Why are people so stupid. Seriously some people need to be taken deep into the woods and justleft there. Just spent over an hour on hold to be told by some shit for brains that Canada post doesn't ship outside of Canada. Yes it fucking does, just ball up and say your company is too big of a shit show to mail outside of Canada. I hate people.
Why are people so stupid. Seriously some people need to be taken deep into the woods and justleft there. Just spent over an hour on hold to be told by some shit for brains that Canada post doesn't ship outside of Canada. Yes it fucking does, just ball up and say your company is too big of a shit show to mail outside of Canada. I hate people.
I don't know why, but I found that very funny.
Not nice, RS. Clearly, the poor wench was distressed.
Why are people so stupid. Seriously some people need to be taken deep into the woods and justleft there. Just spent over an hour on hold to be told by some shit for brains that Canada post doesn't ship outside of Canada. Yes it fucking does, just ball up and say your company is too big of a shit show to mail outside of Canada. I hate people.
I don't know why, but I found that very funny.
Not nice, RS. Clearly, the poor wench was distressed.
Seeing as I'd likely be one of those people she'd leave in the woods...I think my laughter was appropriate.
Why are people so stupid. Seriously some people need to be taken deep into the woods and justleft there. Just spent over an hour on hold to be told by some shit for brains that Canada post doesn't ship outside of Canada. Yes it fucking does, just ball up and say your company is too big of a shit show to mail outside of Canada. I hate people.
I don't know why, but I found that very funny.
Not nice, RS. Clearly, the poor wench was distressed.
Seeing as I'd likely be one of those people she'd leave in the woods...I think my laughter was appropriate.
It hit me that it's coming on (hopefully) the end of a really tough year. Got these fellas going yet again...AND yet again, gave me that good mix of calm and "fuck yeah!". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2kGNdE0b5Q
Haa! It was the eyeball that got me!!! I bought my first vinyl in 20+ years last year. It was my favorite PJ album, No Code, and it's been propped up against my cheap record player for almost a year now. I'm pretty sure it has subliminally sunk into her head. Lol. Eventhough when I pointed it out she said the album is disgusting and no that wasn't her intention.
Contemplating making a conscious decision to become a single parent. I've never been in a relationship and it's seems reasonable to suggest that I may never be. Women are fortunate in that we can have a child without a partner but it is a huge decision and more than a little scary. Still though, I think it's a decision I need to make sooner rather than later, for a variety of reasons. I doubt I'll ever be ready for it but then who really is?
Contemplating making a conscious decision to become a single parent. I've never been in a relationship and it's seems reasonable to suggest that I may never be. Women are fortunate in that we can have a child without a partner but it is a huge decision and more than a little scary. Still though, I think it's a decision I need to make sooner rather than later, for a variety of reasons. I doubt I'll ever be ready for it but then who really is?
Sorry to hear. I've never been in one either and doubt I'll ever be in one.
Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
Men are fortunate in that sense too, Jenny. I wish you well in your endeavour (and think - from what I know of you - you would be a wonderful and nurturing parent)
Men are fortunate in that sense too, Jenny. I wish you well in your endeavour (and think - from what I know of you - you would be a wonderful and nurturing parent)
not many of us do. I find the older we get the more difficult it is to find meaning. I've been having existential difficulty for the past decade ore possibly longer. the biggest difficulty is to balance the reality that none of this matters, so you have to make it matter to yourself, and that's the only way to be happy.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
not many of us do. I find the older we get the more difficult it is to find meaning. I've been having existential difficulty for the past decade ore possibly longer. the biggest difficulty is to balance the reality that none of this matters, so you have to make it matter to yourself, and that's the only way to be happy.
I also think this concept is strongly connected to social expectations/stigmas and the pressure that puts on individuals. There is a common battle between desire, what feels right, and what we've all been essentially brainwashed into thinking is expected of us by social norms. I think it's really hard for most people to fight those expectations, no matter how bullshitty they may be.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
not many of us do. I find the older we get the more difficult it is to find meaning. I've been having existential difficulty for the past decade ore possibly longer. the biggest difficulty is to balance the reality that none of this matters, so you have to make it matter to yourself, and that's the only way to be happy.
