Yes, I was 12 when the wall fell. I have been in the youth organization as well ... for a child it's been okay, no crime and a lot of empathy for people who are in need. Maybe I am a bit nostalgic, but I had a great childhood. I think I would have started to question and hate it once I had been in puberty ... Life was plain and simple, but okay.
Can you imagine living in a dictatorship?
Please, Pearl Jam, consider a Benaroya Hall vinyl reissue!
Well my mother was pretty bad but
Just kidding... No, not at all.
I was in Leipzig about three years ago on business and I could not believe the split personality of the city. One side, communist architecture and almost a grey quality. The other a vibrant little sqaure where I had one of the best nights of my life.
Yes, but only partly ... There is still after 20 years a lot of difference between the people. I think I wouldn't feel quite comfortable living in a small town in Western Germany.
And nice that you've been to Leipzig and liked it, it is quite near to my hometown
What parts do you like about your religion?
Please, Pearl Jam, consider a Benaroya Hall vinyl reissue!
Well, I learned 6 languages besides my mother tongue ... I am not fluent in all of them but it is good for my job that I am a kind of language person. It's Latin, French, Spanish, Russian, English and Finnish :oops:
Are you at work right now?
Please, Pearl Jam, consider a Benaroya Hall vinyl reissue!
How many cards do you usually get?
Do you go to the photographer to make cards with your whole family on them?
We are sending out 150 cards :wtf:
Too much?
Do you think you'll start?
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
Do you see the rest of your family often?
Why is this day taking forever to finish?
and Jukee... it's Friday, the slowest day of the week.
How many siblings do you have?
Who are you the closest with?
Are you practising you religion?
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
Do you go to church on x-mas?
Does your religion help you to get along in life?
And I don't need my religon but I enjoy parts of it...
Do you remember GDR before wall came down?
Can you imagine living in a dictatorship?
Just kidding... No, not at all.
I was in Leipzig about three years ago on business and I could not believe the split personality of the city. One side, communist architecture and almost a grey quality. The other a vibrant little sqaure where I had one of the best nights of my life.
Have you visited the West side since?
And nice that you've been to Leipzig and liked it, it is quite near to my hometown
What parts do you like about your religion?
Have you ever been to Israel?
Furthest place you traveled to?
That idea about the bar mizwa in Isreal sounds like a nice idea. Can you speak Hebrew?
How many languages can you speak?
Are you at work right now?
Do you work from home?
Is your job the job you always wanted to do?
But since college, I would say I have exceeded my expectations...
whats the last thing that made you go wooow
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Are you suprised a lot?
Do you love surprises?