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  • RKCNDYRKCNDY Posts: 31,013
    yes, and I feel like I need to get rid of them...but can't.... :roll:

    Do you still own a VCR?
    The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.

    - Christopher McCandless
  • yes i do, and i still have a whole bunch of VHS movies- most of them are disney though. just recently bought She's All That and Grease from the charity shop where I work. What a blast from 10 years ago hahaha

    your favourite film?
  • JukeeJukee Posts: 4,500
    I have a few...
    The Goonies
    Riding in Cars with Boys
    Catch Me If You Can

    Have you seen any of them?
    If you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to worry about.
  • seen the Goonies and Catch Me If You Can

    have you seen Kiss Kiss Bang Bang?
  • unlost dogsunlost dogs Greater Boston Posts: 12,553
    Haven't seen any of them! :shock: Or KKBB.

    Ever seen "The Philadelphia Story?" My all-time favorite movie since I was a kid.
    15 years of sharks 06/30/08 (MA), 05/17/10 (Boston), 09/03/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/04/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/30/12 (Missoula), 07/19/13 (Wrigley), 10/15/13 (Worcester), 10/16/13 (Worcester), 10/25/13 (Hartford), 12/4/13 (Vancouver), 12/6/13 (Seattle), 6/26/14 (Berlin), 6/28/14 (Stockholm), 10/16/14 (Detroit)
  • JukeeJukee Posts: 4,500
    No, i've never even heard of it.

    Last movie you seen in theaters?
    If you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to worry about.
  • due date

  • The Girl who kicked the hornets nest...
    And UD - A classic and we are showing our age :lol:

    Have you read the The Girl ... books?
  • RKCNDYRKCNDY Posts: 31,013
    no...since the author died and didn't finish the series, I think I'd feel weird to not know the ending....

    Are the books really 'that' good?
    The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.

    - Christopher McCandless
  • i wouldn't know, never heard of them.

    worst book you've ever read?
  • RKCNDYRKCNDY Posts: 31,013
    I can't remember the name of the book...the blurb on the outside jacket didn't really talk about the story, and it was written in 'ebonics' so I just gave up.

    The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.

    - Christopher McCandless
  • most things i read i tend to like but one I read was called the Shoe Queen, it was quite crap. and another one that I got free in a magazine - speaks for itself :lol:

    Are you craving anything right now?
  • unlost dogsunlost dogs Greater Boston Posts: 12,553
    To go home.

    (4&... you should really read the three "Girl" books. They are fantastic. I bed you'd love them...)

    Are you getting much done today?
    15 years of sharks 06/30/08 (MA), 05/17/10 (Boston), 09/03/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/04/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/30/12 (Missoula), 07/19/13 (Wrigley), 10/15/13 (Worcester), 10/16/13 (Worcester), 10/25/13 (Hartford), 12/4/13 (Vancouver), 12/6/13 (Seattle), 6/26/14 (Berlin), 6/28/14 (Stockholm), 10/16/14 (Detroit)
  • didn't get much done, probably won't. but then, i don't have a lot to do

    are you?
  • Frozen Yogurt because of that FROYO thread :lol:
    And been quite busy with some pretty serious stuff

  • justamjustam Posts: 21,412
    Yes. I've already done quite a bit today.

    Are you finding that you have a lot of extra errands around this time of year?
  • JukeeJukee Posts: 4,500
    Yes and quite frankly i'll be happy when x-mas is over for another year.

    Last time you went to see a doctor?
    If you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to worry about.
  • unlost dogsunlost dogs Greater Boston Posts: 12,553
    I saw one minutes ago. But then, I work in a hospital.

    Last time I saw one was for my annual physical in January.

    Do you like your PCP?
    15 years of sharks 06/30/08 (MA), 05/17/10 (Boston), 09/03/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/04/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/30/12 (Missoula), 07/19/13 (Wrigley), 10/15/13 (Worcester), 10/16/13 (Worcester), 10/25/13 (Hartford), 12/4/13 (Vancouver), 12/6/13 (Seattle), 6/26/14 (Berlin), 6/28/14 (Stockholm), 10/16/14 (Detroit)
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    What's PCP?

