German Review, Translation please :)
Can anyone translate a German sentence for me? 
I'm interested also in what the blue word is.
Pearl Jam´s "Backspacer" ein absoluter Gehirnberäumer für Menschen, die in all der Zeit zwischen Bits und Bytes ihre Liebe zu einer Gitarre, einer erfreulich grandios gebliebenen Stimme und einer fetten Produktion noch nicht verloren haben.
Google did this:
Pearl Jam's "Backspacer" an absolute Gehirnberäumer for people who have lost in all the time between bits and bytes, her love for a guitar, yet remained a pleasing voice and a terrific fat production.
Thank you!
P.S. If you're ambitious...there's a whole article. ... tzten.html

I'm interested also in what the blue word is.
Pearl Jam´s "Backspacer" ein absoluter Gehirnberäumer für Menschen, die in all der Zeit zwischen Bits und Bytes ihre Liebe zu einer Gitarre, einer erfreulich grandios gebliebenen Stimme und einer fetten Produktion noch nicht verloren haben.
Google did this:
Pearl Jam's "Backspacer" an absolute Gehirnberäumer for people who have lost in all the time between bits and bytes, her love for a guitar, yet remained a pleasing voice and a terrific fat production.
Thank you!
P.S. If you're ambitious...there's a whole article. ... tzten.html
Falling down,...not staying down
Post edited by Unknown User on
It does not exists, I guess it's a typo.
Brain clearance
I would translate it like this:
Pearl Jam's Backspacer is an absolute brain...(?) for people who, in all the time between bits and bytes, have not lost their love for a guitar, a still enjoyable terrific voice and a fat production.|en|Gehirn%20ber%C3%A4umer
"Gehirnberäumer" is a word creation.... not often used.
But I try my best:
PJs backspacer is creating space in your brain, makes room in your brain,
for all those who have NOT lost their love for guitars, a great phenominal voice and a fat production over all those Bits and Bytes of the modern world.
I also like the beginning of the article.
They call Backspacer the best album of the year!
They call PJ little goodnesses that are coming back to us here and then, time after time, but right in time.
the last of the real musicians came to present tense, whereas we have lost real music somehow in the 2000 years.
Then they really put several songs in a very good light, but with Unthought known they start to get really enthusiastic, but in a very very nice way.
"Zeit den Rechner aus dem Fenster zu werfen, freie Liebe zu praktizieren und wieder zu den wichtigen Dingen des Lebens zurück zu kehren. Der Rest ist Weinen und Freude in einer Sekunde. Über verpasste Chancen und das Wissen, es ab morgen anders machen zu können. "Unthought Known" ist nicht allein unter 10 weiteren überragenden Gefährten. Wer nach diesem Einschlag "The End" noch erträgt, weiß was mit "Schmerz" eigentlich gemeint ist"
Unthought known: after hearing this song, it is time to throw the Computer out of the window, to practice true love again and to get back to the things in life that really matter! The rest is crying and experiencing happiness within one second, over passed chances and the knowledge, to make all better , beginning tomorrow.
But Unthought known is still one amongst 10 great mates. Who is able to listen also to the END after this bummer song, that one will know what pain is all about.
and best:
Einer ist übrig geblieben und singt sich auf "Backspacer" die Lunge aus dem Hals. Gerade noch rechtzeitig, bevor wir mit dem ganzen mittelmäßigen Dreck wirklich allein geblieben wären.
One great musician is left over and sings his lungs out for backspacer. Just right in time to save us all from being alone within all the middle class shitty music that is just around us... :P
Great article, indeed. Thank you for posting... that made my day.
hope I could help.
and ps. I translated more to point out the meaning of the sentence. It would be very difficult to translate word by word....
...the world is come undone, I like to change it everyday but change don't come at once, it's a wave, building before it breaks.
it has its wording roots in RAUM, einberäumen, creating room, making room,, translated could it maybe mean Brain Clearance...
but I would call it: Brain Hoover...
...the world is come undone, I like to change it everyday but change don't come at once, it's a wave, building before it breaks.
Or you can come to terms and realize
You're the only one who can't forgive yourself
Or you can come to terms and realize
You're the only one who can't forgive yourself
stupid word from a MUSIC MAGAZIN GUY who can´t write songs and try to sound very smart, its always the same with music magazin reviews........
Guess I am ambitious...
although I am really not so good in translating or even speaking English, I could NOT just let go, but tried my best now... it is a great article, so hopefully you all get the right sense of it and do understand it now :roll:
Some albums one almost forgets to buy due to the day by day stress or due to the overflow of sales.
Buy, you read right- buy blind!
Like the best album of the year! But only almost!
Now the CD is playing and the eyes get bigger and bigger. Pearl Jam have not made an ordinary album with backspacer, they are re born.
Like little goodnesses, here and then, time after time, with perfect time they visit.
Jaja, personal taste… but who cares. Who wants to fly alone?
This album is a MUST for all those, who have a little rest of the big grunge feeling inside, but also for those who always demand: Music must hit the bang and more!
Slow, very silent and slow, chicken skin runs over your back, this special skin one has lost with the beginning of the year 2000 and due to this lack of feeling one has gotten hypocrite.