I also think this concept is strongly connected to social expectations/stigmas and the pressure that puts on individuals. There is a common battle between desire, what feels right, and what we've all been essentially brainwashed into thinking is expected of us by social norms. I think it's really hard for most people to fight those expectations, no matter how bullshitty they may be.
I ebb and flow almost daily, maybe even more often than that sometimes, between "what the fuck am I doing with my life?" and "why do I put these ridiculous expectations on myself because of how others perceive what I'm doing is not up to my potential?". I put no stock in how much money I should make, so beyond that, what is the point of "success"? happiness is subjective, and living my life going to school and working and having no time for myself so I can have a document framed on my wall will not bring me happiness.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
not many of us do. I find the older we get the more difficult it is to find meaning. I've been having existential difficulty for the past decade ore possibly longer. the biggest difficulty is to balance the reality that none of this matters, so you have to make it matter to yourself, and that's the only way to be happy.
I also think this concept is strongly connected to social expectations/stigmas and the pressure that puts on individuals. There is a common battle between desire, what feels right, and what we've all been essentially brainwashed into thinking is expected of us by social norms. I think it's really hard for most people to fight those expectations, no matter how bullshitty they may be.
I ebb and flow almost daily, maybe even more often than that sometimes, between "what the fuck am I doing with my life?" and "why do I put these ridiculous expectations on myself because of how others perceive what I'm doing is not up to my potential?". I put no stock in how much money I should make, so beyond that, what is the point of "success"? happiness is subjective, and living my life going to school and working and having no time for myself so I can have a document framed on my wall will not bring me happiness.
I hear ya. For me, I think I've found peace with it myself, but what problem remains is that others around me haven't found peace in my peace. I'm fortunate to have parents who 100% get it. They actually think it's fantastic. My sister and bro-in-law seem to also be coming around, but they REALLY had a problem understanding where I'm coming from for years as far as my refusal to conform with corporate Canada, basically, and my socialistic views (which also results in my rejection of what many think of traditional "success", which my sis and bro hold very, very dear - they are rich conservatives, so to them, "success" = power and money and status). As for friends... I don't think they really care one way or the other at the end of the day, but still sometimes wonder, especially when it comes to my decision to not have kids or be married. But I suspect half of that might be coming from sort of a place of periodic envy of the almost total freedom those choices afford me, lol (and my sister is definitely straight up jealous of it - she is happy to admit it). Oh, and my choice to live car free has been one that I've had to really defend. It's actually fucked up how much
trouble people tend to have wrapping their minds around that one,
although I've noticed that that is suddenly changing a bit, as everyone else catches up with the fact that it is the way to go in modern urban times. The younger generations are way more on board... it's just that our generation is still completely addicted to cars. So long story short, I don't struggle with my own feelings about these expectations, but with how people in my life view the decisions that I'm comfortable with. I feel like I have to defend or justify my choices, and I'm tired of it.
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
the only part that I really still struggle with is the meaninglessness of my job. Like, obviously, when you are ok with being low level, there is going to be monotony to it. sometimes I feel like i could be doing something meaningful (like helping others-my wife has always insisted I'd excel in HR because of my ability to identify with people and their psychology and, while I'm very emotional myself, my ability to be completely objective about someone else's issues), but I can also help people in my personal life.
then there's other times that I feel like I'm ok with being low level to make myself feel better about my laziness. LOL
I gotta be honest, I was one of those people that had a hard time wrapping my head around the choice to stay single and/or not have kids. it astounded me, at the advent of facebook, how many people I grew up with that didn't have families, and while I don't know the reasons, I'm sure at least some of them are a result of choice, not ability. then I finally opened my eyes and realized having kids or a spouse isn't for everyone (I also have an evolutionary theory about that as well). it takes a pretty strong person to make that choice and not conform to our societal norms. I didn't conform to it because I felt forced. I've always wanted a wife and kids. I guess I just assumed everyone wanted that. Because we grow up being taught that. Shit, while I love my kids to pieces and wouldn't change it for the world, there are occasions where you sit back and wonder where I'd be without the responsibility. Would I be surfing in Australia? Would I be a roadie for a band? or would I still be a low level clerk in a job no one aspires to and go home to an empty apartment? who knows. But sleeping in would be an amazing perk. And not yelling. My god the yelling.
on another side, though, some of our best friends are our kids' friends' parents, whom we likely never would have met otherwise.
