10C lotto winners ejected in San Diego - justice served
So I had 4th row and it was insane how many 10C members were sneaking people down into those rows. The couple next to me had 4 people with them in that little seating area. Totally ridiculous. Security was pretty good catching onto it, but the best was when 2 lotto winners in the 2nd row snuck in some buddies and security removed all of them. I think it was great watching that, cause you abuse that system, you don't deserve to be there. I'm all about sitting with friends, but not this way. Sorry, this is my bitch, but has a long time 10C member, it pissed me off seeing lotto winners totally abuse their seats, cause all it did was piss every else off around them. It shouldn't be that way down there. We should all be happy and having a good time. OK, I'm done.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I'm with you though.
Whatever you are, be a good one --Lincoln
And mosto f them aren't even that low-key so not only are they moving into your seats, but they're being drunken idiots while they're doing it.
People who sneak their fucking friends into seats, drive me fucking nuts.............
Toss em out!!!!! Fuck em all!!!!!
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Hopefully this won't happen in Philly! Try moving into somebodies seat of a hells angel or a mafia made man & you'll be sleeping with the fishes.
10c # = 70xxx
During the 1st Denver show in 2006, a huge group of people surged into the front. By the time security had them cleared out, my two friends and I each had our posters stolen. Totally sucked.
In Chicago we were standing next to 2 guys that decided to have 3 of their friends join them at their seats. Tried to ignore it but it was so packed you couldn't move around even if you tried.
tenner to the the security guard took care of the problem and then some
next thing we knew, we had extra seats next to us
damn VIP no shows
during the pre-show music build up, it seemed to get REALLY crowded and almost uncomfortable, but it didn't seem like there were extra people right near me.
A song or two into the set, things started opening up and we actually drifted down closer to Ed.
Guess when the folks got kicked out, it really helped open up space for everyone else.
if u give a tenner to those beacon theatre dudes theyll get u a upfront spot...security works both sides sometimes, especially in nyc
the dudes who brought their friends down to the 2nd row are f'n crazy. but crazy is everywhere
You're not alone in being pissed; the lottery in practice is a mixed bag and this happens. Unfortunately, while you get a lot of excited fans, with a well-deserved opportunity to enjoy something few experience... you also get a much higher quotient of alcoholic rejects who have no regard for others, let alone any intention of even remembering the show.
That said, while San Diego 2nd row was amongst the worst cases I've seen up there, it was actually a bit of an indirect byproduct of the lottery. I was directly behind that group. Not a one of them was actually supposed to be in those seats - there were two to four second row center seats which were never claimed... until they were spied out by the row-hoppers.
Most of them were (at minimum) drunk. *All* of them were pretty accomplished tool-boxes. Monsieur Jolly G. Giant had a flask sized bottle of canadian mist jammed in the ass pocket of his 1998 style pants, which were below his ass. (thigh pocket?) While at first his enthusiasm was refreshing, and then amusing, it quickly became alarming when it was clear he had no co-ordination left, and likely never had any consideration for anyone around him.
Most of us directly behind them tried to be tolerant. It wasn't until there were maybe six people jammed into a three-seat area, all center view was obscured, and the offenders became a "high-fiving white guy" circus that a couple of short girls on the losing end finally called in the 5.0.
The resulting high comedy included attempts to simply ignore the security, protests of ignorance and innocence until tickets, (now where *is* that damned thing in these pants I can hardly reach because they're at my knees, just a minute occifer), and Mr. New York Dumb Hat's attempt at being a slick high-roller... when confronted by security, he tried to slip Captain Goatee 250 bucks to retain his spot. If the definition of "slip" includes shouting and proferring a wad of crumpled bills in clear view of all 11,999 other arena patrons. Much respect the venue staffer, who told him exactly what he could do with his wad.
Like I said. Accomplished Tool-boxes. I will say that I'm almost positive that the two guys to the left of our comedy troupe weren't supposed to be there either. Yet they were enjoying themselves without bothering anyone, occupied their assumed spaces and kept the sight lines open. Props to them for having balls & brains.
In any event, this all happened pretty quickly, in the space of a few songs. Hardly dented what was a great show. Momentary annoyance, and mild amusement. the second rowers figured it out and spread themselves a little wider.
At the end of the day, we take the good with the bad and police ourselves.
Contrary to the OP's statement, none were ejected, just sent to their "real" seats. Mr. J.G. Giant made a second appearance later in the night - (actually tried the same spot!) and was shooed away. When the final lights came up he was in the front row, Mike's side. Gotta hand it to him - wasted, but persistent.
Has it ever happened to you?
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
This has got to be the funniest post I've read in a long time!
i too would be annoyed and you bet that if I had been one of those girls next to the "tool boxes" it would have taken me all of 1 second to find a security guy.
For the most part, security caught most of them.... though a better floor layout would have prevented much of this
Sorry about those posters... Klausen still has then for sale. Oh yeah, they could have been the cool Ames ones.
Yeah.... It was actually both.... I feel sick writing that, but they sold both posters both nights. So we each bought both the 1st night and put them all together with rubberbands. Layed them on the seat, and after the bumrush they were gone.
Bought them all the next night, but we were all out $50.00. Looking back I should have waited and bought that Klausen on eBay for $5.00.
The good news was I heard Army Reserve for the first and last time (so far), and got to hear Bu$hleaguer for the only time. I'm pretty sure that won't get played again. And yes I totally love that song.
Buffalo, Phoenix, Toronto 2003
Boston I&II 2004
Kitchener, Hamilton, London, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto 2005
Toronto I&II, Las Vegas 2006
Chicago Lollapalooza 2007
Toronto, Seattle I&II, Vancouver, Philly I,II,III,IV 2009
Cleveland, Buffalo 2010
Toronto I&II 2011
Buffalo 2013
Toronto I&II 2016
10C: 220xxx
No, to leave my row to do that would be a complete waste of time. I just enjoyed watching it. As senority person, I'm fine with people winning the rows I usually sit in, but not abuse the right of them.
Amen to that!