It's going to be a tough decision as I have tickets for both Game 4 of the WS and the PJ show......but Im looking at it money wise...since it wont be a series clinching game, if someone wants to give me an outrageous or a good amount of money for my WS tickets, I will suffer (lol) and go to the PJ show across the street.
Game 4 of the WS would be Sunday. You're all good there!
what are you talking about it's not like they are playing the same venue :roll: fuck the series this is PJ your talking about even if the Yankees make it i could give two shits about them too ....and i'm a yankee fan
I agree with you Jose...notihng is going to be rescheduled cause of the World Series...BUT you can say fuck the Yankee's cause they're in the damn WS every other year (at least that's how it feels anyways), so you guys can say with certainty "ohh I'll just catch it next year" (if it was game 7 lol).
I am soo close to going to the last 2 shows...sooo tempted.
"Rock and roll is something that can't be quantified, sometimes it's not even something you hear, but FEEL!" - Bob Lefsetz
If the yanks are playing I am either upgrading to a suite or not going. I love pearl jam as much as the next guy but no shot I am missing an inning of the yanks in the world series if they make it.
what are you talking about it's not like they are playing the same venue :roll: fuck the series this is PJ your talking about even if the Yankees make it i could give two shits about them too ....and i'm a yankee fan
I agree with you Jose...notihng is going to be rescheduled cause of the World Series...BUT you can say fuck the Yankee's cause they're in the damn WS every other year (at least that's how it feels anyways), so you guys can say with certainty "ohh I'll just catch it next year" (if it was game 7 lol).
I am soo close to going to the last 2 shows...sooo tempted.
Girl just do it it will be a glorious weekend & like i said i really don't give a crap about the series at all i will allways choose PJ over any sporting event bunch of overpayed steroid freaks i tell ya ...
why would the Phillies reschedule because PJ is playing? Or vice versa? And the Phillies need to get past either the Cardinals or Dodgers which is going to be tough.
phillies have to get past the rockies first before any of that happens. seriously the phillies are crazy to even think bout pitching pedro in snow showers and with temps in the low 30's throughout game 3. blanton should be the starter.
this whole thread is silly in the first place. i really doubt bud and mlb is gonna reschedule for a fucking concert or vice versa.
Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
well im more of a phillies fan than a pearl jam fan i guess... not by much though. obviously they wont move a game for a show, and i was just hopeful theyd move a show for a game. i guess i just dont understand your little heart attacks that someone might pick game 3 over show 4. and i know im not the only one
I am with you in that I too would rather go to a game 7 world series game, than any rock concert...especially a band I have seen numerous times. Nothing trumps a game 7 ws.
That said, I don't think you have anything to worry about.
Angeles or Red Sox Vs Cardinals or Dodgers.
Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
Baseball is basically a bunch of people standing there and a bunch of others sitting on a bench while 2 people (pitcher and catcher) are playing catch. A little action breaks out randomly here and there but basically it's 3 hours of that. A Pearl Jam concert is, well you know, a lot more exciting. I'd sure as hell rather be at an epic PJ show, then read the paper the next day and go "Huh, they won, that's nice" the next morning. Rather than having witnessed a 3 hour game of catch while everyone is either standing in the field or sitting on the bench, and then the next morning reading of a setlist which looked like Gorge night 1, 2006. Your choice. For me, a no brainer.
Up here so high I start to shake, Up here so high the sky I scrape, I've no fear but for falling down, So look out below I am falling now, Falling down,...not staying down, Could’ve held me up, rather tear me down, Drown in the river
if you choose to watch sports (no matter what the game) over seeing your favorite band play...
you're a dick.
and you have no soul.
music over sports is for the kid that was the pussy in high school.
i played football and baseball for years as a kid. the choice for me would be a no-brainer...especially considering the state of the game and cost of post-season tix.
I've been saying it for years, I'd much rather see PJ live than see my favorite sports team play. And I am a HUGE Philly sports fan, having grown up in that area. At a typical PJ show I tailgate a few hours with some really cool people who all have one thing in common. Then, I get a 3 hour rush during the show...and have always left extrememly happy.
Nothing worse than traveling to see your favorite team play with high anticipation...and lose. Such a crappy feeling.
So, I have tickets to all 4 PJ shows in Philly, and even though I considered getting a Phillies tattoo last year, would not hesitate going to the PJ shows over watching the WS game.
But I can understand how others would feel differently.
Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of
arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to
slide in sideways, BBQ sandwich in one hand, cold beer in the other,
body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming "Woo Hoo what a
Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
does anyone really care bout hockey these days lol
i do and i'll be at that game. sect 112 row 5.
i'm actually looking forward to the Flyers game more than PJ. It's my first trip to Philly for a game and the closest i've ever been for a hockey game. can't wait.
