What BackSpacer means to me
I know there are a lot of these but you know what when I listen to backspacer i feel good about my slef and I feel hope. For the first time in a long time the band does not seem pissed off. And that is a good thing.
I have seen them a bnch if times live in cincert, and let me tell you those two show at Chicago were fucking amazing. the energy that they put out those two nights were nuts.
I thing that the band is in a nice place know and it looks like they can have the billboard #1 record ( i dont thing they give a shit) but we has vans should because I am tired of trying to defend PJ to everyone I know.
I think that all my friends think that I have a inside because everything the band does i get the question" wht in the fuck would they do that"" that new song sucks" ect ect ect.
I just say go fuck yourslef and keep on listing to DMB and ColdPlay.
Pearl Jam Rocks and BackSpacer is real good I am not sure if I can call it there best but it is real real close.
I have seen them a bnch if times live in cincert, and let me tell you those two show at Chicago were fucking amazing. the energy that they put out those two nights were nuts.
I thing that the band is in a nice place know and it looks like they can have the billboard #1 record ( i dont thing they give a shit) but we has vans should because I am tired of trying to defend PJ to everyone I know.
I think that all my friends think that I have a inside because everything the band does i get the question" wht in the fuck would they do that"" that new song sucks" ect ect ect.
I just say go fuck yourslef and keep on listing to DMB and ColdPlay.
Pearl Jam Rocks and BackSpacer is real good I am not sure if I can call it there best but it is real real close.