Neurolinguistic Mindwarping

It seems like lately I'm getting it from all sides; goverment, corporate advertising, and the media. This one set me off today;
Sarah Palin's book is titled "Going Rogue," which really means "I quit my job because I can make more money on idiots like you who will buy this propaganda turd."
"War on Drugs." - A classic example. Whenever you hear the term - instead think "War on SOME Drugs." Also think about all the bars and drugs stores and shelves of cigarettes and that the government has started no war on them.
I know it has fallen out of favor with the Obama administration, but the term "War on Terror" always set me off, too. Shouldn't it be the "War on Some Terrorists?" I still can't decide if the rebels in Chechnya are "freedom fighters" or "terrorists with clear links to bin Laden." I guess that is because it changes about every other year according to the government, who doesn't seem to remember their absolute truth has changed 7 times in the last 20 years.
When the company I was working for laid off all of their field representatives (including me) I was told that it was to be called a "mutually acceptable severance." When I talked to potential employers that was the term to be used, and if I said "I was laid off because the company was buying asset-backed securities as their sole capital resource and couldn't compete against other lenders so they had to lay off 40% of the workforce" I was liable to lose my severance pay. I had to sign an agreement stating that it was a "mutually acceptable severance."
I remember specifically that when I signed up for my cell phone plan that during the life of the contract there would be NO RATE INCREASES. But now I have found out that I'm being charged an additional "USER FEE." hmmm :evil:
Don't adjust your brain... it is reality that is malfunctioning!
Any other examples of doublespeak in your daily life? Is it just me or does this make one more cynical and distrustful towards pretty much all institutions? More and more this world feels like the scence from a Huxley/Orwell dystopian novel.
Sarah Palin's book is titled "Going Rogue," which really means "I quit my job because I can make more money on idiots like you who will buy this propaganda turd."
"War on Drugs." - A classic example. Whenever you hear the term - instead think "War on SOME Drugs." Also think about all the bars and drugs stores and shelves of cigarettes and that the government has started no war on them.
I know it has fallen out of favor with the Obama administration, but the term "War on Terror" always set me off, too. Shouldn't it be the "War on Some Terrorists?" I still can't decide if the rebels in Chechnya are "freedom fighters" or "terrorists with clear links to bin Laden." I guess that is because it changes about every other year according to the government, who doesn't seem to remember their absolute truth has changed 7 times in the last 20 years.
When the company I was working for laid off all of their field representatives (including me) I was told that it was to be called a "mutually acceptable severance." When I talked to potential employers that was the term to be used, and if I said "I was laid off because the company was buying asset-backed securities as their sole capital resource and couldn't compete against other lenders so they had to lay off 40% of the workforce" I was liable to lose my severance pay. I had to sign an agreement stating that it was a "mutually acceptable severance."
I remember specifically that when I signed up for my cell phone plan that during the life of the contract there would be NO RATE INCREASES. But now I have found out that I'm being charged an additional "USER FEE." hmmm :evil:
Don't adjust your brain... it is reality that is malfunctioning!
Any other examples of doublespeak in your daily life? Is it just me or does this make one more cynical and distrustful towards pretty much all institutions? More and more this world feels like the scence from a Huxley/Orwell dystopian novel.
Everything not forbidden is compulsory and eveything not compulsory is forbidden. You are free... free to do what the government says you can do.
Post edited by Unknown User on
what an excellent way to word it.
i like it! actually i don't like it....just your phrasing...
and yes of're right!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow