Why have two streets in the same city!!? I hate you Boston.

I copy and pasted the address of the Opera House into Google Maps and got my directions. I drive to probably the most ghetto area of Boston and just drive up and down Washington St stunned and panicking that the Opera House isn't there and I got the directions wrong. I stopped off at a gas station and the nice man informed that it is DOWNTOWN Boston! Ahh!!
Luckily, I planned on getting to the show a bit early and this went down at 6:30ish, and so I still got to see Liam and all. But still, if I was running late this could have been horrific. Oh well...
But seriously, why have two streets inside of one city?
Luckily, I planned on getting to the show a bit early and this went down at 6:30ish, and so I still got to see Liam and all. But still, if I was running late this could have been horrific. Oh well...
But seriously, why have two streets inside of one city?
3 Decibels Doubles the Volume
3 Decibels Doubles the Volume
Post edited by Unknown User on
In any case, welcome to Boston! We also expect you to just know which street you're on, as we refuse to post street signs at half of the intersections, please and thankyouverymuch. Enjoy your visit.
/midwest transplant, I'm lost right now actually!
Ha! I definitely noticed this one too. For shame... I realized I was getting close to the legit Washington (atleast the one I wanted to be at) when I saw a bunch of president related street names. My heart jumped for joy.
3 Decibels Doubles the Volume
I forgot to say, I am very glad you made it in time for everything you wanted to see
HAHAHA!!! shades of Chevy Chase in Vacation
dam!! i think you might have been in Roxbury!!
not good for an (I'm assuming) out of town white guy!
Ya, 539 Washington on Google defaults to someplace in Dorchester/Mattapan/Roxbury. I didn't bother to click on the 'street view'; I was reasonably sure that was wrong...better than getting stuck in a traffic circle all day though!!
Thank you. At the point where I saw 539 Wash St to be an medium-sized apartment complex I said to myself "boy this is an intimate show, but where are all the fans... or the opera house signs for that matter?" Then a guy with a baseball bat walked out. Eek!
3 Decibels Doubles the Volume
Oh noooooooo! That reminds me of the time I made a wrong turn onto Skid Row in downtown LA...oh well, you've got a good story! and no harm done
Yea I guess it's good to laugh at in retrospect. I think it was Dorchester, as I saw a sign that said that and "city in Boston." So assumed it was just a neighborhood in Boston or something... not something with duplicate street names. I also remember seeing a Pearl St near both Washingtons so maybe that's some sort of an omen.
3 Decibels Doubles the Volume
That would have been a pleasure from how I was feeling.
3 Decibels Doubles the Volume
I can guess they were thinking and I was saying...."you're not from around here are you???"
....but... you can find a Dunkin Dougnuts just about everywhere! and... Medford closes at 11:00 p.m. apparently!
It's nice in the desert....please play here PJ!
Damn Boston for having two streets!!!!