rick1zoo2 wrote: yes, following U2 do you always wear that hat?
Dissidentman wrote: shame on you for not saying hi I did not go to McDonalds after the show. are you still listening to nothing but PJ after this tour?
Plane, train or automobile?
beach or mountains?
Ever break a bone?
Ever wipe out on a bicycle?
who's watching you ..
Favourite kind of car?
do you cut your own lawn ..
Do you have any hobbies that are non-PJ related?
do you always wear that hat?
in the summer, all the time. Did you see it at MSG?
do you have a favorite article of clothing?
I have had several over the years that I wore out, now maybe its my cargo shorts that I will wear over the summer.
did you go into McDonald's after Friday's show?
I did not go to McDonalds after the show.
are you still listening to nothing but PJ after this tour?
I know, blame it on the group I was with. I thought I saw you come out of the McDonald's on the walk to the Houndstooth.
I discovered that PJ radio works at work after being blocked all this time so yes
any other trips in your future?
Have you ever witnessed a tornado?
Why is the sky blue?
Are you buying and posters this time around?
Do you have a special PJ bank account, or just scrounge up funds when the time comes?
Is your significant other a PJ fan ?
Is yours?
Do anything fun this weekend?
Went to a few BBQ's, had some drinks, did some fishing.
What's your most memorable moment this weekend?
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
Will they play Lukin II at Hype Park?
Are you going to the Hype Park show?
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
Would you have liked to go to more shows this time round?
What has been the most shows you have seen in one tour?
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
have you ever travelled to another country to see a concert?