How's the water temp?

Cold or hot?
So I had a thought
(some might laugh, for when do I NOT?)
I had this idea
that suddenly became clear:
If we daily attend to the intangible stream activity,
the solid parts of life can be lived more productively
for there's no extra burden to drag along
and no plug or block to stop our liquid heart songs
and where did the tendency to ignore it start?!
I wonder w h o s a i d it wasn't the important part?!
So I had a thought
(some might laugh, for when do I NOT?)
I had this idea
that suddenly became clear:
If we daily attend to the intangible stream activity,
the solid parts of life can be lived more productively
for there's no extra burden to drag along
and no plug or block to stop our liquid heart songs
and where did the tendency to ignore it start?!
I wonder w h o s a i d it wasn't the important part?!