Qualified music pleasure for insiders? Nope, this assumption is gone already with song no. 2, got some.
Straight, Eddie Vedder on the microphone, as if he has not lived in silence for XX felt years.
The last ones of their kind have found a way, to carry the dirt to the apparently clean present tense and throw it as musical fire balls in every reachable corner.
As always with real great releases one starts to search for song-pearls after the first listening.
After four hard tracks, Just Breath is the first contra point during a slowly growing symphony by the Seattle musicians. The first moment during an extraordinary album, where Eddies voice scratches and breaks while in the background there is a spring blooming field of music arising.
Slowly, very slowly, "just breath" gets you a tear in your eye.
From now on, Pearl jam has caught the listener.
With Amongst the Waves they move to the ocean, with some real solid and well played Guitar soli on board. The sealing is the free open voice of Eddie, right on top of it.
And as we are talking of water… Being somewhere out the sea, there is a short moment of silence, no wind, nothing, but then, with song no. 7, all dams just break.
Exactly after 2/3 of this extraordinary appearance the HIT of the album is placed. All is flowing to one point, for some maybe to the eyes in form of water again.
It starts soft, nearly broken but with lots of feelings, then it gets support first by a soft background guitar, then by strong piano and one lyric line further, it is happening.
As if Vedder opens the horizon, the voice gets so high and opens the sky with it:
a song for making goodness-babies
Time to throw the computer... (got that one already)
here, there are playing the last unicorns of Grunge in a lonesome league, with this album even more then in the ol’ not always so good times. One likes to call it “struggling/ blocking” . But it is great that there are humans who want to be just like that. So maybe they will encourage others, to do the same.
Backspace is a GERHIRNBERÄUMER ...(we got that one, too)
…and for younger people who were not born yet when Kurt and Eddie started to free all borders of known music back in the early 90ies.
One is left…
as said: it is broken english, but hopefully you get the real good vibe spread by this article.
...the world is come undone, I like to change it everyday but change don't come at once, it's a wave, building before it breaks.
One simply forgets to buy some albums in the stress of everyday life and amongst the flood of offers. Yes, you read it correctly…to buy, blind! Such as the best album of the year. But only almost. Now it’s in the CD player and the eyes are getting bigger and bigger. With Backspacer, Pearl Jam haven’t made another album, they’ve come again. Like little Gods, that just occasionally appear.
Yeah, yeah, personal taste. But that doesn’t matter at all. Who wants to fly alone. This album is a must for all those who still have that grunge feeling of the early 90s in them as well as supporters of the statement “music simply needs to go off with a bang and much more“. Quietly, very quietly, the good old goose bumps crawl up your back, the ones that you gave up on in the early 2000s and that you, finally, with cynicism, believed to have buried. Already swept away by the second title “Got some”. Straight up and with Eddie Vedder on the microphone, as though there had never been the sensed XX years of stillness. The last of their kind have found a way to take the dirt, in what only appears to be a clarified present, and then throw it musically, with fire, in every reachable corner.
As always, with really inspired releases, the search for the gems begins after the first listen. Just Breathe is, after four hard tracks, the first counterpoint of a slowly intensifying symphony by the musicians from the former grunge fix point, Seattle. The first moment in an exceptional album where Vedder’s voice breaks and scratches and in the background a musical field of clover and many small spots of colour appear. Slowly, very slowly, Just Breathe bores the way for the quiet sequences of this album and the first small tear in the eye. From this point on Pearl Jam have the listener in their hand.
“Amongst the Waves” gives you the feeling of being out at sea, a few technically simply outstanding guitar solos on board. The sail is Eddie Vedder’s voice appearing blown free, high up on the mast.
And while we’re talking about the sea, a short calm at high sea. And then they break the dams with song number 7 “Unthought Known”. The hit of this exceptional album is placed right at the beginning of the second third. Everything flows to one point, for some maybe it hits you straight in the face. What starts out quietly, broken up and meaningful, slowly scratching up the throat, gains support first of all from a quiet background guitar, then from a powerfully played piano and then a line of a verse later and it all comes together. As though Vedder would rip up the horizon, a voice rises up dividing the song in the direction of heaven - a refrain to create divine children to.
Time to throw the computer out of the window, to practice free love and to return to the important things in life. The rest is crying and joy in one second. About missed chances and the knowledge to do things differently from tomorrow. “Unthought Known” is not alone in the midst of 10 further amazing journeys. Whoever can cope with “The End” after this strike, knows what is really meant by “pain”. The last unicorns of grunge are playing in a very lonely league here. They are much stronger with this new album than in the also not so good old times. People like to call something like this unwieldy - good that there are still people about, who are just this. Maybe they will find more people who aren’t afraid to be the same.
Pearl Jam’s Backspacer, an absolute “brain clearance” for all those people, who during all this time between bits and bytes didn’t loose their love for a guitar, a voice that has joyfully remained magnificent and a huge production. And for young people who weren’t even born when Kurt Cobain and Eddie Vedder took it upon themselves, at the beginning of the 90s, to tear down the borders of mainstream music.
One of them remains and sings his heart out on Backspacer. Just in time, before we really would have been left alone with all this middle of the road rubbish.