also, as to infertility, while obviously there are myriad causes, known and unknown, i've read more than a few times in reputable journals/experts that a great factor on the infertility issue is AGE. i know no one likes to say it, but it does seem a big factor. i've read about it too many times. one doctor stated plainly, if more women went back to having children in their early 20s rather than early 30s, that the infertility issue would not be nearly the problem that it is today. yes, there are many, many factors that contribute to infertility but it is hypothesized that a large proportion of the issues are due to couples waiting longer to reproduce.
The friends I mentioned have all been vigorously trying to become pregnant since their early twenties. Yes, I understand that if they just began to try now at 36 years of age, their chances are not great. It could of course be the men that have fertility issues, but it leads to the same result.
Also: I think that most of the increase in U.S. population is due to immigration, not reproduction. It's unfair to state that without referencing a source, so feel free to ignore.
well that's a shame, and i did reference that there still are indeed many, many reasons for infertility outside of simply age, alone. and yes, infertility issues are fairly evenly divided up between being a female issue, male issue, or combo of both, issue.
Sorry to join this so late. Just read the news about the band supporting the movie "Food Inc.!"
I might start another thread repeating my opinion, but it is conforting to see at least some common sense on this matter.
Maybe these Japanese scientist should shift their concern to their Asian brethren China to have Some sort of guidlines to the many factories puking out tons more polution into the Earth's atmosphere that all the cattle in the world. Ignorance and lack of common sense is bliss I guess...
As a 38 year old farmer who has "fed the world" my entire life, this deeply saddens me that Pearl Jam would lend it's name in support of a film full with untruths and propoganda. Animal agrilculturalists want our livestock and poultry to thrive and be healthy. The animal science industry takes better care of it's animals than we as humans take care of our homeless population.
Write a song about that Ed...
I’ll say your prayers I’ll take your side
I promise a way to make light...
What's saved could be one last lifetime
Sorry to join this so late. Just read the news about the band supporting the movie "Food Inc.!"
I might start another thread repeating my opinion, but it is conforting to see at least some common sense on this matter.
Maybe these Japanese scientist should shift their concern to their Asian brethren China to have Some sort of guidlines to the many factories puking out tons more polution into the Earth's atmosphere that all the cattle in the world. Ignorance and lack of common sense is bliss I guess...
As a 38 year old farmer who has "fed the world" my entire life, this deeply saddens me that Pearl Jam would lend it's name in support of a film full with untruths and propoganda. Animal agrilculturalists want our livestock and poultry to thrive and be healthy. The animal science industry takes better care of it's animals than we as humans take care of our homeless population.
Write a song about that Ed...
Don't worry, the Japanese will rag on the Chinese faster than they will the Americans.
Brethren isn't necessarily a term easilly coined among Asians.
And how many US companies operate in China?
I should also mention, (I haven't seen Food Inc), but my guess is a lot of the anger targets (or should target) the large companies buying out farms and making massive cattle industries with cows lined up one by one in pens with only their heads sticking out to eat. Not necessarily you and John Doe next to you trying to farm sustainably... Like I said I haven't seen the movie and I haven't read about Eddie's role, but a lot of farms are being bought out and amalgamated into giant companies producing a lot of waste and unsustainable methods
China is a pollution mess, just look at the Olympic converage.
I started another thread titled "Food Inc. full of Untruths," you should check it out.
You make a valid point that I appreciate that many of us indepent "family farms" do many things the right way.
Beef cattle feed lots large or small allow cattle to walk about their lots. A large "corporate" feed lot is made up of many consecutive pens, many a half an acre to an acre (about the size of many lots houses sit upon).
Most video coverage is of "feeding time" when the cattle are being fed in a long bunk, where they are sticking their head through a gate to eat. When they are done, they are free to "roam" about their pen. Many producers have large dirt mounds in these pens that allow the cattle to seek "high ground" when it rains.
Many large dairy operations have gone to a similar method of feeding their milk cows. Many times you see similar footage of the cows eating, but they are free to move about when they are done. Many states have out-lawed "tethered" feeding practices of any livestock.
As far as "family farms" versus corporate farms, you need to have studied to be an attorny or an accountant to understand all the jargon. Basically, over 90% of farmers consider themselves independent family farms. But the family might have had to form an L.L.C. or corporation for tax purposes amongst family as the farm was passed down the generations.
I’ll say your prayers I’ll take your side
I promise a way to make light...
What's saved could be one last lifetime
China is a pollution mess, just look at the Olympic converage.
I started another thread titled "Food Inc. full of Untruths," you should check it out.
You make a valid point that I appreciate that many of us indepent "family farms" do many things the right way.
Beef cattle feed lots large or small allow cattle to walk about their lots. A large "corporate" feed lot is made up of many consecutive pens, many a half an acre to an acre (about the size of many lots houses sit upon).
