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  • evsgjammevsgjamm Posts: 2,108
    I can read French, and I can speak a moderate amount of French, but I wouldn't classify myself as fluent.

    Have you ever been to a large outdoor pig roast or corn roast?
    Vancouver '03, Paramount Theatre '05, Saskatoon '05, Calgary '05, Edmonton '05, Saskatoon '11, Calgary '11, Calgary '13

    2010 WATCH IT GO TO FIRE!!
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    Pig and goat yes loved it

    Have you ever had a hungi ?
  • evsgjammevsgjamm Posts: 2,108
    Heck no, but I'd sure love to!

    Do you make eye contact with strangers when walking down the sidewalk?
    Vancouver '03, Paramount Theatre '05, Saskatoon '05, Calgary '05, Edmonton '05, Saskatoon '11, Calgary '11, Calgary '13

    2010 WATCH IT GO TO FIRE!!
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    I used to but have been lectured not to do so, so I dont anymore, I used to smile at people at pubs and clubs but my boyfriends lectured me not to do that either so im very disciplined now haha, serious face serious face serious face!

    Are you too friendly ?
  • evsgjammevsgjamm Posts: 2,108
    To each their own.

    I'm much too friendly, yes. It's gotten me into many more GREAT situations than bad situations.

    What was your last Halloween costume you wore?
    Vancouver '03, Paramount Theatre '05, Saskatoon '05, Calgary '05, Edmonton '05, Saskatoon '11, Calgary '11, Calgary '13

    2010 WATCH IT GO TO FIRE!!
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    I dont do halloween, but I cant even recall what my last costume was, but I always wanted to dress up as a squaw or wonder woman or a medieval wench or maybe even a nurse lol

    What was your favorite costume ?
  • evsgjammevsgjamm Posts: 2,108
    My favorite costume was probably when I was maybe 5 years old and my mom made me into a human chunky peanut butter sandwich. Huge slabs of styrofoam, spray painted, and the whole bit. Hilarious.

    Have you ever had a speeding ticket?
    Vancouver '03, Paramount Theatre '05, Saskatoon '05, Calgary '05, Edmonton '05, Saskatoon '11, Calgary '11, Calgary '13

    2010 WATCH IT GO TO FIRE!!
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    edited August 2014
    Oh cute, nice memory of your dear mother :)

    No never, but when I worked for a wrecking yard and took cars over the pits I used to speed in the 350 chev motors but never got caught ;) cant believe I cant drive anymore :(

    sorry forgot a question

    Can you draw well ?
    Post edited by JWPearl on
  • evsgjammevsgjamm Posts: 2,108
    Congrats on the fun you got to have. Cherish the memories forever JW.

    Oh shoot - in the passionate chit chat, we've lost the point of the thread! :ar!
    Vancouver '03, Paramount Theatre '05, Saskatoon '05, Calgary '05, Edmonton '05, Saskatoon '11, Calgary '11, Calgary '13

    2010 WATCH IT GO TO FIRE!!
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    ERM you forgot a question =))
  • evsgjammevsgjamm Posts: 2,108
    I actually can draw pretty well :) Drew a pencil sketch of John Lennon for the gf, and it sits in our bedroom in a beauty frame and I've drawn lots of other artists as well (Kurt, PJ, Blink 182, Moist etc. etc. all my 90's influences)

    Back on the rails again, here we go :) Have you ever ridden on a train?
    Vancouver '03, Paramount Theatre '05, Saskatoon '05, Calgary '05, Edmonton '05, Saskatoon '11, Calgary '11, Calgary '13

    2010 WATCH IT GO TO FIRE!!
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    lol um yes

    Have you ever cantered on a horse in the forrest ?
  • evsgjammevsgjamm Posts: 2,108
    Only in the prairies, not ever in a forrest. Sounds magical.

    What's an example in your life where you did something selfless for someone else?
    Vancouver '03, Paramount Theatre '05, Saskatoon '05, Calgary '05, Edmonton '05, Saskatoon '11, Calgary '11, Calgary '13

    2010 WATCH IT GO TO FIRE!!
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    Whenever I knock on someones door im doing something selfless I believe as im a christian preacher to save lives but im not prepared to discuss that here ;)Alot of people have been ready to kill themselves till we have knocked etc but ive given an old lady a lift home before which in this day and age is pretty risky. But I dont like to generally like to chat about my charity I prefer to keep that personal.

    Whats the worst thing you did as a child in your parents care ?

  • evsgjammevsgjamm Posts: 2,108
    I get it, JW and I appreciate you opening up about that :)>-

    Hmmmmm - probably one thing that sticks out is when me, and three of my cousins took our sling shots and shot rocks into the concession stand (a small building in the baseball diamond where they cooked burgers, sold chips, pop / soda etc.) and made holes in the siding. That got me quite the lickin and I learned a lot from it.

    If you were trapped in a room with your worst enemy for one day, what would you do?
    Vancouver '03, Paramount Theatre '05, Saskatoon '05, Calgary '05, Edmonton '05, Saskatoon '11, Calgary '11, Calgary '13

    2010 WATCH IT GO TO FIRE!!
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    edited August 2014
    Analyse and talk to them to see if they repented from whatever they did to become my enemy to see if they were worthy of my forgiveness or trust so it could be laughter in the end or a big dispute lol

    How many children do you think is a perfect family ?
  • evsgjammevsgjamm Posts: 2,108
    That's a question that actually stumps me. As long as everyone is happy and the family is able to sustain itself, the number is limitless. 780,985,398 children + a parakeet.