Baseball is basically a bunch of people standing there and a bunch of others sitting on a bench while 2 people (pitcher and catcher) are playing catch. A little action breaks out randomly here and there but basically it's 3 hours of that. A Pearl Jam concert is, well you know, a lot more exciting. I'd sure as hell rather be at an epic PJ show, then read the paper the next day and go "Huh, they won, that's nice" the next morning. Rather than having witnessed a 3 hour game of catch while everyone is either standing in the field or sitting on the bench, and then the next morning reading of a setlist which looked like Gorge night 1, 2006. Your choice. For me, a no brainer.
thats because you're a pussy and dont like sports. i would easily get more excited about my team winning a world series game than a concert that ive seen already a million times...
In July 2007 Densmore said that he would not rejoin The Doors unless it was fronted by Eddie Vedder. Densmore says, "I play with Jim. If there's someone of that level, OK. I'm not gonna join them with Ian. That's not to diss Ian, he's a good singer - but he's no Jim Morrison. Eddie Vedder? My God, there's a singer."
music over sports is for the kid that was the pussy in high school.
^^^ 2 words: Trent Reznor.
And my only worry on this is more traffic as we drive into Philly under a tight schedule as usual. Otherwise, whatever. I didn't even know who's in the world series or when it was until this thread.
R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
Baseball is basically a bunch of people standing there and a bunch of others sitting on a bench while 2 people (pitcher and catcher) are playing catch. A little action breaks out randomly here and there but basically it's 3 hours of that. A Pearl Jam concert is, well you know, a lot more exciting. I'd sure as hell rather be at an epic PJ show, then read the paper the next day and go "Huh, they won, that's nice" the next morning. Rather than having witnessed a 3 hour game of catch while everyone is either standing in the field or sitting on the bench, and then the next morning reading of a setlist which looked like Gorge night 1, 2006. Your choice. For me, a no brainer.
thats because you're a pussy and dont like sports. i would easily get more excited about my team winning a world series game than a concert that ive seen already a million times...
I love Ice Hockey, Basketball, Football. But baseball to me is totally dull to watch. A little more fun to play. I like to get that chance to hit the ball those 4 times within the 3 hours. And if you are the pitcher, it is fun to play catch with the catcher. I'd hate to be the catcher because I don't like being so close to other men's asses. High fart risk also. Do you like watching Golf on TV? If you like watching baseball, you may want to consider golf as well. I remember back when Gretsky/Mc Sorely were in the Kings and we went to the Stanley Cup series. So I have something to compare with a PJ concert. I would have picked PJ hands down. How does any of this make me a pussy? Anyhow, I forgot to mention Ron Hextall was a dope.
Up here so high I start to shake, Up here so high the sky I scrape, I've no fear but for falling down, So look out below I am falling now, Falling down,...not staying down, Could’ve held me up, rather tear me down, Drown in the river
Baseball is basically a bunch of people standing there and a bunch of others sitting on a bench while 2 people (pitcher and catcher) are playing catch. A little action breaks out randomly here and there but basically it's 3 hours of that. A Pearl Jam concert is, well you know, a lot more exciting. I'd sure as hell rather be at an epic PJ show, then read the paper the next day and go "Huh, they won, that's nice" the next morning. Rather than having witnessed a 3 hour game of catch while everyone is either standing in the field or sitting on the bench, and then the next morning reading of a setlist which looked like Gorge night 1, 2006. Your choice. For me, a no brainer.
You should never talk about baseball again. My god, that is the worst description of a baseball game I have ever read.
"I've got things to do and things to say in my own way..."
Baseball is basically a bunch of people standing there and a bunch of others sitting on a bench while 2 people (pitcher and catcher) are playing catch. A little action breaks out randomly here and there but basically it's 3 hours of that. A Pearl Jam concert is, well you know, a lot more exciting. I'd sure as hell rather be at an epic PJ show, then read the paper the next day and go "Huh, they won, that's nice" the next morning. Rather than having witnessed a 3 hour game of catch while everyone is either standing in the field or sitting on the bench, and then the next morning reading of a setlist which looked like Gorge night 1, 2006. Your choice. For me, a no brainer.
You should never talk about baseball again. My god, that is the worst description of a baseball game I have ever read.
Out of respect to everybody here who loves baseball, I won't belabor my feelings about it any more. That's not really the point. I think my point is that any PJ concert is stellar and each one is so unique. And also given the fact that this is a PJ message pit where the most hardcore PJ fans hang out, in this context, I can't even think of considering going to a sporting event over a PJ show, especially in Philly. PJ loves Philly and I think you're going to see that love spread thought the Philly shows. Again, everybody has an opinion. Mine is that I wouldn't think twice about going to PJ in Philly over any sporting event.
