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  • voidofmanvoidofman Posts: 4,009
    edited January 2011
    Not sure this is all entirely true but my dad said that our last name is the one used in an archipelago in Japan. Which was a misprint of the first letter on someone's part, Nonin, the real name supposedly means Void Of Man, because nobody lives on those islands. Our last name is French. :lol:

    Start out simple when you write, that's what I did, a few words on what I was thinking and it turned into longer sentences / questions, etc. Why not try it later?
    Post edited by voidofman on
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993
    I'd be going back to the age of 3, so this would be mind after a few minutes :crazy: :lol:

    Don't you find that sometimes when you write, your thoughts start racing?

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • voidofmanvoidofman Posts: 4,009
    Most of the time I try to search for what would work, my thoughts wonder way too much and I change subjects easily.

    Have to start somewhere. :lol:

    What's your favorite book?
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993
    This one goes back a bit, but I still love it: Shell Seekers by Rosamunde Pincher :D

    What's your favorite book?

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • voidofmanvoidofman Posts: 4,009
    The Bhagavad Gita.

    What is your book about?
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993
    It's a beautiful love story, and I still sometimes find myself thinking about the characters in the book. It leaves you feeling like you know them personally...

    What is yours about?

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • voidofmanvoidofman Posts: 4,009
    A long poem that is part of a longer story, The Mahabarata, about a war between two East Indian families. Gita is about Arjuna not wanting to fight and Krishna explaining how he has to fight then goes into a long story about how he is an incarnation of God and explains his nature, even describing his universal form.

    I found a copy of the book you mentioned on google books, I'll give it a read sometime. (Edit, just noticed it only has the first 211 of 500+ pages, library trip me thinks)

    Why aren't you in bed yet?! :lol:
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993
    I gave up on going to bed, it's already 4:00 :lol:

    Why aren't you in bed? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm :eh:

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • voidofmanvoidofman Posts: 4,009
    Same reason. 4am, not tired. :lol:

    Have work in the morning?
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993
    nope :shh:

    Any plans for today? :mrgreen:

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • voidofmanvoidofman Posts: 4,009
    Play video games with the wife. As I like to say, "the family that games together, stays together." :lol:

    Nothing like a lazy Sunday.

    Do you like your job?
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993
    I'm currently out of work :(

    What kind of games do you and your wife play? :think: :lol:

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • voidofmanvoidofman Posts: 4,009
    At the moment Heavy Rain, we usually play Red Dead Redemption with friends online. Great open ended Western style game like Grand Theft Auto.

    Edit: oh i got the underlying question there. :lol: No comment. :D

    Plan on getting another job / going to school?
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993
    definitely, not sure exactly what I want to do though, was in the medical field for a long time... :roll:

    Are you going to have some breakfast before turning in? :mrgreen:

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • voidofmanvoidofman Posts: 4,009
    Nope, can't eat before going to bed, heartburn gets wicked. I think I have a problem with my esophagus where the acids leak out. I did find recently though that eating an orange really stills that problem.

    Did you like your job?

    edit: make the next question open ended so anyone can answer it. I probably won't be here. :lol:
  • PearlOfAGirlPearlOfAGirl Posts: 15,993
    you're still here :lol:

    How many hours of sleep do you usually get?

    Wish you were here...

    ~RIP Dad
  • jmurrayjmurray Stratham, NH Posts: 3,538
    6 or 7 hours

    How much sleep do you generally get?
  • anywhere between 5-7 hours

    what do you do before you go to sleep? read? listen to music? watch tv?
  • Maths problems in my head to send me to sleep!

    If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to hear it, does it make a sound?
    we're all going to the same place...
  • Not to a deaf man...

    What usually hurts you the most the day after seeing a concert?
  • dottlesdottles Posts: 9,184
    Not to a deaf man...

    What usually hurts you the most the day after seeing a concert?
    It depends on who I've seen but I guess my back or my throat :lol::lol:

    Do you have snow?
    2009 - Manchester. 2010 - Dublin, Belfast, London, Berlin, Arras, Werchter. 2011 - PJ20 i & ii, Montreal, Toronto i & ii, Ottawa, Hamilton. 
    2012 - Manchester i & ii, Berlin i & ii, Stockholm. 2014 - Amsterdam i & ii, Trieste, Vienna, Berlin, Leeds, Milton Keynes.
    2016 - Boston Fenway i & ii, 2018 - Amsterdam i & ii, Pinkpop, London i & ii, Padova, Krakow, Barcelona, Seattle i & ii. 
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    Yes, and it's so cold my washing machine has frozen :(

    Have you had to go out in the cold today??
  • yea :evil:

    Is it suppose to snow were you live tonight?
    "Makes much more sense to live in the present tense"

    Mansfield 08 1
    Boston 2010
    Montreal 2011
    EV Prov 11
    Worcester 1 13
    Worcester 2 13
    Hartford 13
    Boston 16 - 1
    Boston 16 - 2
    Boston 18 - 1
    Boston 18 -2 
    MSG 24 - 1
    Boston 24 -1
    Boston 24 -2 
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    Not sure, what snow there is freezing like crazy though.

    How do you de-frost a washing machine?
  • I dont know :?

    How the hell can that even happen?
    "Makes much more sense to live in the present tense"

    Mansfield 08 1
    Boston 2010
    Montreal 2011
    EV Prov 11
    Worcester 1 13
    Worcester 2 13
    Hartford 13
    Boston 16 - 1
    Boston 16 - 2
    Boston 18 - 1
    Boston 18 -2 
    MSG 24 - 1
    Boston 24 -1
    Boston 24 -2 
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    It's in a little stone shed joining on to the back of the house, when I took the clean washing out it had ice on it and now it won't go again because the pipes are frozen :(

    Have you had a good day?
  • Not really too much coughing

    Whats new pussy cat?
  • ClaireackClaireack Posts: 13,561
    Wooooo oooooo oooooo (that was meant to be a Tom Jones impersonation) :oops:

    Not much really, bloody freezing, no clean work clothes due to washing machine (see above).

    Can you come round, collect my washing, wash it, dry it, iron it and bring it back by 9.00pm? (please)
  • I can try my best!!!

    Do you drink hot chocolate?
    "Makes much more sense to live in the present tense"

    Mansfield 08 1
    Boston 2010
    Montreal 2011
    EV Prov 11
    Worcester 1 13
    Worcester 2 13
    Hartford 13
    Boston 16 - 1
    Boston 16 - 2
    Boston 18 - 1
    Boston 18 -2 
    MSG 24 - 1
    Boston 24 -1
    Boston 24 -2 
  • Not often but I do have and steal a little of theirs :mrgreen:

    Do you put marshmallows in it?
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