Yes, and that's an odd experience. Not for some time, though.
Do you think humans will visit another planet in the next century?
I think that could be possible.
Any weekend plans?
"Sometimes you find yourself having to put all your faith in no faith."
~not a dude~
2010: MSGx2
2012: Made In America
2013: Pittsburgh, Brooklynx2, Hartford, Baltimore
2014: Leeds, Milton Keynes, Detroit
2015: Global Citizen Festival
2016: Phillyx2, MSGx2, Fenwayx2 2018: Barcelona, Wrigleyx2
It's Australia Day long weekend so that means bbqs and listening to the Hottest 100 (alt radion station triple j plays top 100 songs of the year voted by the listeners)
And I also would like to answer The waiting trophy man's question some page back I know it's been answered already but the question was; What's your favorite Beatles song? And that question made me listen to Beatles again and rediscovered some really nice songs I really love the Beatles slow songs like: Hey Jude, Here comes the sun, Norwegian wood, Jealous guy, And I love her (sorry for taking up so much space)
Annafalk - thanks, that's so cool. All great songs. Jealous Guy is a Lennon song, but rough draft started during WHite album with the Beatles. The lyrics were re-written and the song is on the Imagine album. One of my faves by Lennon!
I just discovered Sia and she is fantastic. The best part is just breaking in a new album, especially when all the tracks are great - I definitely recommend Sia's new album.
Do you still have your old cassette tapes?
Another habit says it's in love with you
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Annafalk - thanks, that's so cool. All great songs. Jealous Guy is a Lennon song, but rough draft started during WHite album with the Beatles. The lyrics were re-written and the song is on the Imagine album. One of my faves by Lennon!
I just discovered Sia and she is fantastic. The best part is just breaking in a new album, especially when all the tracks are great - I definitely recommend Sia's new album.
Do you still have your old cassette tapes?
I have a bunch of my parents' cassettes! I was born when cassettes were big, but not long after, CDs were all the rage. So a lot of my cassettes were Sesame Street or Disney stuff haha but I have a good number of cassettes my parents bought.
What was the first CD you remember buying?
"Sometimes you find yourself having to put all your faith in no faith."
~not a dude~
2010: MSGx2
2012: Made In America
2013: Pittsburgh, Brooklynx2, Hartford, Baltimore
2014: Leeds, Milton Keynes, Detroit
2015: Global Citizen Festival
2016: Phillyx2, MSGx2, Fenwayx2 2018: Barcelona, Wrigleyx2
I bought my brother Weird Als Bad for his 15th bday...I believe 1989.
How old were you the first time you snuck out of the house?
Never did, never had to.
What is a book you'd recommend to everybody?
"Sometimes you find yourself having to put all your faith in no faith."
~not a dude~
2010: MSGx2
2012: Made In America
2013: Pittsburgh, Brooklynx2, Hartford, Baltimore
2014: Leeds, Milton Keynes, Detroit
2015: Global Citizen Festival
2016: Phillyx2, MSGx2, Fenwayx2 2018: Barcelona, Wrigleyx2
Neuromancer, first book by William Gibson. Opened up the whole new genre (sub-genre??) of cyberpunk sci-fi which exploded from there. Still a wonderful read.
That was fun, so same question to the next person.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Quite a few actually.. I love re reading War and Peace.. I have had the same copy for my whole life! I keep it locked in an airtight box, because I almost lost it in flood one.. Thanks to the box, it has survived floods two- five! Umm Jack London's White Fang is an old favorite.. Eco Umberto's Name of The Rose.. And Pendulum swing.. I just love to read!
I don't do Kindles! Lol I'm a computer nerd, but I REFUSEto give up my paper books!! I'm like Brick Heck from that show The Middle!! Lol so the last time I bought books was just before thanksgiving.
Do you prefer some things remain nostalgic, or love newest technologies?
Do you think humans will visit another planet in the next century?
Any weekend plans?
~not a dude~
2010: MSGx2
2012: Made In America
2013: Pittsburgh, Brooklynx2, Hartford, Baltimore
2014: Leeds, Milton Keynes, Detroit
2015: Global Citizen Festival
2016: Phillyx2, MSGx2, Fenwayx2
2018: Barcelona, Wrigleyx2
Same question
What's your favourite holiday?
And I also would like to answer The waiting trophy man's question some page back I know it's been answered already but the question was;
What's your favorite Beatles song? And that question made me listen to Beatles again and rediscovered some really nice songs I really love the Beatles slow songs like: Hey Jude, Here comes the sun, Norwegian wood, Jealous guy, And I love her
What's your favorite band except for PJ?
What is the best part of discovering a new band for you?
You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
I just discovered Sia and she is fantastic. The best part is just breaking in a new album, especially when all the tracks are great - I definitely recommend Sia's new album.
Do you still have your old cassette tapes?
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
What was the first CD you remember buying?
~not a dude~
2010: MSGx2
2012: Made In America
2013: Pittsburgh, Brooklynx2, Hartford, Baltimore
2014: Leeds, Milton Keynes, Detroit
2015: Global Citizen Festival
2016: Phillyx2, MSGx2, Fenwayx2
2018: Barcelona, Wrigleyx2
How old were you the first time you snuck out of the house?
You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
What is a book you'd recommend to everybody?
~not a dude~
2010: MSGx2
2012: Made In America
2013: Pittsburgh, Brooklynx2, Hartford, Baltimore
2014: Leeds, Milton Keynes, Detroit
2015: Global Citizen Festival
2016: Phillyx2, MSGx2, Fenwayx2
2018: Barcelona, Wrigleyx2
What book have you read over and over again through the years?
That was fun, so same question to the next person.
Same question.
When was the last time you bought an actual book(not one of those electronic versions)?
You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
What's hanging on your wall straight ahead in front of you?
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Do you prefer some things remain nostalgic, or love newest technologies?
What is your favorite animal?
You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
How many pairs of underwear do u own?
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Do you ever re wear clothes if you've worn them
Once, but they're not dirty?
How many jackets do you own?
You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
Northern Dragon- It is? I don't have a fetish or anything (nervous laughter)
Jackets- maybe 2, plus 2 or 3 "coats".
If you were the U.S. President, what's he first thing you'd do in office?
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Do you fear terrorism in your country?
Do you feel governments use 'terrorism' to further their own agendas?
You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.
Do you believe the world would be better off without religion, or does human nature inevitably lead to conflict, whatever the reason?
Is suicide noble?
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Do you vote in every election you are eligible for?
Is there a stigma associated with speaking of depression?
Yes I vote in every election
Do you always vote for the same party?
I think there is a stigma, yes.
Will there ever be a cure for cancer? All cancers?
Another habit says its long overdue
Another habit like an unwanted friend
I'm so happy with my righteous self
Noble no - if done for martyrdom it is foolish and narcissistic.
Yes, if you don't vote you give up your right to have a say in the current policies, at least that is my opinion.
When was the last time you had an active debate with someone?
You never really had to begin with.
Sometimes it's not the song that makes you emotional it's the people and things that come to your mind when you hear it.