Up here so high I start to shake, Up here so high the sky I scrape, I've no fear but for falling down, So look out below I am falling now, Falling down,...not staying down, Could’ve held me up, rather tear me down, Drown in the river
why would the Phillies reschedule because PJ is playing? Or vice versa? And the Phillies need to get past either the Cardinals or Dodgers which is going to be tough.
phillies have to get past the rockies first before any of that happens. seriously the phillies are crazy to even think bout pitching pedro in snow showers and with temps in the low 30's throughout game 3. blanton should be the starter.
this whole thread is silly in the first place. i really doubt bud and mlb is gonna reschedule for a fucking concert or vice versa.
Pedro is playing Saturday with Big Joe as a backup - Happ is pitching game 4. HOWEVER - MLB said game 3 may be cancelled due to the snow anyway and they'd play Sunday, Monday & Wednesday. Pedro said something like he's never played in cold weather before... I'm scared. I agree though Blanton should definitely start.
Regardless - I was at Game 5 (both of them) of the World Series last year, in the freezing temps and the pouring rain, and it was fan-effing-tastic. I have to say it would be tough to choose if I was only going to one show, but if I had tickets to multiple shows and had to miss one to see a World Series game with the Phils - I'm going with the Phils!
World Series games are NEVER during the day. TV wants primetime for these games.
and no way in the world would Major League Baseball change a world series game b/c of a PJ concert.
If anything PJ would make the change, but very very unlikely.
they will both happen at the same time. your choice - pick one or the other.
October 28, 29, and 31 = World Series. Now lets say hypothetically the Phillies make it to the world series (which they will ;P) that would mean they play on Halloween at home. This could mean a few things:
1. the game will be made into a day game to accomodate the show OR just by luck will be during the day
2. pearl jam might rechedule, which would suck cause seeing them on halloween would be fucking AWESOME!
3. they are both at the same time.
now number 3 is the one i see happening, which scares a fan like me because unfortunately, i would rather watch game 7 of a Phillies world series than a halloween PJ show. the thing is, i think most philly fans would agree with me, and i know there are a lot of phillies fans that are PJ fans and goin to the show. so that makes me think ok, maybe they'll reschedule? that sucks too. or they wont and they wont have much of a crowd. its a lose lose situation. and even still, if games 5 and 6 are on during the shows, a lot of die hard fans might not go so they can watch the game. (myself included) this really sucks and really pisses me off cause i couldnt be more excited for these shows. they will be epic.
i guess lets just hope the Phillies sweep... (cause they will be in the world series)
and let the phillies attacks begin...
what are you talking about it's not like they are playing the same venue :roll: fuck the series this is PJ your talking about even if the Yankees make it i could give two shits about them too ....and i'm a yankee fan
i'd go see the detroit tigers in the series over a pj show any day of the week without a second thought.
Game 3 of a seven game series or the final concert ever at the Spectrum by our favorite band?? You need to get your priorities straight! That's all I have to say about that. TiVo that shit! This is PJ baby!
Hahaha...this thread is funny. I'm sorry, I've seen a million baseball games, and I've seen plenty of PJ shows. But I think I'd have to go with The World Series. It's the WORLD SERIES! If you don't like baseball, that's one thing. But if you're a huge fan, that's a tough choice. I flew back early from Bridge School 2007 to catch game 4 of the World Series (where we, unfortunately but predictably, got our asses handed to us by the Sox). I am going to the game tomorrow and it is going to be cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooolllllld! :P
keep on rockin' in the free world.
Needing a ride to Forest Hills and a ounce of weed. Please inquire within. Thanks. Or not. Posts: 58,276
i bet if the Cubs were in the world series this show would be rescheduled.
Game 4 of the WS would be Sunday. You're all good there!
- 8/28/98
- 9/2/00
- 4/28/03, 5/3/03, 7/3/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 7/9/03, 7/11/03, 7/12/03, 7/14/03
- 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 10/1/04, 10/2/04
- 9/11/05, 9/12/05, 9/13/05, 9/30/05, 10/1/05, 10/3/05
- 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 5/30/06, 6/1/06, 6/3/06, 6/23/06, 7/22/06, 7/23/06, 12/2/06, 12/9/06
- 8/2/07, 8/5/07
- 6/19/08, 6/20/08, 6/22/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 7/1/08
- 8/23/09, 8/24/09, 9/21/09, 9/22/09, 10/27/09, 10/28/09, 10/30/09, 10/31/09
- 5/15/10, 5/17/10, 5/18/10, 5/20/10, 5/21/10, 10/23/10, 10/24/10
- 9/11/11, 9/12/11
- 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13
I agree with you Jose...notihng is going to be rescheduled cause of the World Series...BUT you can say fuck the Yankee's cause they're in the damn WS every other year (at least that's how it feels anyways), so you guys can say with certainty "ohh I'll just catch it next year" (if it was game 7 lol).
