Sailor is "Sir Full Of Himself" and more recently, "Sir Poopsalot."
Sweet Pea is "Peanut" Emphasis on the "nut"
and Tessie is "Stinkerbell."
Sailor and Sweet Pea call Tessie "The Little Bitch"
Sailor and Tessie call Sweet Pea "The Insane Hound Posse"
Sweet Pea and Tessie call Sailor "The Big Doofus"
I don't know if I can, going out, if it's still on when I get home, I'll take a look.
Is it wrong that we have decided a name for our dog, which we haven't actually got and won't be getting for a bit yet? We have already started making plans for taking it places. Are we becoming phantom dog owners?
Because you don't want it to alter the memory of the show? Sometimes when you've had a fantastic time you don't want to spoil it be revisiting it in any way. Don't worry, give it time.
How do you feel about swimming? Do you need to go swimming or do you want to go swimming? At what age did you first desire to swim? Do you like the womb-like feeling of swimming? (I'm pretending to be a therapist).
Normal me would say - if you feel like it, go for it.
How much does a therapist charge for an hour where you are?
Yes, & the BEST way to do it is on a raft with the top of ur head dipped in the water, when the moon is full & the sky is clear.... makes it look like a water ceiling & a star-lit carpet.
2005 - London
2009 - Toronto
2010 - Buffalo
2011 - Toronto 1&2
2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
2014 - Cincinnati, St. Louis, Detroit
2016 - Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Ottawa, Toronto 1 2018 - Fenway 1&2 2022 - Hamilton, Toronto 2023 - Chicago 1&2 2024 - Las Vegas 1&2
Old Orchard Beach?!? Really? Used to spend all my vacations in Ocean Park and Saco, with cousins. Would love to, but there's a marina party this weekend. We're being invaded by two yacht clubs.
Now that would be a good time... :think: How many 10C members can we fit on one boat...
How roughly do you camp? (Rented RV, campground with showers and electricity, camp site with nothing but a clearing, or make your own camp site in the middle of nowhere?)
Did you have a nickname as a kid?
PS. It's TRUE :shock:
:? I really didn't. :(
Did you?
Do you have nicknames for your dogs?
Sailor is "Sir Full Of Himself" and more recently, "Sir Poopsalot."
Sweet Pea is "Peanut" Emphasis on the "nut"
and Tessie is "Stinkerbell."
Sailor and Sweet Pea call Tessie "The Little Bitch"
Sailor and Tessie call Sweet Pea "The Insane Hound Posse"
Sweet Pea and Tessie call Sailor "The Big Doofus"
I think that about covers it.
Do you talk out loud to your pets?
Oh I just snorted!
Of course... He rarely listens
Do all of them sleep on your bed?
can a pig make a good pet :idea:
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And TST: My three dogs want to know if you have enough pillows for all of them on your bed.
What about the crazy cat people who live in houses with 68 cats?
ok breath .....deep breaths
do you think bd has had to go do some work...
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I'm on my way home, have a good one! :wave:
Are you planning on monitoring tomorrow night's show on the relay thread?
Is it wrong that we have decided a name for our dog, which we haven't actually got and won't be getting for a bit yet? We have already started making plans for taking it places. Are we becoming phantom dog owners?
Why is it i can't listen to any PJ at all these days ..I haven't since MSGII ..
Was that useful?
Should i go for a swimm tonight .
Normal me would say - if you feel like it, go for it.
How much does a therapist charge for an hour where you are?
have you ever just floated on the water and just stared at the sky for like a mnt or two ..
Ever done the same at night?
Why am I so damn hungry right now?
What do you think I just ate for dinner?
What do you think i will eat
How late do you stay up at night?
What time do you get up in the morning for work?
2009 - Toronto
2010 - Buffalo
2011 - Toronto 1&2
2013 - London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
2014 - Cincinnati, St. Louis, Detroit
2016 - Ft. Lauderdale, Miami, Ottawa, Toronto 1
2018 - Fenway 1&2
2022 - Hamilton, Toronto
2023 - Chicago 1&2
2024 - Las Vegas 1&2
What's up for the weekend?
Wanna join us?
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
Should I wear my pirate hat for the invasion?
Are you a member of a yacht club?
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
Do you go to OOB often?
Is the next PJ party on your boat then?
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
How roughly do you camp? (Rented RV, campground with showers and electricity, camp site with nothing but a clearing, or make your own camp site in the middle of nowhere?)
Are you tired today?
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
Do you get to set your own hours, more or less?