Dublin FM Broadcast Of 8/11/09 Question

satchoroyalesatchoroyale Posts: 82
edited October 2009 in The Porch
Been enjoying the three different FM broadcasts from Europe 09 that seem to be floating about
and have a question.

When I say three, I refer to the following

#1) the 8/11/09 partial that was broadcast from Brussels, Belgium Classic 21 93.2 FM,
#2) the 8/11/09 partial that was broadcast from Dublin, Ireland Phantom 105.2 and
#3) the 8/15/09 partial that was broadcast from Bremen, Radio 4.

Of these three, at least the versions that I have come up with, #1 and #3 are very high quality radio broadcasts but #2 from Dublin is much inferior to the other two. The Dublin and Belgium broadcasts, even though of roughly the same length and same 8/11/09 performance aired different songs and I would like to know if anyone else has been able to find a higher quality version of the Dublin airing and if it does not violate any of "the rules of ten club" can mention where it might be found.
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