**OFFICIAL Realistic Expectations for Philly Shows Thread**

Brownie9160Brownie9160 Posts: 190
edited October 2009 in The Porch
Hear me out:
The anticipation surrounding these shows has been HUGE ever since the first rumors started months ago. The combination of PJ performing the final shows ever at the Spectrum with the only east coast tour dates has put these shows in a category by themselves. I, like many am expecting great shows...but I think in some ways we are setting ourselves up to be let down if we don't get a 'first time performed live' song a la Bugs or a 'special guest' like Bruce or Neil.

I am urging everyone to go to these shows expecting nothing more than a great performance from the band (as they put on all the time). And hey, if something 'special' does happen, it will make it that much more exciting and great. This has been really difficult for me to do, but I'm forcing myself to think this way to make the experience that much better. From the look of the setlists and the posts from people in attendance, the boys seem to be in rare form at the moment, and I know they won't disappoint. Just don't bitch if Neil doesn't come out for 'Rockin' In The Free World' or Ed doesn't do a full acoustic preset.

Anyone on the same page?
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