Appreciating Pearl Jam's Discography: Part I

jpoulasjpoulas Posts: 7
edited October 2009 in The Porch
Jopie Joe,

I have a problem. Over the past month have I’ve spent more time with my good friend Eddie Vedder* than that of my boss and children combined. Well, that might be an exaggeration, but I am sure you feel the same way after our side project of rating and ranking every studio-album song that Pearl Jam ever put to compact disc.

*I have a pick of his and therefore consider him a friend; or rather I had a pick of his before our sister, Katie, filched it with some puppy dog eyes. I know, as well as you, that Eddie tossed it to ME specifically during the Letterman show.(Editor’s note: The Letterman show, a private concert for 400 Tenclub members that took place in 2006, was attended by all four Poulas children who can be seen freaking out in the front row)

It was an exhausting task that I attacked as if it were my profession, which opened my eyes in two ways. First, I wish I had a job I loved, and second, wow—did I fall in love with PJ all over again. Such painstaking labor should never go unrecognized, and I thought I would take the first action of putting my thoughts down in html.
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  • trotti2trotti2 Posts: 82
    When I first heard the entire cd it didnt do much for me but ive been listening to it for a month now and its really good. I still feel the same way you do about Johnny Guitar but think you gave up to soon on the last four songs on the album. Maybe the dont play well by themselves but as one continuous album they fit right in. Speed of sound and force of nature arent instant classics but i could say the same about The Fixer. Collectively this cd stands up there with Yield, No Code and Binuaral.
    Houston- 4/6/2003 10/14/2000 10/15/2000
    Dallas- 6/9/2003 10/17/2000 7/5/1998
    San Antonio- 4/5/2003
    Chicago- Ed Solo 8/22/08
    San Diego- 10/9/2009
    Philly- 10/30/2009 10/31/2009
    New York- 05/20/2010 05/21/2010
    PJ20- 9/3/2011 9/04/2011
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