Cell Phones and Ipsilateral Brain Tumors?

I'm just throwingl this out there because of some interesting articles layed upon my desk today. It seems we have a US Senator, Mr Tom Harkin of Iowa, the Health, Education, Labor, Pension Committee leader about to bring forth an investigation as to whether cell phone usage leads to a form of brain cancer. He says that the links need to be addressed and compared it to the tobacco companies and their indescretions concerning cancer sticks. I also read, one of the lead researchers, a medical doctor who trained at Mayo, practices in Australia, Dr Vini Gauten has substantial information that warrants this as a real health concern. His training as a neurosurgeon has lead him to research the connections of cell phones and this form of cancer. My question to this board, does it even make you say HMMM? or are we just to blindly believe what the big communication corporations say, "they are safe for everyone to use." Makes me wonder. Also written, Mr Harkin claims in Germany any person under the age of 18 is not allowed to purchase a cell phone or use them without parental supervision. Any truth to that? If anyone out there has two cents worth of knowledge affirming or condemning such things, I am all ears.
I am off to find more information regarding this issue as it seems things smell afoul regarding this information.
I am off to find more information regarding this issue as it seems things smell afoul regarding this information.
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I will die at some point, and maybe it will be caused by cancer, by anything and everything around me.
So screw it, drink up, smoke up, and talk it up!
Oh, and don't forget to go tanning without sunscreen!