We don't really have any "fancy" restaurants around here so the most was probably 30$ for a plate. So with booze and everything the most is probably around a hundred bucks.
What other websites to you look at often? I'm extremely bored and need something to do.
If you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to worry about.
Place you would relocate to?
Favorite spot you have lived?
Best place you have been on vacation?
Favourite restaurant?
Most you have ever spent on a meal?
What other websites to you look at often? I'm extremely bored and need something to do.
Have you ever bought anything on kijiji?
What exactly is it?
My boss is away today and the guy who is covering said I could leave early...Do you think my boss will find out?
Are you leaving?
What did you have for lunch?
Can I take a nap now?
Are you at work right now?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
What'd you do today?
How are you doing?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
Do you use an elliptical?
Mind if I cut in?
Is it raining there today?
HSB nice to see you!
Why are my eyes stinging so much?
Why am I so damn tired?
Ever won a free holiday?
Have you ever won a free vacation/holiday?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad
Do you play the lottery?
Would you quit your job if you won the lottery?
Where would be the first place you'd travel too?
Have you ever been?
Have you ever been to Italy?
Wish you were here...
♥~RIP Dad