"Makes much more sense to live in the present tense"
Mansfield 08 1
Boston 2010
Montreal 2011
EV Prov 11
Worcester 1 13
Worcester 2 13
Hartford 13 Boston 16 - 1 Boston 16 - 2 Boston 18 - 1 Boston 18 -2 MSG 24 - 1 Boston 24 -1 Boston 24 -2
Do you do most of your holiday shopping at the mall?
"Makes much more sense to live in the present tense"
Mansfield 08 1
Boston 2010
Montreal 2011
EV Prov 11
Worcester 1 13
Worcester 2 13
Hartford 13 Boston 16 - 1 Boston 16 - 2 Boston 18 - 1 Boston 18 -2 MSG 24 - 1 Boston 24 -1 Boston 24 -2
No my dad wont let me. If i do anything online i just use his
How many credit cards do you have?
"Makes much more sense to live in the present tense"
Mansfield 08 1
Boston 2010
Montreal 2011
EV Prov 11
Worcester 1 13
Worcester 2 13
Hartford 13 Boston 16 - 1 Boston 16 - 2 Boston 18 - 1 Boston 18 -2 MSG 24 - 1 Boston 24 -1 Boston 24 -2
"Makes much more sense to live in the present tense"
Mansfield 08 1
Boston 2010
Montreal 2011
EV Prov 11
Worcester 1 13
Worcester 2 13
Hartford 13 Boston 16 - 1 Boston 16 - 2 Boston 18 - 1 Boston 18 -2 MSG 24 - 1 Boston 24 -1 Boston 24 -2
"Makes much more sense to live in the present tense"
Mansfield 08 1
Boston 2010
Montreal 2011
EV Prov 11
Worcester 1 13
Worcester 2 13
Hartford 13 Boston 16 - 1 Boston 16 - 2 Boston 18 - 1 Boston 18 -2 MSG 24 - 1 Boston 24 -1 Boston 24 -2
"Makes much more sense to live in the present tense"
Mansfield 08 1
Boston 2010
Montreal 2011
EV Prov 11
Worcester 1 13
Worcester 2 13
Hartford 13 Boston 16 - 1 Boston 16 - 2 Boston 18 - 1 Boston 18 -2 MSG 24 - 1 Boston 24 -1 Boston 24 -2
"Makes much more sense to live in the present tense"
Mansfield 08 1
Boston 2010
Montreal 2011
EV Prov 11
Worcester 1 13
Worcester 2 13
Hartford 13 Boston 16 - 1 Boston 16 - 2 Boston 18 - 1 Boston 18 -2 MSG 24 - 1 Boston 24 -1 Boston 24 -2
Chime: im 18
BD: and i dont know if im done growing ..
Are you listening to PJ radio?
"Makes much more sense to live in the present tense"
Mansfield 08 1
Boston 2010
Montreal 2011
EV Prov 11
Worcester 1 13
Worcester 2 13
Hartford 13 Boston 16 - 1 Boston 16 - 2 Boston 18 - 1 Boston 18 -2 MSG 24 - 1 Boston 24 -1 Boston 24 -2
No I don't appreciate my co-workers.
None of them get on with the job and they all make a mess for ME to clean up. :evil:
It's horrible working where I do,
Thankfully they are ALL off at school next year and they realise I'm not such a bad boss afterall.
When was the last time you picked rubbish up off the street that wasn't your rubbish or street?
"Makes much more sense to live in the present tense"
Mansfield 08 1
Boston 2010
Montreal 2011
EV Prov 11
Worcester 1 13
Worcester 2 13
Hartford 13 Boston 16 - 1 Boston 16 - 2 Boston 18 - 1 Boston 18 -2 MSG 24 - 1 Boston 24 -1 Boston 24 -2
What shall i have for breakfast a bagel or pie ?
Mansfield 08 1
Boston 2010
Montreal 2011
EV Prov 11
Worcester 1 13
Worcester 2 13
Hartford 13
Boston 16 - 1
Boston 16 - 2
Boston 18 - 1
Boston 18 -2
MSG 24 - 1
Boston 24 -1
Boston 24 -2
What time are the malls open until there?
Do you do most of your holiday shopping at the mall?
