(electrix...yes it is...we sent my mother in law a 'Wal-Mart Bingo Card' and now she sends us funny pictures of people at walmart...)
Store you hate going into? (wal mart is a given already... )
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
"Makes much more sense to live in the present tense"
Mansfield 08 1
Boston 2010
Montreal 2011
EV Prov 11
Worcester 1 13
Worcester 2 13
Hartford 13 Boston 16 - 1 Boston 16 - 2 Boston 18 - 1 Boston 18 -2 MSG 24 - 1 Boston 24 -1 Boston 24 -2
Not really, i don't like to/haven't got enough money haha
most expensive things i get are from Topshop , and that's a treat for me ahaha
i just don't care about clothes that much to be honest
I used to take lessons when i was little but im very serious with it now for about 4 months and now playing in my fathers band. i have also been playing guitar for 5 years
Do you play any instruments?
"Makes much more sense to live in the present tense"
Mansfield 08 1
Boston 2010
Montreal 2011
EV Prov 11
Worcester 1 13
Worcester 2 13
Hartford 13 Boston 16 - 1 Boston 16 - 2 Boston 18 - 1 Boston 18 -2 MSG 24 - 1 Boston 24 -1 Boston 24 -2
i used to play the recorder and the clarinet - gave them up because they were stupid
now i play guitar, have been for 2 ish years, love it, favourite thing in the world
but i also wanna learn how to play the drums, we have a drum kit at home when my sister wanted to learn, but she never did
i keep bugging my parents for lessons, so hopefully next year
last question before i go to sleep :
what was your last dream about? if you can remember
if not, what do you do before you go to sleep?
I think it was about being in my grandmother's house. She had a fabulous house, right on the harbor. But when she died, it was regretfully beyond our means and it was sold out of the family. Breaks my heart every time I think of it, I really loved that house. Anyway, I dreamed something about being in it again, but knowing I'd have to leave. And something about a toilet overflowing?!? Weird.
Before I go to bed I will do some reading. "This All Encompassing Trip" arrived today, so I hope it triggers dreams of Pearl Jam.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
I saw it a couple of weeks ago. I thought it was fantastic. There were so many different ways you could have interpreted the movie in general, as well as the ending.
... and BooBoo ... I got a pair of silver earrings one year (cost $15 max) ... that are one of my favourite pieces of jewellery and I get comments from people whenever I wear them ... us women are easily pleased
So what should BooBoo and BD get for their wives??
So are we strangers now? Like rock and roll and the radio?
It may be late for delivery but I use http://www.folksy.com (UK so no use to you!) for unique nice handcrafted and often reasonably priced items ... I think the US equivalent is http://www.etsy.com
You could make a fun voucher book for her. Vouchers she can cash in whenever she wants (have dinner cooked for her, to be taken to the movies etc, etc ...) cheap and fun ... and shows you know the kind of things she would enjoy
Any more ideas?
So are we strangers now? Like rock and roll and the radio?
(electrix...yes it is...we sent my mother in law a 'Wal-Mart Bingo Card' and now she sends us funny pictures of people at walmart...)
Store you hate going into? (wal mart is a given already...
- Christopher McCandless
we don't have walmart here in the UK
but i hate going to big warehouse type shops like Makro
too many things all in bulk, just freaks me out
your favourite shop to buy clothes?
Do you buy expensive cloths?
Mansfield 08 1
Boston 2010
Montreal 2011
EV Prov 11
Worcester 1 13
Worcester 2 13
Hartford 13
Boston 16 - 1
Boston 16 - 2
Boston 18 - 1
Boston 18 -2
MSG 24 - 1
Boston 24 -1
Boston 24 -2
most expensive things i get are from Topshop , and that's a treat for me ahaha
i just don't care about clothes that much to be honest
how long have you been playing drums for?
Do you play any instruments?
Mansfield 08 1
Boston 2010
Montreal 2011
EV Prov 11
Worcester 1 13
Worcester 2 13
Hartford 13
Boston 16 - 1
Boston 16 - 2
Boston 18 - 1
Boston 18 -2
MSG 24 - 1
Boston 24 -1
Boston 24 -2
now i play guitar, have been for 2 ish years, love it, favourite thing in the world
but i also wanna learn how to play the drums, we have a drum kit at home when my sister wanted to learn, but she never did
i keep bugging my parents for lessons, so hopefully next year
last question before i go to sleep :
what was your last dream about? if you can remember
if not, what do you do before you go to sleep?
Before I go to bed I will do some reading. "This All Encompassing Trip" arrived today, so I hope it triggers dreams of Pearl Jam.
Do you have a bedtime routine?
what was the last thing you bought yourself?
favorite pie?
- Christopher McCandless
what is your last thought last night before falling asleep (well, what you remember anyway)
Did you see that movie?
What did you think the ending meant?
Shopping done?
still have some gifts for the wife to buy...
any ideas?
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
What's her hobbies?
How about a meeting with all the NJ housewives? We can leave at a moments notice
and be there in 4.5 hours...Hows that sound??
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
What do you want for xmas?
That new Samsung Tablet looks very cool...
What about you? Do you only celebrate the festival of lights?
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
Oooh a tablet would be cool
So next week is our anniversary and the week after is her birthday... Will I need a loan? :shock:
... and BooBoo ... I got a pair of silver earrings one year (cost $15 max) ... that are one of my favourite pieces of jewellery and I get comments from people whenever I wear them ... us women are easily pleased
So what should BooBoo and BD get for their wives??
What do you think they'll actually get?
Yes some nice but inexpensive (not that she isn't worth it...)gifts ideas would be great..
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
You could make a fun voucher book for her. Vouchers she can cash in whenever she wants (have dinner cooked for her, to be taken to the movies etc, etc ...) cheap and fun ... and shows you know the kind of things she would enjoy
Any more ideas?
whats the best xmas single
<img src="http://i740.photobucket.com/albums/xx46/tremors25/thrillafixterorange.gif" align="left">
<img src="http://i740.photobucket.com/albums/xx46/tremors25/thrillafixterblack.gif" align="left">
<img src="http://i740.photobucket.com/albums/xx46/tremors25/thrillafixterwhite.gif" align="left
<img src="http://i740.photobucket.com/albums/xx46/tremors25/thefixerthrilla1.gif" align="left">
anything from 10c unless ordered...
Is that normal for a membership?
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
For holiday gift ideas, do you tend to find interesting things in bookstores?
Sometimes I do but shes not much of a reader...
Have you forgiven your husband yet?
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."
do you havea ipad
<img src="http://i740.photobucket.com/albums/xx46/tremors25/thrillafixterorange.gif" align="left">
<img src="http://i740.photobucket.com/albums/xx46/tremors25/thrillafixterblack.gif" align="left">
<img src="http://i740.photobucket.com/albums/xx46/tremors25/thrillafixterwhite.gif" align="left
<img src="http://i740.photobucket.com/albums/xx46/tremors25/thefixerthrilla1.gif" align="left">
looking at a Samsung TV (christmas pres from mom inaw)
i think Unlost has a couple ..right?
I got memories. I got shit so much it don't show."