Graphic Design Help: Looking through posters

In my class we need to find examples of images that demonstrate each of Gestalt's principles. My professor said to look at magazines or elsewhere to find the examples. I don't really have many non-PJ mags, and I doubt I would be able to find one with closure. Any PJ posters (or others) show closure? There are just a few to go through! Already using some for the other principles. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

PJ: 07-16-06 ; 08-28-09 ; 10-23-10 ; 11-26-13 ; 05-13-24
EV: 04-08-08 ; 07-05-11
Mike: 07-07-11 ; 05-20-12
Soundgarden: 07-21-11
10C #271XXX
Since 2002
EV: 04-08-08 ; 07-05-11
Mike: 07-07-11 ; 05-20-12
Soundgarden: 07-21-11
10C #271XXX
Since 2002
Post edited by Unknown User on
Comments ... 751735.jpg ... illips.gif
David Mazzucchelli also did it when he illustrated Batman:Year One
http://thenoisingmachine.files.wordpres ... 1part4.jpg ... o1_500.jpg
Those are just a few examples
Honestly, half of the learning experience comes from looking through the images and evaluating them (this spoken as a degreed graphic designer). Cultivating an observant eye is part of the skillset as a designer. It's like learning any skill - do it over and over and over - y'know - wax on, wax off.
If you want to look through Pearl Jam and similar posters here are 2 resources:
Brad Klausen:
Expresso Beans:
10C since 1996 was #197XXX
Invited to MKE 1991 and turned it down. DAMMIT. Heard Ten a few weeks later. Kicked self.
Was in town for Torino, IT 2006 but got on the wrong bus. DAMMIT!
EV: 04-08-08 ; 07-05-11
Mike: 07-07-11 ; 05-20-12
Soundgarden: 07-21-11
10C #271XXX
Since 2002
Those are cool! Thanks! Never heard of those artists before. I'll check out their work. Didn't think of comics!
EV: 04-08-08 ; 07-05-11
Mike: 07-07-11 ; 05-20-12
Soundgarden: 07-21-11
10C #271XXX
Since 2002 ... kwhite.jpg
Then there is basically all of Frank Miller's Sin City: ... ecruit.jpg ... oto_21.jpg ... _5_p18.png ... ec64_o.jpg
EV: 04-08-08 ; 07-05-11
Mike: 07-07-11 ; 05-20-12
Soundgarden: 07-21-11
10C #271XXX
Since 2002