    Are you a hypochondriac?
  • unlost dogsunlost dogs Greater Boston Posts: 12,553

    (Primary Care Physician, the one who coordinates all your care.)

    Do you mind having blood drawn?
    15 years of sharks 06/30/08 (MA), 05/17/10 (Boston), 09/03/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/04/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/30/12 (Missoula), 07/19/13 (Wrigley), 10/15/13 (Worcester), 10/16/13 (Worcester), 10/25/13 (Hartford), 12/4/13 (Vancouver), 12/6/13 (Seattle), 6/26/14 (Berlin), 6/28/14 (Stockholm), 10/16/14 (Detroit)
  • Not at all... my sons however :roll:

    Gotten a cold yet this winter?
  • RKCNDYRKCNDY Posts: 31,013
    yes...a sinus infection
    yes...I hate needles! (yeah I know...I used to draw blood on animals for 5 years....)

    (will do unlost...I'll pick up the books at costco!)

    Do you go see the doctor as soon as you feel yuckky, or do you wait until you feel 'horrible terrible awful'?
    The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.

    - Christopher McCandless
  • unlost dogsunlost dogs Greater Boston Posts: 12,553
    edited December 2010
    I wait until I'm convinced it's something I can't handle on my own. Like "Hmmm. My thumb really shouldn't be bending that way" or "my goodness, that seems like a substantial amount of blood."

    Last time you went?
    15 years of sharks 06/30/08 (MA), 05/17/10 (Boston), 09/03/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/04/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/30/12 (Missoula), 07/19/13 (Wrigley), 10/15/13 (Worcester), 10/16/13 (Worcester), 10/25/13 (Hartford), 12/4/13 (Vancouver), 12/6/13 (Seattle), 6/26/14 (Berlin), 6/28/14 (Stockholm), 10/16/14 (Detroit)
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    I always put it off, telling myself 'it will pass' whatever it may be.

    Do you take 'sickies'?
  • JukeeJukee Posts: 4,500
    I wait forever to see a doctor...i'm a little stuburn I guess.

    did you get your flu shot?
    If you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to worry about.
  • unlost dogsunlost dogs Greater Boston Posts: 12,553
    Yup, two months ago.

    It's been 8 years since I've called in sick.

    Is that what you mean by "sickies?"
    15 years of sharks 06/30/08 (MA), 05/17/10 (Boston), 09/03/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/04/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/30/12 (Missoula), 07/19/13 (Wrigley), 10/15/13 (Worcester), 10/16/13 (Worcester), 10/25/13 (Hartford), 12/4/13 (Vancouver), 12/6/13 (Seattle), 6/26/14 (Berlin), 6/28/14 (Stockholm), 10/16/14 (Detroit)
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    It's the ' ' that are key. 'Sickies' - you're not really ill but don't feel 100%. You could go to work, but don't really want to.

    Do you worry about your health and things like cancer, etc.
  • unlost dogsunlost dogs Greater Boston Posts: 12,553
    I figure I do what I can, the rest is out of my hands as it's up to genetics. So no, I don't worry overly much. But I do try to take care of myself.

    Any concerning health issues in your family tree?
    15 years of sharks 06/30/08 (MA), 05/17/10 (Boston), 09/03/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/04/11 (Alpine Valley), 09/30/12 (Missoula), 07/19/13 (Wrigley), 10/15/13 (Worcester), 10/16/13 (Worcester), 10/25/13 (Hartford), 12/4/13 (Vancouver), 12/6/13 (Seattle), 6/26/14 (Berlin), 6/28/14 (Stockholm), 10/16/14 (Detroit)
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    No major ones.

    SHould you have even the slightest possibility of passing on a genetic illness to your child, would this put you off having any?
  • RKCNDYRKCNDY Posts: 31,013
    i don't want kids anyway so it makes no difference to me.

    Are you a health nut?
    The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.

    - Christopher McCandless
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