Most video coverage is of "feeding time" when the cattle are being fed in a long bunk, where they are sticking their head through a gate to eat. When they are done, they are free to "roam" about their pen. Many producers have large dirt mounds in these pens that allow the cattle to seek "high ground" when it rains.
Many large dairy operations have gone to a similar method of feeding their milk cows. Many times you see similar footage of the cows eating, but they are free to move about when they are done. Many states have out-lawed "tethered" feeding practices of any livestock.
As far as "family farms" versus corporate farms, you need to have studied to be an attorny or an accountant to understand all the jargon. Basically, over 90% of farmers consider themselves independent family farms. But the family might have had to form an L.L.C. or corporation for tax purposes amongst family as the farm was passed down the generations.
china is a pollution mess, yes.
they have no laws or regulations in favour of the environment, or labour laws, hence why companies world wide have their factories situated there (Japan and USA inclusive). My point being, instead of being concerned that the Japanese point the blame on someone else, notice its not just the Chinese who are polluting - even if its on their soil. When the USA conquers its massive consumption problem, then you can preach to me about pointing fingers else where. But for the time being, everyone is to blame, and there's no point trying to shift attention to someone else just because one country is being put under the looking glass. "But look what that country is doing too" isn't a very good excuse.
I'll have to educate myself on the cattle industry a little more because apparently in the lectures at university they are missing your information, but I can't promise I'll pass any bar exams in order to fully believe the cattle industry is wholly sanctified.
well that's a shame, and i did reference that there still are indeed many, many reasons for infertility outside of simply age, alone. and yes, infertility issues are fairly evenly divided up between being a female issue, male issue, or combo of both, issue.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I might start another thread repeating my opinion, but it is conforting to see at least some common sense on this matter.
Maybe these Japanese scientist should shift their concern to their Asian brethren China to have Some sort of guidlines to the many factories puking out tons more polution into the Earth's atmosphere that all the cattle in the world. Ignorance and lack of common sense is bliss I guess...
As a 38 year old farmer who has "fed the world" my entire life, this deeply saddens me that Pearl Jam would lend it's name in support of a film full with untruths and propoganda. Animal agrilculturalists want our livestock and poultry to thrive and be healthy. The animal science industry takes better care of it's animals than we as humans take care of our homeless population.
Write a song about that Ed...
I promise a way to make light...
What's saved could be one last lifetime
Brethren isn't necessarily a term easilly coined among Asians.
And how many US companies operate in China?
I should also mention, (I haven't seen Food Inc), but my guess is a lot of the anger targets (or should target) the large companies buying out farms and making massive cattle industries with cows lined up one by one in pens with only their heads sticking out to eat. Not necessarily you and John Doe next to you trying to farm sustainably... Like I said I haven't seen the movie and I haven't read about Eddie's role, but a lot of farms are being bought out and amalgamated into giant companies producing a lot of waste and unsustainable methods
I started another thread titled "Food Inc. full of Untruths," you should check it out.
You make a valid point that I appreciate that many of us indepent "family farms" do many things the right way.
Beef cattle feed lots large or small allow cattle to walk about their lots. A large "corporate" feed lot is made up of many consecutive pens, many a half an acre to an acre (about the size of many lots houses sit upon).
Most video coverage is of "feeding time" when the cattle are being fed in a long bunk, where they are sticking their head through a gate to eat. When they are done, they are free to "roam" about their pen. Many producers have large dirt mounds in these pens that allow the cattle to seek "high ground" when it rains.
Many large dairy operations have gone to a similar method of feeding their milk cows. Many times you see similar footage of the cows eating, but they are free to move about when they are done. Many states have out-lawed "tethered" feeding practices of any livestock.
As far as "family farms" versus corporate farms, you need to have studied to be an attorny or an accountant to understand all the jargon. Basically, over 90% of farmers consider themselves independent family farms. But the family might have had to form an L.L.C. or corporation for tax purposes amongst family as the farm was passed down the generations.
I promise a way to make light...
What's saved could be one last lifetime
china is a pollution mess, yes.
they have no laws or regulations in favour of the environment, or labour laws, hence why companies world wide have their factories situated there (Japan and USA inclusive). My point being, instead of being concerned that the Japanese point the blame on someone else, notice its not just the Chinese who are polluting - even if its on their soil. When the USA conquers its massive consumption problem, then you can preach to me about pointing fingers else where. But for the time being, everyone is to blame, and there's no point trying to shift attention to someone else just because one country is being put under the looking glass. "But look what that country is doing too" isn't a very good excuse.
I'll have to educate myself on the cattle industry a little more because apparently in the lectures at university they are missing your information, but I can't promise I'll pass any bar exams in order to fully believe the cattle industry is wholly sanctified.