My friend's grading of all nine albums

I am posting this because I think it is spot on...
Ten (1991) = A+ (honestly one of the greatest overall albums I have ever listened to. Still can remember when I started listening to it…and I still listen to this regularly from start to finish).
Vs. (1993) = A (just an incredible second CD from them when a lot of haters where waiting for them to have a dud for their second album. Maybe one song on the whole album that I could care less about – all GREAT).
Vitalogy (1994) = A (“Spin the Black Circle”, “Immortality”, “Not for You”, “Corduroy”, “Betterman” … need I say more?
No Code (1996) = A- (great album…songs like “Hail, Hail” and “Off He Goes” are two of my favorites of all time. Songs like “Who You Are”, “Mosquito” and “Lukin” are great too).
Yield (1998) = A (Tremendous album that gets little respect from idiots. “Given to Fly”, “Wishlist”, “Do the Evolution”, “All those Yesterdays”, “Push Me Pull Me”… I can add more, but it’s such a great album.
Binaural (2000) = B+ (This album came out a few days after I graduated from college – I was eagerly anticipating it and it was good, but not great. I love songs like “Insignificance”, “Nothing As it Seems” and “Evacuation” but on a whole…it’s not as good as what they did before.
Riot Act (2002) = B (Again, it’s an album that I like but doesn’t compare with some of the stuff from the 90s. You know what I feel about “I Am Mine” but the entire album is decent in my opinion and there are a few songs that I actually skip when listening).
Pearl Jam (2006) = A (It’s such a great album from start to finish. It made me remember why I loved this band so much. Too many favorites to add.)
Backspacer (2009) = A- (I truly like this album. Songs like “The Fixer”, “Just Breathe, and “Got Some” are great. I can’t wait to hear some of them in concert (twice in 24 days!).
Ten (1991) = A+ (honestly one of the greatest overall albums I have ever listened to. Still can remember when I started listening to it…and I still listen to this regularly from start to finish).
Vs. (1993) = A (just an incredible second CD from them when a lot of haters where waiting for them to have a dud for their second album. Maybe one song on the whole album that I could care less about – all GREAT).
Vitalogy (1994) = A (“Spin the Black Circle”, “Immortality”, “Not for You”, “Corduroy”, “Betterman” … need I say more?
No Code (1996) = A- (great album…songs like “Hail, Hail” and “Off He Goes” are two of my favorites of all time. Songs like “Who You Are”, “Mosquito” and “Lukin” are great too).
Yield (1998) = A (Tremendous album that gets little respect from idiots. “Given to Fly”, “Wishlist”, “Do the Evolution”, “All those Yesterdays”, “Push Me Pull Me”… I can add more, but it’s such a great album.
Binaural (2000) = B+ (This album came out a few days after I graduated from college – I was eagerly anticipating it and it was good, but not great. I love songs like “Insignificance”, “Nothing As it Seems” and “Evacuation” but on a whole…it’s not as good as what they did before.
Riot Act (2002) = B (Again, it’s an album that I like but doesn’t compare with some of the stuff from the 90s. You know what I feel about “I Am Mine” but the entire album is decent in my opinion and there are a few songs that I actually skip when listening).
Pearl Jam (2006) = A (It’s such a great album from start to finish. It made me remember why I loved this band so much. Too many favorites to add.)
Backspacer (2009) = A- (I truly like this album. Songs like “The Fixer”, “Just Breathe, and “Got Some” are great. I can’t wait to hear some of them in concert (twice in 24 days!).
"Goddamn Romans. Sure know how to make a ... drum room." --Matt Cameron
Post edited by Unknown User on
Nope. He was already out of college by then.
Ten: A
Vs: A+
Vitalogy: A+
No Code: A+
Yield: A
Binaural: B+
Riot Act: F
Lost Dogs: A+
s/t: C+
Backspacer: B+
I'd go with:
Ten: B+
Vs: A
Vitalogy A+
No Code: A+
Yield: A+
Binaural: A-
Riot Act: C
Lost Dogs: A+
S/T: D-
Backspacer: B+
"I know I was born and I know that I'll die, the in between is mine..."
no code
I'd be an easy teacher...