    Who is responsible in the situation where a young boy is tricked by his big sister to shoplift (assuming no parental control; this is just between the kids)
    Vancouver '03, Paramount Theatre '05, Saskatoon '05, Calgary '05, Edmonton '05, Saskatoon '11, Calgary '11, Calgary '13

    2010 WATCH IT GO TO FIRE!!
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    Big sister (cant always blame the parents but parent could be at fault because children get ideas from the strangest of places, it used to be tv but now we have the net)

    What are you passionate about ?
  • evsgjammevsgjamm Posts: 2,108
    Meteorites, hunting, fishing, the outdoors, motorcycles, photography, helping others

    What are your favorite card games to play?
    Vancouver '03, Paramount Theatre '05, Saskatoon '05, Calgary '05, Edmonton '05, Saskatoon '11, Calgary '11, Calgary '13

    2010 WATCH IT GO TO FIRE!!
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    I used to play alot of card games as a child but forgotten how to play them now, the only game I can remember and play is solitaire, played many games as a kid and was pretty good like chess and backgammon but ive forgotten my stratergies.

    Can you fillet your own fish you catch ?
  • evsgjammevsgjamm Posts: 2,108
    Yes. It's been a couple or three years since I last went fishing, but I learned how at a very young age and it's kinda 2nd nature to me now.

    What's one thing you want to accomplish before Christmas (shhhhh, I didn't say the "C" word this early in the year...)
    Vancouver '03, Paramount Theatre '05, Saskatoon '05, Calgary '05, Edmonton '05, Saskatoon '11, Calgary '11, Calgary '13

    2010 WATCH IT GO TO FIRE!!
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    Save more money for a trip overseas to see family

    Have you thought about marraige ?
  • evsgjammevsgjamm Posts: 2,108
    I'm always thinking about it. Until I pop the question, I'm thinking about it almost every day.

    Can you foresee visiting your family in the next 365 days?
    Vancouver '03, Paramount Theatre '05, Saskatoon '05, Calgary '05, Edmonton '05, Saskatoon '11, Calgary '11, Calgary '13

    2010 WATCH IT GO TO FIRE!!
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    Yes very possible if not next year the year after, but folks might be selling so may need to do one or the other first.

    Do you get very bored and lonely sometimes...?
  • evsgjammevsgjamm Posts: 2,108
    Not overly. I've got my hands in lots of passions and also online discussion forums about those passions, so when I'm not at work, I'm either outside, around the yard, hangin with friends, my lady, and when I'm ready for downtime, I'm on the forums catchin up with folks around the world, such as yourself (this has been awesome by the way.)

    Will you allow me to eat my chicken tacos for a bit now? :-t
    Vancouver '03, Paramount Theatre '05, Saskatoon '05, Calgary '05, Edmonton '05, Saskatoon '11, Calgary '11, Calgary '13

    2010 WATCH IT GO TO FIRE!!
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    Yes this was awesome, your a good man, enjoy your tacos, I thoroughly enjoyed that ;)

    for the next person
    What was your biggest thrill adrenalin pumpin experience ?

  • evsgjammevsgjamm Posts: 2,108
    Sorry, I can't help myself. I'm full of goodness now and ready for more for the next few mins (I'm almost done working my night shift and my buddy down the hall is going to be taking over soon. And the gf has woken up (I drive 500 miles away for two weeks of work) and I'm going to finish up here and get caught up with her :)

    Biggest thrill - maybe when I was handed full control of a helicopter while we were flying, back in 2006. WOW that was somethin!

    Who are the top 3 people you admire most in your life?

    Vancouver '03, Paramount Theatre '05, Saskatoon '05, Calgary '05, Edmonton '05, Saskatoon '11, Calgary '11, Calgary '13

    2010 WATCH IT GO TO FIRE!!
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    Awesome and scary experience at the same time wow wee

    Lol you ask a christian that lol
    Jesus and my mum and dad,
    Jesus because he came to earth from a living spirit to flesh to be humiliated and put to death with no real conviction to give man release from sin and death, and my parents because they spoilt my future with good things and looked after me well despite our clashes they have given me dreams and satisfaction as a mere peasant and to understand and be compassionate to the lowly and I have my parents to thank for that, otherwise they could have spoilt me from birth and I could have been an ungrateful unsatisfied selfish arrogant sod, but no im not, im pretty humble accept when it comes to defending Gods laws.

    Whats your favorite color on your wife ?

  • evsgjammevsgjamm Posts: 2,108
    I like your answer.

    BLUE! She's got these beautiful blue eyes and whenever I buy things for her, I tend to lean towards the blues a bit more. Wait a tic... we ain't married! She ain't my wife! hahahaha. I'm gonna let ya go with this last one here (and one more on the other thread) as I'm gettin near the end of the shift. I'll see ya around here.

    If you could take one thing with you to the grave and leave one thing behind for others to remember you by, what would those be?
    Vancouver '03, Paramount Theatre '05, Saskatoon '05, Calgary '05, Edmonton '05, Saskatoon '11, Calgary '11, Calgary '13

    2010 WATCH IT GO TO FIRE!!
  • JWPearlJWPearl Posts: 19,893
    and leave one thing behind for others to remember you by (a personality trait left behind in my children for them to see we are kindred blood and part of me lives on at family gatherings)
    If you could take one thing with you to the grave (a bible so I felt safe in sleep)
    Do you have lots of the most wild and wackiest dreams that throw your emotions and moods all over the place!...
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