We play 'The Fixer' game at work

ozpjmanozpjman Posts: 872
edited October 2009 in The Porch
I have a mate at work who bought Backspacer after hearing The Fixer on the radio. Not a Pearl Jam fan by any stretch of the imagination, but will buy an album if he likes the first single from the radio etc

Anywho, he LOVES Backspacer and is pumped for his first Pearl Jam concert, and last week we found ourselves playing 'The Fixer' game.

Basically he says over the partition a line from the song, eg 'If somethings low,' then I have to reply with the next line, and I do it back to him etc

And it's just random times during the day. Might not happen till late afternoon, might be two days then out of nowhere 'If somethings lost' and the reply soon follows.

So thats our little game at work to pass the time, probably a rather pointless thread as I cant see how it generates any worthy discussion, but hey, fuck it hehe

Anyone have any PJ related games they play?
Stars walk the red carpet because they're famous - I walk the toilet paper because im the shit.
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