Ten - A- : Got me into PJ, but seems a little dated now. Started as an A.
Vs - A : Great effing album, even with time. The end.
Vitalogy - A+ : Hated this at first. Started as a D. Gave up on PJ. Now it's my all time fave, even with the "filler"
No Code - A- : Started out much lower, in the B- range, but I came around.
Yield - A+ : The album that got me back in to PJ (I heard this before No Code). Their "best" if not my favorite.
Binaural - B- : Very disappointing after my new-found love for PJ. Some great songs, but too many I find forgettable.
Riot Act - C+ : Ed just sounds weak on this album, and it's too "message-y" for me. Stop preaching.
Avocado - B : Starting to come back, but I could never get into it. I love the take off at the beginning (although WWS never did it for me), but the back half seems mostly forgettable to me.
Backspacer - A : I haven't been this excited about a PJ album since Yield. I'd give it an A+ but it's still early and I don't want to be *too* excited.
Vs = A
Vitalogy = B-
(Merkinball - Extra Credit Assignment) CR
No Code = A-
Yield = A+
Binaural = B+
Riot Act = B-
(Lost Dogs - Extra Credit Assignment) CR
Pearl Jam = B-
Backspacer = A+ (so far)
Pearl Jam should get into Stanford with those grades, along with all the extracurricular activities.
ten - 95
vs. - 96
vitalogy - 97
no code - 100
yield - 85
binural - 80
riot act - 89
lost dogs - 90
pearl jam - 70
backspacer - 72
into the wild - 83.....100 for execution
I guess ya could say Tremor Christ, Whipping and Satan's Bed too.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Ten C: I may be slaughtered for saying so, but I don't hear this album as the definitive Pearl Jam. In early promo material for its [then] upcoming release, Stone said that it was a work that showed the band in its infancy, and it's apparent. Although I've always enjoyed it, and it spurred me to wait in line for a midnight sale on release day for Vs., this is not the intricate music that Pearl Jam became hailed for. On a side note, the remixed material from this album does reveal an agelessness that is lost in the original's still more I-don't-know-what than I like....
Vs. A: I still believe that this is the epitome of Pearl Jam. Although the more recent releases may have a solidified style and sound, their sophomore release boasts the sheer virtuosity of the band. Perhaps it's because Ed stayed off guitar, for the most part? Perhaps it was Dave's superior, jazz-infused drumming. Perhaps it was the magic of the time. This album delivered on all fronts, and remains, to me, their strongest release.
Vitalogy AB: If it weren't for some of the filler material, this would have been an 'A.' I needn't go into what the filler material is, but songs such as "Tremor Christ" and "Satan's Bed" provided such a diverse flavor in top 40 acts at the time (which Pearl Jam, at the time, was). Obviously, this gave us "Betterman," "Immortality," "Corduroy" and other such masterpieces. Without the final track and "Pry, to," this could easily be my favorite album.
No Code B: Diverse, diverse, diverse... Truly great work from beginning to end, but it's a hard listen in one sitting. When I make PJ mixes, most of No Code ends up being on them. But, like I already said, the album as a whole is bit jarring...
Yield AB: Perfection. Beginning to end (except maybe "Push Me, Pull Me")
Binarual C: A great effort. Beautiful music. It just didn't grab and shake me. I remember watching "Grievance" on Letterman, the week before the album came out and being ecstatic for the album...although I wasn't 'let down' per se, it didn't hit as hard as I thought it would. I believe "Nothing As It Seems" was the lead single, and I found it to be a bit long and bit more introspective than it was interesting. Looking back, I liked this album less in 2000 than I do now. As a grown man, I love it more than I did at 16.
