My 10/30 ticket...

LoveBoatAdmiralLoveBoatAdmiral Posts: 1,191
edited October 2009 in The Porch
I have heard some people complaining about "behind the stage tickets" to the 10/30 show, but I think it would be kinda cool to sit back there, especially on the wings. So, I've got a single in section 306A for that night that I'd be willing to trade to anyone with tickets in the 200's behind the stage or sections 316, 317, 317A, 324, 324A, or 325. I know that 306 seats aren't the best but maybe there's someone out there who's interested. Feel free to send me a PM...
2006- Boston I
2008- Boston I+II
2009- Toronto, Philly III+IV
2010- Bristow, Hartford, Boston, Newark
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