Phili Hotel Deals as of 10-22-09 Priceline?Orbitz?

Hello everyone,
Just trying to get some help on finding a Phili Hotel in the Downtown area for 10-28 through 10-31. I just bid $120 on Priceline for 3 stars Phili Downtown and was rejected. Any help or guidance would be appreciated.
Just trying to get some help on finding a Phili Hotel in the Downtown area for 10-28 through 10-31. I just bid $120 on Priceline for 3 stars Phili Downtown and was rejected. Any help or guidance would be appreciated.
Post edited by Unknown User on
good luck finding anything decent for cheap
Taking a quick look at Hotwire makes things look pretty bad ... 2 star hotels are over $200 ... Priceline's regular rates (not using the name-your-own-price feature) are $239+ for 3 star and $216 for a 2 star in the downtown area ... definitely higher than a week ago....
Not looking good :?
I made the same mistake as you and just ended up booking a hotel just north of the city. I got the crown plaza for $70/night on Priceline for 10/30 and 10/31, but we'll prob have to take a 5-10 min cab ride to the broadstreet line from the hotel. A little bit more inconvenient, but it's still a decent price for a clean hotel.