The Acid Reflux thread

I would like to know who suffers from acid reflux here? What do you guys do to prevent it or treat it . Im still thinking I'll maybe have surgery but all the people I know that had surgery said that they are still sufering from it. I take like 6 pills a day but I dont want to take medicines all my life, any suggestions?
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Limiting acidic foods and caffiene is all i can think of.... unless you can figure out a way to strenghen the esophageal sphincter.
Sorry, I just wanter to use "sphincter" in a sentence.
Yo también tengo esa madre... Dejé de tomar cafe en ayunas y de cenar cosas pesadas, o al menos no tan tarde.... De repente si tengo algunos síntomas de acidez, pero ya no tan seguido...
Y todas las noches duermo con almohadas altas (me ha funcionado bien), porque por las noches tendía a sacar toda esa porquería por la boca :shock: ... Hay algunas medicinas (jarabes) en las tiendas para eso, pero no las he probado...
Cuídate de eso, esa enfermedad cuando es crónica puede traer graves problemas...
"... Tan suato mi'jo!!"
-Salomón & Artemisa Vargas
Side effects may include spanish ramblings
I kid I kid!
Bridge School '06 Night 1 & 2
Venice '07 pummeled by the sleet!
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The high acidity of apples and vinegar supress the body's tendency to produce acid on its own.
Since adding these two things (2 apples and 1 pound of cole slaw per week), he is off the medication and reflux free!
"... Tan suato mi'jo!!"
-Salomón & Artemisa Vargas
whats cole slaw?
And how long did it take him to get "cured"??
"... Tan suato mi'jo!!"
-Salomón & Artemisa Vargas
gracias Tony, si lo del cafe me ha ayudado tambien y de hecho ya dehje de cenar pesado y no despues de las 7, pero hoy estoy chillando porque ayer me tome una de bacardi y uno tacos en la noche
Here it is...
"... Tan suato mi'jo!!"
-Salomón & Artemisa Vargas
gracias men, see you in san diego
:shock: You got spanish ramblings as well :shock:
Ya eso de la hernia ... ahí si, no se que pex!
See you in SD
"... Tan suato mi'jo!!"
-Salomón & Artemisa Vargas
The second recommedation is to supplement with digestive enzymes. Before processed food, people used to consume natural whole foods that contained the necessary enzymes: Amylase for digesting carbohydrates, Lipase for digesting fats, Protease for digesting proteins.
Digestive problems are often caused by candidiasis. The good bacteria and bad bacteria are constantly at war in the intestines. In most people who eat a modern western diet, the bad bacteria have taken over, resulting in a severe imbalance. Overgrowth of Candida yeast causes microscopic holes to form in the intestinal wall. The yeast flow freely into the bloodstream, where they can colonise every organ. Symptoms as diverse as weight gain, allergies, joint pain, and mood disorders can be attributed to candida. Good bacteria need to be supplemented daily: Acidophilus for the small (upper) intestine, and Bifidobacteria for the large (lower) intestine.
It's essential to eat over 30 grams of fibre every day. Never eat processed white grains. They have been 'denatured' by having the outer hull removed. The hull of rice, wheat, etc. is where all of the nutrition is. Even whole sugar, instead of processed, has vitamins in it. Seriously, look it up!
Find an organic alternative to everything you eat and drink. I lost 26 pounds when I went organic, meaning that my fat had nothing to do with excess calories. It was actually bloat from poisons in my food!
Go to your local library and borrow books about natural health. Browse websites. Watch videos and documentaries. If you have PBS, watch Brenda Watson's H.O.P.E . formula- It's an excellent introduction for educating yourself about digestive health.
I used to be a trusting idiot who thought doctors weren't out to make money. I believed them when they said illness "just happened," and they don't know why. I believed the common myth that many diseases need to be 'treated' as chronic conditions by taking meds to mask the symptoms for years on end. That behaviour makes us drug-dependent consumers (Junkies). Now I know that disease can be cured by removing the cause. Such a novel thought! It's a thought that Big Pharma and insurance companies never want us to have. Knowledge is power. Empower yourself!
Feel free to read my health story: Click on "view all blog entries" and scroll down to the earliest ones near the bottom of the page.
Good Health!
I take 1 Prilosec daily wih all my other medications,
Can't miss that Prilosec tho, if i do,...
I vomit profusely and do not digest food properly .
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
- C. Klosterman
By "cured," I mean symptom-free (is that supposed to be hyphenated?).
Less than 2 weeks at the very most. The medication for his acid reflux wasn't reacting well with his blood pressure medication, so it was apples and cole slaw, or change BP meds, even though what he was on was effective.
Hooray for less money going to the pharmaceutical companies for things you can treat naturally!!
Now it has fallen off considerably - every now and then I still get it to the point of having to take a pill, but mayble only once a fortnight, if that. The only things that have changed in my life since then have been leaving work and taking up transcendental meditation.
Don't know if it's coincidence or what, but generally I feel my health has been a lot better since(less headaches, slight weight loss etc). Going back to work soon, so hopefully the change is due to the meditation rather than giving up work for a bit!
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My mother and grandfather had this. My grandfather never had surgery (perhaps because it wasn't available at that point in time?) and I remember he used to eat antacid tablets ALL the time. Poor fellow.
My mom had surgery and she's doing better. She also takes some kind of medication to help with whatever symptoms are left. I think it must be working because she doesn't mention it much anymore.
Don't assume that the surgery won't help. I think maybe you have to follow the surgery up by avoiding certain foods. (??)
I take lansoprazole a ppi (i think) inhibitor. Tried going without it, which wasn't good. So carrying on taking it as haven't managed to be a complete saint yet, eat mainly low fat with the odd splurge, don't have caffeine, drink moderately (on the whole), still smoke.
If you've not had any tests to find out what's causing it I would, as someone else said it can be serious.
wow, thanks for the info, I'm going to check it out!!
I have a hernia like you, thats the cause, but Im not a big fan of taking medicines, I stop taking lansoprasole and levosulpiride (spanish) and feeling ok. Im glad Im seeing a lot of responses that suggest natural ways to attack it. I've considered surgery but all the people I know that had surgery tell me that it didnt help. I dont smoke but I like to drink a lot and a mexican I love to it spicy food but im starting to avoid it.
A friend of mine who also has a hernia absolutely swears by the bed being propped up. Definetely give that one a go.
Oh jeez I used to like colesalw till I saw this picture .... thanks :!:
"... Tan suato mi'jo!!"
-Salomón & Artemisa Vargas
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.