Let's see, son coming home, dogs coming to LaGuardia at 9 PM, so figure midnight easily on Friday
Going to Kiss concert at Jones Beach, 1.5 driving.. 1 AM then...
Sunday in bed and asleep by 10 PM , but new puppies will keep me up...
Probably 1AM tomorrow night, we're supposed to have people over, Saturday probably 3 or 4AM because we have a wedding to go to and i'm sure there will be an after party.
Last time you went to a wedding?
If you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to worry about.
Are you craving anything now? (I'm craving Wise chips now... :( )
Do they have Tim Horton's where you live?
What should I have for lunch?
Do you go to Subway often?
Favorite sub?
Now I want a sub.
What kind would you get?
Which reality shows do you watch?
And UD: I want that sub!!!
Think you have anything valuable that you could bring for an appraisal?
Thinking of booking a trip to Vegas...which travel website should I use?
Where do you want to stay?
Where would you recommend?
Ever travel with your own linens?
Last time you slept on a pull out couch?
Do you call them hide-a-beds there?
Ever slept on an air mattress?
Yes I have slept on an air mattress...not my favourite thing to sleep on.
Are you a light sleeper, or can you sleep through anything?
Do you need noise to sleep or complete silence?
What time do you go to bed at night?
How late are you up on weekends?
With all the activities going on this weekend, How late will you stay up?
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
Going to Kiss concert at Jones Beach, 1.5 driving.. 1 AM then...
Sunday in bed and asleep by 10 PM , but new puppies will keep me up...
Last time you went to a wedding?
BD, what kind of puppies?
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
Should I have an early dinner here, or leftover Chinese at home?
Whats for dinner tonight?
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
What's your all time favourite food?
Now I want Pad Thai and Wise chips.
Craving anything now?
How about you??
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
Do you make a list when you grocery shop, or just wing it?