Riot Act A: This LP was interesting, edgy, diverse, fluid, and thought-provoking. It is one of the few PJ albums where I don't skip tracks. "Love Boat Captain" makes me cry, "You Are" inspires me to write was a breath of fresh air at the time, and a VERY welcomed departure from the previous album, which, to me, felt a little too sunny (musically speaking) and stale.
Pearl Jam BC: Don't get me wrong, it's great. "Gone" and "Parachutes" are two of my favorite PJ songs of all time. This is a casual listener's dream as every track is of average length, appropriate tempo, etc. The deluxe packaging was nice, the artwork was brilliant, and the production was very good. Something, though, felt very didn't feel right to me, and it still doesn't. Color me crazy...but whatever...
Backspacer AB: I was completely disappointed (there, I said it) upon first listen. 'Pop' was all that came to mind, especially after having lived with the fixer 45 for the couple of weeks leading up to the release. My twitter status even read something about how I felt like this was a lost Who record. After the third listen, though, this became my audio-crack. I can't get enough of it. This was exactly how Riot Act was for me. Something feels right with this release...something feels like home...
Ten: A - Brilliant album with some of the best vocals you will ever hear. The emotion in Ed's singing is very strong.
Fave song: Black (of course)
Vs: A+ My favourite PJ album...brings back memories of when PJ ruled the world.
Fave song: Elderly Woman or Leash
Vitalogy: A Another great album with some awesome songs.
Fave song: Nothingman
No Code: B+ Didn't quite hit me like the previous 3 but still has some classic PJ songs
Fave song: Off he Goes
Yield: B+ Another great album
Fave song: In Hiding
Binaural: C+ Not sure why so many people rate this so highly as I am not the biggest fan. Had some good songs but others bore me.
Fave song: Breakerfall
Riot Act: B- Again has some great songs but too much filler
Fave Song: Save You
Avocado: A- Took a while to grow on me (especially the 2nd half of the album) but really like this one now.
Fave Song: Marker in the Sand
Backspacer: A- Didn't like it much at first but now get most of the songs stuck in my head.
Fave Song: Just Breathe (Force of Nature is getting closer every day...great chorus)
Ten: A. one of the greatest albums ever made, by ANY band out there... EVER.. PERIOD
Favorite song: Black (of course)
VS.: A- Its TEN without "Black"... but it's still one hell of an album...
Favorite song: RVM
Vitology: B+ Some fantastic songs, too many fillers (not including aye davanita), the worst peal jam song (which gives me the creeps)... as a whole, a great album.
Favorite song: Immortality
No Code: A+ Masterpiece, Magnus Opus, the Apex... I can continue... In My Tree, Present Tense, Off He Goes... its an endless list, but you get my point.
Favorite song: In My Tree
Yield: B Compared to non-Pearl Jam albums, this has insane quality, and it ranks waaaaay up there... but look at the list above you... it still gets a B... Red Dot is another cringer, and there are few top 20 songs from yield (only Given to Fly)
Favorite song: Given to Fly
Binaural: B- Evacuation and Rival are forgettable... only "Light Years" and "Of the Girl" save this album of a C
Favorite song: Light Years
Riot Act: B- Also has a good/ok/so-so/great combination of songs
Favorite song: All or None
Self Titled: B
Favorite song: Severed Hand
Backspacer: B+ Still too early to give it an A... probably wont get there... but it has a couple of true gems: just breathe and unknown thought
Favorite song: Just Breathe
D.C. '00
West Palm Beach '03
Tampa '03
Philadelphia '03
Albany '03
Mexico City 1,2,3 '03
Pittsburgh '06
Cincinnati '06
NYC 2 '10
Costa Rica '11
Mexico City '15
Dana Point '21
Chicago 2 '24
Fave song: Alive (of course)
Vs: B- uneven, but with many great songs.
Fave song: RVM=pure fucking rock.
