Austin City Limits Music Festival webcast
Now that 'Backspacer' has been released, maybe the band will allow for a webcast of Sunday night's festival closing performance (ala Lollapalooza 2007, sans censorship).
C3 has partnered with iClips Network and bands will be streamed here:
These are the same folks responsible for this year's censorship-free Lollapalooza webcast, which had it's share of highlights (and low lights-like major technical difficulties that ruined several band's sets). When they got it right though, the quality of the audio and video far surpassed anything AT&T's ever done.
I'm thinking we'll get to see them Sunday night. I'm pleading for it actually.
C3 has partnered with iClips Network and bands will be streamed here:
These are the same folks responsible for this year's censorship-free Lollapalooza webcast, which had it's share of highlights (and low lights-like major technical difficulties that ruined several band's sets). When they got it right though, the quality of the audio and video far surpassed anything AT&T's ever done.
I'm thinking we'll get to see them Sunday night. I'm pleading for it actually.

Indy 2010, Indy 2003, Champaign 2003, Cincy 2000, Indy 2000
Indy 1998, West Lafayette 1994, Chicago-Lollapalooza 1992
Cincy-Lollapalooza 1992
I pledge my grievance to the flag.