Why do many of you stand up during the show?

Backspacer_BackerBackspacer_Backer Posts: 1,023
edited October 2009 in The Porch
Man, there are few things more frustrating than paying good money to see a rock n roll show, my favorite band ever Pearl Jam, and everybody in front of me stands up the whole time. Don't get me wrong, I'm a little over 6'2", so I could see over people if I stood too, but I paid so much for the seat I want to enjoy its comforts. Do you people stand at a movie theater? At the ballet? When you pee?

Just sit down already. It would enhance everybody's experience if we could all just take it easy. These PJ concerts can drag on for two hours or more. Do you realize the long term damage you could be risking to the lower joints, ligaments, and tendons of your lower extremities? Don't you get worn out?

The only thing more frustrating than the incessant standing up at rock shows is how some people insist on singing along to the songs. I believe the BAND is being paid to sing, not you. But I digress, somebody covered this already. It would be nice if they would turn the volume down on those speakers. I sat close to them once and boy oh boy were my ears ringing!
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