I am soo close to going to the last 2 shows...sooo tempted.
you're a dick.
and you have no soul.
Girl just do it it will be a glorious weekend
this whole thread is silly in the first place. i really doubt bud and mlb is gonna reschedule for a fucking concert or vice versa.
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
Sammi: Wanna just break up?
music over sports is for the kid that was the pussy in high school.
That said, I don't think you have anything to worry about.
Angeles or Red Sox Vs Cardinals or Dodgers.
you are kidding right?
you give me a choice between my favorite team in a championship game or Pearl Jam, i'm taking the sporting event.
now Pearl Jam vs. most regular season games, i'll take PJ. Ohio State vs. Michigan, i take college football.
Ohio State vs. New Mexico state and Bears vs. Clowns, i'm taking Pearl Jam travel day
not true my friend.
i would rather be @ a live rock show seeing a band that i love kick out the jam's then seeing guy's hitting balls with their sticks all day.
i played football and baseball for years as a kid. the choice for me would be a no-brainer...especially considering the state of the game and cost of post-season tix.
Nothing worse than traveling to see your favorite team play with high anticipation...and lose. Such a crappy feeling.
So, I have tickets to all 4 PJ shows in Philly, and even though I considered getting a Phillies tattoo last year, would not hesitate going to the PJ shows over watching the WS game.
But I can understand how others would feel differently.
arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to
slide in sideways, BBQ sandwich in one hand, cold beer in the other,
body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming "Woo Hoo what a
i do and i'll be at that game. sect 112 row 5.
i'm actually looking forward to the Flyers game more than PJ. It's my first trip to Philly for a game and the closest i've ever been for a hockey game. can't wait.
thats because you're a pussy and dont like sports. i would easily get more excited about my team winning a world series game than a concert that ive seen already a million times...
^^^ 2 words: Trent Reznor.
And my only worry on this is more traffic as we drive into Philly under a tight schedule as usual. Otherwise, whatever. I didn't even know who's in the world series or when it was until this thread.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
I love Ice Hockey, Basketball, Football. But baseball to me is totally dull to watch. A little more fun to play. I like to get that chance to hit the ball those 4 times within the 3 hours. And if you are the pitcher, it is fun to play catch with the catcher. I'd hate to be the catcher because I don't like being so close to other men's asses. High fart risk also. Do you like watching Golf on TV? If you like watching baseball, you may want to consider golf as well. I remember back when Gretsky/Mc Sorely were in the Kings and we went to the Stanley Cup series. So I have something to compare with a PJ concert. I would have picked PJ hands down. How does any of this make me a pussy? Anyhow, I forgot to mention Ron Hextall was a dope.
You should never talk about baseball again. My god, that is the worst description of a baseball game I have ever read.
Out of respect to everybody here who loves baseball, I won't belabor my feelings about it any more. That's not really the point. I think my point is that any PJ concert is stellar and each one is so unique. And also given the fact that this is a PJ message pit where the most hardcore PJ fans hang out, in this context, I can't even think of considering going to a sporting event over a PJ show, especially in Philly. PJ loves Philly and I think you're going to see that love spread thought the Philly shows. Again, everybody has an opinion. Mine is that I wouldn't think twice about going to PJ in Philly over any sporting event.
Pedro is playing Saturday with Big Joe as a backup - Happ is pitching game 4. HOWEVER - MLB said game 3 may be cancelled due to the snow anyway and they'd play Sunday, Monday & Wednesday. Pedro said something like he's never played in cold weather before... I'm scared. I agree though Blanton should definitely start.
Regardless - I was at Game 5 (both of them) of the World Series last year, in the freezing temps and the pouring rain, and it was fan-effing-tastic. I have to say it would be tough to choose if I was only going to one show, but if I had tickets to multiple shows and had to miss one to see a World Series game with the Phils - I'm going with the Phils!
and no way in the world would Major League Baseball change a world series game b/c of a PJ concert.
If anything PJ would make the change, but very very unlikely.
they will both happen at the same time. your choice - pick one or the other.
i'd go see the detroit tigers in the series over a pj show any day of the week without a second thought.