....
Fire every fucking one of them........
I dont know what they are fighting for.....
I dont know what their issues are....
I dont give a fuck what their issues are.......
If they are union....
Fuck em and fire them.............
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
bring in the scabs!!
If they are anything like the piece of shit Chicago union workers.....
I hope the all lose their fucking jobs....
Everyone is taking pay cuts...
Everyone is giving up hours...
Everyone has taken a beating on their 401k....
Everyone but the holier than thou piece of shit union workers...........
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Cry me a fucking river........
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
they should get a raise....."ok raise your ass up outta're FIRED!!"...heh heh heh...there's your raise bitch!
Without a contract since March. I'd be striking too.
9/29/04 Boston, 6/28/08 Mansfield, 8/23/09 Chicago, 5/15/10 Hartford
5/17/10 Boston, 10/15/13 Worcester, 10/16/13 Worcester, 10/25/13 Hartford
8/5/16 Fenway, 8/7/16 Fenway
EV Solo: 6/16/11 Boston, 6/18/11 Hartford,
Unfortunately our world appears to be going backwards to a two class system - the upper end of town versus the drones who work their entire lives to support them. These fat cats have forgotten we live in a society - not just an economy. I freely admit some unions appear to go too far - but not all and at the end of the day, begrudging somoene on a minimal wage a little bit more, while excusing those who are earning millions a year for the corporate behaviour is what they want us to do. Divide and conqure at its basic level.
To those slamming the union, I hope the next time your employer wants a new jet or boat or botox for his girlfirend it is not your wages and conditions he sees fit to sacrafice.
I was a Teamster...
The teamsters union(this countries biggest union????) is run by nothing but a bunch of thieving, crooked, no good, rotten, pieces of shit....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Corruption of all forms - government, union, organisational needs to be rooted out and consigned to the scrap heap. This corruption harms us all. I in no way condone such a abomination of what the true spirit of unionism stands for.
I believe in unionism along the lines of solidatiy in Poland where workers stand up for their rights and a better and brighter future for workers everywhere. I do not support thuggery and standover tactics employed by organised crime through unions. I hope this clears things up.
I just described it to you...
What did I see the union do??
It protects the lazy worker who shows up to work 3-4 days a week...
It protects the worker who does a half assed job....
I cant tell you how many times i have heard a union worker say things as...
"Im in the union, I dont have to do shit at work"
"I dont do shit, and get paid as much as everyone else"
I have NEVER heard a union worker tell me how hard they work. Its always the story of how they show up at work an hour late, take a 2 hour lunch, leave early, and get paid for 8 hours.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Is this true???
I just read this...And I dont believe it....
Somebody try to find out what a bus driver in Philly gets paid....
$58,000??? no way...
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
NO, that's not unionism, thats corruption and criminal behaviour. I'm talking a fair day's work for a fair day's pay. WOrkers who stick together to achieve better/fair conditions. I have no sypmathy for the behaviour you mention.
Im curious..
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Ummm... did Jammin just refer to you in an unfavorable light? You were once a Teamster