Thank you LA

DS1119DS1119 Posts: 33,497
edited October 2009 in The Porch
Going through a weird time in my life as far as career and personal. After about 35 or so shows on the east coast, my fiance' and I took the trip to LA. We spent three days in Las Vegas and one great day and night in LA. Was fortuante enough to see Wednesday's show which was truly amazing. My seats were in the pit in row DDD numbers 7 and 8. I met two very nice fans sitting in seats 9 and 10 that I didn't get to really say goodbye to. It was a pleasure meeting you and I hope to see you in the future. I'm not sure of your names but my promise will stand true...if I get lucky enough to get another pick from an upcoming show, it's yours. You know who you are.
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