Ask the Next Poster a Question...



  • 9

    HAVe you ever won a trophy?
    Feel the sky blanket you with gems and rhinestones...
  • DS1119DS1119 Posts: 33,497
    EvieVedder wrote:

    HAVe you ever won a trophy?

    Wrong. It's 27.

    Yes I have won a trophy.

    Were you good in math? :P
  • YLed2YLed2 Posts: 5,534 worst subject when I was in school/

    How was your day today and are you ready for tomorrow?
    Bristow, VA - 5.13.10
    East Troy, WI - 9.3.11
    East Troy, WI - 9.4.11
    Atlanta, GA - 9.22.12
    Las Vegas, NV - 10.31.12 (EV)
    Las Vegas, NV - 11.1.12 (EV)
    Chicago, IL - 7.19.13
    Dallas, TX - 11.15.13
    Oklahoma City, OK - 11.16.13
    Seattle, WA - 12.6.13
    Lincoln, NE - 10.9.14
    Moline, IL - 10.17.14
    St. Paul, MN - 10.19.14
    Milwaukee, WI - 10.20.14
    New York, NY - 5.1.16
    New York, NY - 5.2.16
    Boston, MA - 8.5.16
    Boston, MA - 8.7.16
    Chicago, IL - 8.20.16

  • DS1119DS1119 Posts: 33,497
    Today was ehh and tomorrow is going to suck.

    Do you think it would be a good idea to make tires in other colors than black?
  • Aww, shit. Spelling was my forte.

    Tires should be lime green.

    Do you think it's hot when girls wear aprons?
    Feel the sky blanket you with gems and rhinestones...
  • DS1119DS1119 Posts: 33,497
    Actually yes I do. One of my favorite pictures has a girl in an apron in it.

    Have you ever been in an accident where the airbags went off?
  • No. Only accident I ever got into was when I hit a parked car in a Home Depot parking lot.

    Ever been to lake michigan?
    Feel the sky blanket you with gems and rhinestones...
  • DS1119DS1119 Posts: 33,497
    I have not but I have been to Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.

    Do you put your feet up on the coffee table when you're watching tv?
  • 8181 Posts: 58,276
    81 is now off the air

  • Why yes, I can read invisible questions!

    Would you rather vacation in Alaska or Hawaii?
    "Sun sets on this ocean- never once on my devotion."

    "If I had this guy's voice, you could all kiss my ass."
  • loolooloo wrote:
    Why yes, I can read invisible questions!

    Would you rather vacation in Alaska or Hawaii?

    Hawaii, definitely.

    Over or under...11 songs on the new PJ album

    If You Like Crunchy Guitar Riffs, Powerful Vocals, Melodic Guitar Solos, And Meaningful Lyrics..then you need to check out one of the most refreshing new hard rock bands in quite some time...-->The Liberty Underground<--
  • Over...

    Do you constantly have the feeling of impending doom?
    "...And I fight back in my mind. Never lets me be right.
    I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
  • kellanazziekellanazzie Posts: 1,484
    Not constantly, was on a plane once when it happened & when we landed in Seattle, a plane had
    crashed into the everglades in Florida, exact same take-off time...freaked me out

    Ever get deja-vu?
  • afroannnieafroannnie Posts: 12,995

    What do you think causes that?
    Show #13 was a lucky one for me....
  • RKCNDYRKCNDY Posts: 31,013
    a trick that the mind plays on you...

    Are you sick of all the political promoting?
    The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.

    - Christopher McCandless
  • paysonitespaysonites Posts: 1,150
    Evil politician mind tricks. Yes

    Have you ever been caught watching Pearl Jam on You Tube when you were at work?
    John and Shawna
  • RKCNDYRKCNDY Posts: 31,013
    last time I worked at a place that had internet access...there was no YouTube... :shock:

    Does it amaze you how fast technology advances?
    The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.

    - Christopher McCandless
  • makes me wonder if they are really just holding back.

    can you tell me why life has to be so difficult?
    "...And I fight back in my mind. Never lets me be right.
    I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
  • paysonitespaysonites Posts: 1,150
    So fast that "The times aren't able to keep up with the times"

    Do you think that the government is hiding information on meds that could cure certain diseases' or passing on expensive ideas that could help in preventing further damage from the green house effect?
    John and Shawna
  • RKCNDYRKCNDY Posts: 31,013
    paysonites wrote:

    Do you think that the government is hiding information on meds that could cure certain diseases' or passing on expensive ideas that could help in preventing further damage from the green house effect?

    yes...being a previous pharmaceutical inventory manager, it amazed me that drug companies would stop making a generic drug (which works perfectly fine) because they were so damn greedy, they wanted to push newer more expensive drugs. Then the generics are then made overseas, and those places don't have the same standards as the US, and drugs would constantly get recalled due to 'instability' or whatnot.

    Should I get off the soapbox now? :oops:
    The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.

    - Christopher McCandless
  • paysonitespaysonites Posts: 1,150
    No, because you win the brightest answer of the day :D .

    Could/would you ever take the time to make a stand on something so important like the answer previously stated by RKCNDY in order to change a corrupted society? Or do you believe their is only power in numbers?
    John and Shawna
  • I think a little bit of both...starts with one...then there are power in numbers as one more joins
    "the bandwagon" per se.

    Do think they have actually found the cure for cancers/aids and are actually withholding for the mere greed of it all?
    "...And I fight back in my mind. Never lets me be right.
    I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
  • paysonitespaysonites Posts: 1,150
    Yes, I believe the revenue made through the taxes on pharmaceuticals alone help to support our government spending. Eddie says it best. G..R..E..E..D

    What do you think?
    John and Shawna
  • afroannnieafroannnie Posts: 12,995
    I think that we would be further in many scientific advancements if the government, politics and greed did not get in the way. For instance, AIDS in particular was basically ignored by the government when it was first came to light because it was considered a disease caused by a certain "lifestyle" terrible :( Also, advancements are impeded by limitations often enforced by government funding (stem cell research is one in particular). Unfortunately, we will never "cure" every single form of cancer, the number of mutations in molecular pathways that lead to various cancers is essentially limitless and we keep discovering new mutations every day. I do think the best we can do in regards to reduce the number of deaths from cancer is linked to prevention and progress in treatments. Unfortunately, many people do not have access to preventive screenings that could catch cancers like cervical and colon in the very early stages...I could keep going, but you get the idea.

    What particular issue are you passionate about?
    Show #13 was a lucky one for me....
  • Reproductive rights.

    What do you think of the current contraceptives issue?
    "I am you, somehow."
  • afroannnieafroannnie Posts: 12,995
    I swear sometimes it feels like we're going backwards in time when comes to issues like this... :? :x

    Do you enjoy watching documentaries?
    Show #13 was a lucky one for me....
  • HeisenbergHeisenberg Posts: 4,957
    Yes M'am

    what was the last documentary you watched?
  • afroannnieafroannnie Posts: 12,995
    Hmm...I'm not positive, but it may have been "8: The Mormon Proposition"...

    Have you seen it?
    Show #13 was a lucky one for me....
  • HeisenbergHeisenberg Posts: 4,957
    No I tend to stay away from religious related docs because they typically irritate me.

    Do you own any underwear that helps you fend off evil? :D
  • afroannnieafroannnie Posts: 12,995
    :lol::lol: Just my wonder woman underoos! ;)

    Did you have underoos?
    Show #13 was a lucky one for me....
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