Vitalogy: A Probably the definitive and most solid album
Fave song: Not For You (the ultimate anger song)
No Code: A+ By all rights, probably shouldnt work as well as it does. but it fits me perfectly
Fave song: In My Tree
Yield: B+ All over the place, but works more than it doesnt.
Fave song: Push Me Pull Me (dont know why)
Binaural: C+ All over the place, but doesnt work as well as Yield.
Fave song: Parting Ways
Riot Act: C- Too long for a rather downtrodden album. great live, but i dont like the album cuts. a few duds.
Fave Song: You Are
Avocado: FIRST HALF: B would make a pretty solid rock EP
SECOND HALF: F+ i hate everything except Wasted Reprise (not saying much)
Fave song: Severed Hand
Backspacer: B- solid little album. a couple of greats, and mostly ok songs. very consistent.
Fave Song: Just Breathe (or maybe Johnny Guitar)
Ten: "Porch"
Vs: "Rats"
Vitalogy: "Tremor Christ"
No Code: "In My Tree"
Yield: "In Hiding"
Binaural: "Grievance"
Riot Act: "Love Boat Captain"
Pearl Jam: "Gone"
Backspacer: "Got Some"
I just realized, this is only my second post after being on the board for 10.5 flies....
Ten: A "Alive"
Vs: A "Rats"
Vitalogy A+ "Not For You"
No Code: A- "Present Tense"
Yield: A++ "Do The Evolution"
Binaural: A- "Nothing As It Seems"
Riot Act: B+ "You Are"
Lost Dogs: B+ "Alone"
S/T: A "Life Wasted"
Backspacer: A- "Got Some"
Vs: RVM :twisted:
Vitalogy: Corduroy
No Code: Present Tense
Yield: In Hiding
Binaural: Light Years
Riot Act:Thumbing My Way :?
Pearl Jam: Come Back
Backspacer: Unthought Known
Bit of fun.
Vs: A+ (best balls-out rocker for PJ - see my signature)
Vitalogy: B+ (annoying filler offsets greatness of Immortality)
No Code: A- (kind of fades at the end; Off He Goes is just gorgeous)
Yield: A (awesome top to bottom; Faithfull is one of my favorites)
Binaural: B (slow start, but picks up steam; Of the Girl is really underrated)
Riot Act: C (sounds like Eddie has a perpetual hangover on this one; Help Help - what was that?)
Avocado: A- (great "Come Back" album)
Backspacer: A- (Force of Nature has finally grown on me (took a whole week))
That's a 3.48 GPA.
Extra credit:
Merkin Ball: A+
Mirror Ball: A-
Lost Dogs: A- (this is kind of all over the place, but tons of great stuff; love 4/20/02, but why'd they hide it?)
Into the Wild: A
Phila, PA 4/28/16; Phila, PA 4/29/16; Fenway Park 8/7/16; Fenway Park 9/2/18; Asbury Park 9/18/21; Camden 9/14/22;
Las Vegas 5/16/24; Las Vegas 5/18/24; Phila, PA 9/7/24; Phila, PA 9/9/24; Baltimore Arena 9/12/24
Tres Mtns - TLA 3/23/11; EV - Tower Theatre 6/25/11; Temple of the Dog - Tower Theatre 11/5/16
Vs - A
Vitaolgy - A
No Code - B+
Yield - B
Binaural - D+
Riot Act - C
Pearl Jam - C+
Backspacer - B
Vitalogy A+
No Code A-
Yield A
Binaural B
Riot Act A-
Pearl Jam B-
Backspacer A
Here's my "untrustworthy" card:
Ten A+
Vs A+
Vitalogy B-
No Code A
Yield A
Binaural B
Riot Act B+
Avocado A-
Backspacer A-
vs: A
vitalogy: A
no code: A+++
yield: A++
binaural: A+
riot act: B
pearl jam: A-
backspacer: A-
Vs A
Vitology A-
No Code B-
Yield A+
Binaural A++
Riot Act A-
S/T B+
Backspacer ....... still waiting for my official copy .... but a tentative B+/A-