Mansfield 08 1
Boston 2010
Montreal 2011
EV Prov 11
Worcester 1 13
Worcester 2 13
Hartford 13
Boston 16 - 1
Boston 16 - 2
Boston 18 - 1
Boston 18 -2
MSG 24 - 1
Boston 24 -1
Boston 24 -2
Do you have your own credit card?
How many credit cards do you have?
Mansfield 08 1
Boston 2010
Montreal 2011
EV Prov 11
Worcester 1 13
Worcester 2 13
Hartford 13
Boston 16 - 1
Boston 16 - 2
Boston 18 - 1
Boston 18 -2
MSG 24 - 1
Boston 24 -1
Boston 24 -2
Store you buy most of your xmas presents?
Do you think you'll get any PJ related x-mas gifts?
Did you buy a grab bag?
Mansfield 08 1
Boston 2010
Montreal 2011
EV Prov 11
Worcester 1 13
Worcester 2 13
Hartford 13
Boston 16 - 1
Boston 16 - 2
Boston 18 - 1
Boston 18 -2
MSG 24 - 1
Boston 24 -1
Boston 24 -2
Did you buy 'lucky dip' parcels when you were a kid and always end up being disappointed?
What is it ?
Mansfield 08 1
Boston 2010
Montreal 2011
EV Prov 11
Worcester 1 13
Worcester 2 13
Hartford 13
Boston 16 - 1
Boston 16 - 2
Boston 18 - 1
Boston 18 -2
MSG 24 - 1
Boston 24 -1
Boston 24 -2
Anybody have an idea?
How tall are you?
Mansfield 08 1
Boston 2010
Montreal 2011
EV Prov 11
Worcester 1 13
Worcester 2 13
Hartford 13
Boston 16 - 1
Boston 16 - 2
Boston 18 - 1
Boston 18 -2
MSG 24 - 1
Boston 24 -1
Boston 24 -2
6'2 also
Will i grow anymore? :?
Mansfield 08 1
Boston 2010
Montreal 2011
EV Prov 11
Worcester 1 13
Worcester 2 13
Hartford 13
Boston 16 - 1
Boston 16 - 2
Boston 18 - 1
Boston 18 -2
MSG 24 - 1
Boston 24 -1
Boston 24 -2
Petite is good right???
When did you stop growing?
BD: and i dont know if im done growing ..
Are you listening to PJ radio?
Mansfield 08 1
Boston 2010
Montreal 2011
EV Prov 11
Worcester 1 13
Worcester 2 13
Hartford 13
Boston 16 - 1
Boston 16 - 2
Boston 18 - 1
Boston 18 -2
MSG 24 - 1
Boston 24 -1
Boston 24 -2
She'd rather listen to Celine Dion x-mas music
Do you get a long with your coworkers?
None of them get on with the job and they all make a mess for ME to clean up. :evil:
It's horrible working where I do,
Thankfully they are ALL off at school next year and they realise I'm not such a bad boss afterall.
When was the last time you picked rubbish up off the street that wasn't your rubbish or street?
How many houses would you say are on your street?
Are you friends with your neighbors?
Are there a lot of kids in your neighbourhood?
A few blocks over there are tons but you have to cross a pretty active street...
Did you have lots of friends growing up who lived on your block?
what size was thebiggest fish you ever caught
<img src="http://i740.photobucket.com/albums/xx46/tremors25/thrillafixterorange.gif" align="left">
<img src="http://i740.photobucket.com/albums/xx46/tremors25/thrillafixterblack.gif" align="left">
<img src="http://i740.photobucket.com/albums/xx46/tremors25/thrillafixterwhite.gif" align="left
<img src="http://i740.photobucket.com/albums/xx46/tremors25/thefixerthrilla1.gif" align="left">
Are you a fisherman?
Whens the last time you did?
Mansfield 08 1
Boston 2010
Montreal 2011
EV Prov 11
Worcester 1 13
Worcester 2 13
Hartford 13
Boston 16 - 1
Boston 16 - 2
Boston 18 - 1
Boston 18 -2
MSG 24 - 1
Boston 24 -1
Boston 24 -2
Ever been?
Favorite activity you did with your dad?
BD: Sailing (yachts and dinghys)
... are you in on the mugs on The Porch? ... Final photos have just gone up