Ron Paul on The Daily Show ... r_embedded
I probably will have to replace that link later, as Viacom will certainly have it pulled from youtube-- but here it is for anyone who missed it last night.
Jon Stewart asks some good questions, Paul gives some good answers despite the shortness of the interview. I'm only 3 chapters into the book (END THE FED), and it is a great read so far.
I probably will have to replace that link later, as Viacom will certainly have it pulled from youtube-- but here it is for anyone who missed it last night.
Jon Stewart asks some good questions, Paul gives some good answers despite the shortness of the interview. I'm only 3 chapters into the book (END THE FED), and it is a great read so far.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I know I should trust Ron Paul more but the last comment Jon Stewart said about how he has survived in government for 30+ years makes me wonder a bit about him I guess.
I'm just really having trouble trusting anyone who wants to be President anymore
Well for one thing, he did take a break in the middle of that 30 years to go back to practicing medicine for a while. However, I think he does come with a sincere and consistent message, and it is possible to elect more people like him. Besides, he is a Republican in Texas, which in most areas has an advantage over being a democrat, and once you're in, you usually can stay in pretty easily-- after all, a lot of people vote for the incumbant because "The devil you know, might be better than the devil you don't know."
This video right here is everything you're talking about, and it's quite possible you've never seen it... It aired live once during the Republican Debates and was edited out of all the replays of that debate. It's Paul defending his consistent platform, that is actually about as Original Gangsta Republican as you can be-- true conservative, small government, limited as called for in the Constitution. He calls out the borrowing, the war in Iraq, interventionism, and goes on to show that REAL Republicans don't stand for this stuff, as it's all big government too. He stutters here and there-- he's not young, but he makes unbelievable sense. The crowd responds nicely to him. He wins the text message poll afterwards. It just goes to show that despite him being the most TRUE Republican out there, it's clearly what the party had decided against. And of course, it was edited out, just in case more people get these ideas that being a bit more socially "liberal" and fiscally "conservative" while calling yourself a Republican is a good idea.
I'll say, the more you listen or read what he has to say, the more sense he makes. I always tell people to check him out, because even if you disagree with him, you really can't take away anything from his character or his consistency.
You see nothing positive about this man and what he's trying to accomplish?
I would say that the pimple is actually growing in size the longer its there