Only 10 million people have Ten? What?!!



  • EP1973EP1973 Posts: 112
    I may be mistaken, but I think the RIAA counts the number of discs in an album for certification purposes (as long as the total running time of the entire album is over a certain length of time, and I'm thinking 100 minutes or so)...for example, if someone picked up a copy of Lost Dogs, that would count as 2 because it has 2 discs...even though only one copy of the album itself was bought. Actually, I'm 99.9% positive that's how it works.
  • BF25394BF25394 Posts: 4,786
    That's right, although it wouldn't have that much of an effect on the overall total since "Lost Dogs" was only certified gold.
    I gather speed from you fucking with me.
  • jr19jr19 Posts: 338
    I know its a ridiculous number of records 10 million, but in many ways it seems so little, so small as well.

    Think about of the big four bands of the 1990's scene...Ten their most accesible and poppiest and mainstream record...and includes songs they are most famous for Alive, Even Flow, Jeremy...

    and only 10 million of us have it? Obviously in 1999 things start becoming skewed because people can start downloading Ten for free and their is no way to tabulate that anymore...but still from 1991-1999 they sold 10 million of this thing.
    one of the big four??

    are you talking about : stp, aic, nirvana and pj?? curious
  • BF25394BF25394 Posts: 4,786
    jr19 wrote:
    I know its a ridiculous number of records 10 million, but in many ways it seems so little, so small as well.

    Think about of the big four bands of the 1990's scene...Ten their most accesible and poppiest and mainstream record...and includes songs they are most famous for Alive, Even Flow, Jeremy...

    and only 10 million of us have it? Obviously in 1999 things start becoming skewed because people can start downloading Ten for free and their is no way to tabulate that anymore...but still from 1991-1999 they sold 10 million of this thing.
    one of the big four??

    are you talking about : stp, aic, nirvana and pj?? curious

    I think he means Soundgarden, not STP, and by the "the 1990s scene," he means Seattle/"grunge." Because if you're just talking about the four biggest rock bands of the the 1990s, Guns N' Roses, Metallica and U2 are on that list ahead of AIC and Soundgarden.
    I gather speed from you fucking with me.
  • EP1973EP1973 Posts: 112
    BF25394 wrote:
    That's right, although it wouldn't have that much of an effect on the overall total since "Lost Dogs" was only certified gold.
    I just used that as an example of how "discs" are counted...alot of folks forget the 2000 bootlegs sold fairly well (collectively extremely well) and each of those contained multiple discs as well.
  • BF25394BF25394 Posts: 4,786
    EP1973 wrote:
    BF25394 wrote:
    That's right, although it wouldn't have that much of an effect on the overall total since "Lost Dogs" was only certified gold.
    I just used that as an example of how "discs" are counted...alot of folks forget the 2000 bootlegs sold fairly well (collectively extremely well) and each of those contained multiple discs as well.

    This is true. In fact, I think something like 19 of the official bootlegs sold well enough to hit the top 200. On the other hand, I don't know whether any of them sold well enough to qualify for gold certification (it would take 250,000 copies, as you point out), or whether Epic ever bothered to take the time and expense to get the certifications.
    I gather speed from you fucking with me.
  • demetriosdemetrios Posts: 94,322
    10 some copies of that 10 million belong to me!
  • EP1973EP1973 Posts: 112
    BF25394 wrote:
    EP1973 wrote:
    BF25394 wrote:
    That's right, although it wouldn't have that much of an effect on the overall total since "Lost Dogs" was only certified gold.
    I just used that as an example of how "discs" are counted...alot of folks forget the 2000 bootlegs sold fairly well (collectively extremely well) and each of those contained multiple discs as well.

    This is true. In fact, I think something like 19 of the official bootlegs sold well enough to hit the top 200. On the other hand, I don't know whether any of them sold well enough to qualify for gold certification (it would take 250,000 copies, as you point out), or whether Epic ever bothered to take the time and expense to get the certifications.
    For what it's worth, here's a link from wikipedia showing the boots that sold well enough to chart...and it was quite a few... ... l_Bootlegs
  • BF25394BF25394 Posts: 4,786
    That's really interesting. It says that the official bootlegs have sold 3.5 million copies.
    I gather speed from you fucking with me.
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