But yeah, explaining your choices to people can get exhausting. I don't mind having a discussion about it, but when you get obviously JUDGED for your choices is where the issue comes in. I often ask them "are you passionate about the job you are in? no? then why did you go to school for 15 years and spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on it? oh, so your kids would be happy? pretty sure my kids are just as happy as yours, so that's out. oh, the big house? Yeah, I don't give a fuck about a big house. so that's out, too. oh, you got nothing else? right, discussion over. Nice jeans though. Glad you can afford nicer jeans than me. Hope they were worth it".
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
I can understand the struggle with feeling like you're in a meaningless job. I"m fortunate to have a career that does not make me feel that way, but I have been in the past. I handled it fine, but it still sucked waking up every morning and kind of dreading having to go to the office all day; I don't think I even really realized how much that sucked until I was no longer in that position. That said, I believe that ALL workers at ALL levels have value, and if you are fulfilling a need, then your job is necessarily not meaningless in the world. However, that and feeling like it's meaningless to you are two totally different things, obviously, and I think how you feel about that just depends on your contentment levels. If not doing much or not challenging yourself or whatever makes you content because it's low stress, great. That makes sense to me - I think reducing anxiety is a great justification for just about any decision or lifestyle. If you are discontent with that, I would suggest you find a new job. IMO, money should essentially have nothing to do with it beyond making sure you and your family is provided for (and yours is, I gather). Or maybe keep the job you have and volunteer (more?) in your free time. That would probably help to offset that feeling you have about work, and still allow you to keep things low key, and also not really commit you to anything when you aren't into being more committed to shit.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
-EV 8/14/93
Get in line, girl!
Trieste 14, Vienna 14, Gdynia 14, Leeds 14, Milton Keynes 14, Denver 14
Central Park 15
Fort Lauderdale 16, Miami 16, Tampa 16, Jacksonville 16, Greenville 16, Hampton 16, Columbia 16, Lexington 16, Philly1 16, Philly2 16, NYC1 16, NYC2 16, Quebec City 16, Ottawa 16, Toronto1 16, Toronto2 16, Fenway1 16, Fenway2 16, Wrigley1 16, Wrigley2 16
It hit me that it's coming on (hopefully) the end of a really tough year. Got these fellas going yet again...AND yet again, gave me that good mix of calm and "fuck yeah!".
On my mind, fathers and daughters
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
then there's other times that I feel like I'm ok with being low level to make myself feel better about my laziness. LOL
I gotta be honest, I was one of those people that had a hard time wrapping my head around the choice to stay single and/or not have kids. it astounded me, at the advent of facebook, how many people I grew up with that didn't have families, and while I don't know the reasons, I'm sure at least some of them are a result of choice, not ability. then I finally opened my eyes and realized having kids or a spouse isn't for everyone (I also have an evolutionary theory about that as well). it takes a pretty strong person to make that choice and not conform to our societal norms. I didn't conform to it because I felt forced. I've always wanted a wife and kids. I guess I just assumed everyone wanted that. Because we grow up being taught that. Shit, while I love my kids to pieces and wouldn't change it for the world, there are occasions where you sit back and wonder where I'd be without the responsibility. Would I be surfing in Australia? Would I be a roadie for a band? or would I still be a low level clerk in a job no one aspires to and go home to an empty apartment? who knows. But sleeping in would be an amazing perk. And not yelling. My god the yelling.
on another side, though, some of our best friends are our kids' friends' parents, whom we likely never would have met otherwise.
But yeah, explaining your choices to people can get exhausting. I don't mind having a discussion about it, but when you get obviously JUDGED for your choices is where the issue comes in. I often ask them "are you passionate about the job you are in? no? then why did you go to school for 15 years and spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on it? oh, so your kids would be happy? pretty sure my kids are just as happy as yours, so that's out. oh, the big house? Yeah, I don't give a fuck about a big house. so that's out, too. oh, you got nothing else? right, discussion over. Nice jeans though. Glad you can afford nicer jeans than me. Hope they were worth it".
-EV 8/14/93