Star Wars...a touching story about killing your children

If you think about it, there is only one story told in this trilogy (I say trilogy because the following 3 don't count as actual movies to me due to their level of suck). That story is about an angry man who will travel the lengths of the universe to find and kill his twins.
Other than that, there's really no story if you think about it. The Empire doesn't really do anything evil outside of blowing up a planet, which is pretty cruel. Beyond that, they waste a lot of time hunting for a handful of people. The Jedi don't really do anything good with their powers except for lift a space ship out of swamp water so a young partially homosexual boy can fly back to another planet. Thanks Yoda.
George Lucas....greatest prank ever pulled was his movies.
Other than that, there's really no story if you think about it. The Empire doesn't really do anything evil outside of blowing up a planet, which is pretty cruel. Beyond that, they waste a lot of time hunting for a handful of people. The Jedi don't really do anything good with their powers except for lift a space ship out of swamp water so a young partially homosexual boy can fly back to another planet. Thanks Yoda.
George Lucas....greatest prank ever pulled was his movies.
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nowadays hits you when you're young
not too big - or serious - a fan eh?
btw - hiya!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Vader could beat up your dad!
6/12/08 - Tampa, FL
8/23/09 - Chicago, IL
9/28/09 - Salt Lake City, UT (11 years too long!!!)
9/03/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 1
9/04/11 - East Troy, WI - PJ20 - Night 2
vader knew about luke. you think he went back to tattooine just to see his old school chums???
amidala wasnt someone anakin was just banging in a spaceclub somewhere. they were married.
he didnt need to save luke when he fell out of bespin. he knew the millenium falcon was close by and besides it gave him an opportuntiy to discover he had a daughter. if he didnt know already. he most probably sensed the rise in midichlorian levels in amidala before he killed her and thought the baby she was carrying was quite a powerful jedi in the making. but what it was was double midis due to twins. anyways after the emperor told him he killed amidala i imagine he figured any unborn child would have died with her. who put the notion in anakins head that he had a child out there somewhere is anyones guess.
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when did vader ever step foot on tattooine? the empire was sent there to recover the escape pod that had r2 & c3po in it.
i was using vader as being representative of the empire. not literally.
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True story.
Anyway, I never liked the 3 Stooges either. I think my mind must be different than so many others 'cuz I hate all that stuff so many others love.
P.S. Star Wars is gay.
Moe, Larry, and Shemp are tolerable if you watch them once in a a while but anyone who is entertained by Curly is fucking brain-dead.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Oh by the way, Did you read that Soupy Sales he was funny.
C'mon, you really find the 3 stooges form of comedy funny? Its grade school.
Use that noggin people.
Star Wars is equal in importance to Burt Reynolds' mustache from 1978.
thats cause lucas wrote for 12 year old boys. he admitted that himself. i think thats why im so disappointed with the prequels(ugh just saying that word makes me shudder). he forgot those 12 year old boys (and girls) grew up. i was 12 when starwars came out. heck im such a nerd all it takes is hearing thsoe first notes of the john willams theme and i get teary. thats what a big pull it was for me. and now of course my kids think im a freak cause i get so wrapped up in it. they just dont understand.
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What is robotchicken starwars? My 7 year old is a Star Wars freak. The little lego characters are a hot commodity for him and his little friends. We adopted a kitten this summer and he named her Padme.
robot chicken is a show from the brain of seth green that uses stop motion animation with action figures to tell stories. theyve tackled starwars twice. and theyre well worth watching. theyre funny as hell. though im not 7 so...
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Seriously, people.. hate all you want.. there's a damn good reason Star Wars is the greatest story of our time.
Vader did not know he had kids. He found out AFTER he plotted to destroy them, and since already a follower of the darkside, he continued with his plan to destroy them, but emotion over ruled and he could not kill his own kids.. YOU MISSED THE WHOLE FUCKING POINT OF THE SAGA!
Its a mythical story of rise and fall, with "good" overruling in the end.. It's simplistic, but you can't beat it.
If you're not feeling it, you're either heartless, misguided or a robot.
The original star wars trilogy can never be overrated.. impossible!
Not to mention the politics of the empire and how it came to be and how it relates to our world..
anakin was weak. not to mention a whiney little git. thinking the universe owed him something. wouldnt listen to the advice of those who knew better. puh-lease... he shouldve been smacked in the chops long ago. long before he basically killed his wife. not to mention defenseless children. he was manipulated to perfection by the emperor, though this turned out to be palpatines personal downfall in the end. talk about frankensteins monster. anyhoo...
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I'd say this is my biggest complaint about the prequel trilogy. It turned this kick ass, bad ass mofo (Vader) into some whinny ass little BITCH.
Not sure what I'd have done differently, but I'd like to think I'd come up with something better than a momma's boy who couldn't handle death for the reason Anakin turned to the Dark Side.
palpatine was a master manipulator. but if one ever thought qui gonn was correct in his assumption that it would be anakin whod bring balance to the force then they are about as deluded as anakin was. it was always gonna be luke - always. and no matter how many times anakin was told about how seductive the dark side was he never quite got it. he thought he knew it all. sure he was redeemed by saving his sons life. and perhaps thats what lucas was about all along... the redemptive power fo love.
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really - the only true kick ass character in this saga was yoda ... in all the movies and in all the fantastical worlds ever created by the imagination of everyone - no character comes close to being as cool as yoda ...
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You almost had me....until the politics. There's really nothing relevant in Star Wars that can't be said for any other movie that dabbles in politics. Just like religious sermons, vague political concepts ring true no matter what era. That's how they pull you in. I just chose to let it go because it (Star Wars) served it's purpose. It entertained me as a child. Then I grew up and had kids of my own and stopped being fascinated with stuff like that.
George Lucas is a one trick pony.
hell, lucas didn't even know vader had children until empire stikes back. he was making up things as he went along...