"Love ain't love until you give it up"

This is one of my favorite lyrics on Backspacer, even though I don't have a thorough understanding of what it means. Anybody want to take a stab at explaining it to me?
Other lyrics I find myself thinking about are as follows:
"Dream the dreams of other men; you will be no one's rival."
"I'm not the paper/I'm more like the fold/Cut the crease put the shit in the whole."
Any help there?
Also, astute readers of the liner notes will notice Ed uses the word "exorcising" instead of "excercising" at the beginning of Force of Nature. There is a stark difference between the two verbs. Discuss.
Other lyrics I find myself thinking about are as follows:
"Dream the dreams of other men; you will be no one's rival."
"I'm not the paper/I'm more like the fold/Cut the crease put the shit in the whole."
Any help there?
Also, astute readers of the liner notes will notice Ed uses the word "exorcising" instead of "excercising" at the beginning of Force of Nature. There is a stark difference between the two verbs. Discuss.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
for the least they could possibly do
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This means that if you don't dream for yourself, take a chance on your own ideas, etc, then you will be no one's rival. You won't stand out or be opposed because you are just using another person's ideas. If that makes sense.
Let's Just Pop a Few Yards of Bubble Wrap and Call It a Day!
Don't Die Wondering
After all of the listening I've been doing over the last five days this same line just jumped out at me today for some reason. I think of it in terms of this line from "The End" off of Abbey Road:
"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make"
As I read it currently it has to do with being mature enough to let go of the things you are most endeared to so that they can be off on their own. Because, in the end, it will come back to you.
Or something like that.
Makes sense. I like it. I was thinking of being "no one's rival" or being "unrivaled" as being a good thing. Not a bad thing. Makes more sense to me your way.
Interested to hear other's opinions as well.
for the least they could possibly do
That's the beauty of they poetry, such an apparently simple line can be viewed in vastly different ways. I love it
my read on this is a Jay
I can buy it. But if it does mean that ... how does it fit in the context of the song?
Maybe if I understood what "cut the crease" means.
for the least they could possibly do
there are TONS of lyrical GEMS on B A C K S P A C E R
when i use to roll i had to cut the extra paper by creasing it and tearing it off.. every time i hear that line thats what it takes me back too
This is how I interpreted the line as well. You can receive love all you want, but it's impossible to truly feel and understand love completely until you give it in return, until an free and open exchange is taking place.
if you love something(body) set them free...if they come back to you, they are yours...and if they don't, they never were.
also could simply mean......to feel love, to be in love....you have to 'give it up'...as in share, give, love. you gotta give love to feel love.
and in the end
the love you take
is equal to the love
you make
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
So when Ed says he's not the paper, but he is the fold ... what the hell does that mean?
The lyric right before this one is about Ed knowing "nothing 'bout nothing" ... first time I heard this song I thought of "paper" as "newspaper" -- ie a purveyor of information. Ed knows nothing 'bout nothing; it's not like he's the paper.
But I have absolutely no idea where to take it from here.
for the least they could possibly do
Give it up could also be referring to letting down your guard/predispositions/expectations, giving up all the negatives....
As when you settle down, and your dream is a shared one, or say… Even with a band, creating a bond which all five can thrive on
Or are we talking about two different concepts?
Speaking of amongst the waves ... another underrated line from early in the song "I've seen it work both ways."
When you think about the ocean (ie, being out amongst the waves) ... it can work two ways. You either drown in it, or you embrace it, you get on top of it ... you ride it. And those are really the only two choices.
I think Ed is using that as a metaphor for life. You can either let life overwhelm you and drown you, or you can rise above it, get on top of it, and enjoy it. In fact, I think that's the point of the song.
Someone on another thread presented ATW as sort of a positive addendum to Alive. In Alive, being alive was supposed to be a curse. In ATW, being alive is something to be celebrated.
for the least they could possibly do
ooooohhhh...i like both of these takes on these lyrics, and i AGREE....that's what makes em so awesome.
also, the true beauty of art imo....the *truth* of it, is your own. even what ED says it 'means'....if he ever really does
jeff....go outside a bit.
seriously....hmmmmm...i had NO idea about the jrolling connection, ,kida like it. and going on that, being the fold......he 'knows nothing'....he is just a purveyor of the information. so while he doesn't know anything, he is not the source (he is not the paper, nor the mj) he is that 'space' (the crease) where that info(or mj) goes........weirdness.......:P
i LOVe these lyric discussions!
soooooooo many various perspectives and ideas....and they are all too cool to consider.....
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I'm not one to argue with Ed. And I always love knowing where songwriters get their inspiration. But sometimes I wish he'd shut up about this stuff.
Because once he tells me what it means, I have to go with that. And sometimes I don't want to.
for the least they could possibly do
hmmm I have no idea then the first thing that popped in my head was a joint, Im prob way off the mark
No, you might be right. And probably are.
for the least they could possibly do
Understand she’s a force of nature
Contraband hiding deep inside her soul
Exorcising her will to lose control
She lets go
why would she be 'exercising' her will to lose control......exorcising fits far better. she has 'contraband'....which what consititutes spiritual contraband is another thought entirely
jeff...i have to disagree with ya there. i enjoy hearing ED telling me what he meant, b/c it's a glimpse into his head, and let's face it...he really never says much anyway.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I agree totally. I love Ed's use of homophones. He does this quite a lot, using two words that sound the same, but you can't really tell the difference unless you look at the liner notes. Another prime example is "I Am Mine" -- did you know, according to the official lyrics, he toggles back and forth between the "innocence" lost at one time and the "innocents" lost at one time? Those two words don't exactly mean the same thing. Stuff like that is so cool to me.
(Another example: Violins/violence in Daughter)
Anyway, back to exorcising and excercising ... I think excercising would work under some interpretations. If you believe the woman in this song, say, has a drug problem ... exercising her will to lose control means she's, you know, losing control. Out on a bender again.
I think maybe the verb "excorcising" might refer to the man (the lighthouse) in this song. He's trying to rid her of this will to lose control.
for the least they could possibly do
i think i might be fallin' for ya jeff.....you lyric geek.
oh and homophones (and actually knowing/remembering that's what they're called) sexxxy. :twisted:
seriously, i LOVE this stuff!
i think you might be even 'more' into dissecting lyrics/meanings than i am.....you definitely look for more concrete *answers*...but still.....most enjoyable!
btw - while i'd not have been able to pull it outta memory, since you mention it...yes, i do recall that for i am mine.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
my current interpretation is that it's a statement of peace... That we should find common dreams and goals and work together to realize them. There are things in the world that are good (education, eradication of poverty, etc. etc.), and if we focus our energies on these dreams, we would have no rivals (a good thing)...I think its a hopeful line about finding commonalities and how great that can be.
I'll probably decide it means something different tomorrow though...hahaha
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Lyric geek. That's a pretty good description. I spend way too much time thinking about this stuff than is healthy/normal.
for the least they could possibly do
"Don't it always seem to go
That you don't know what you've got
Till it's gone" -- joni mitchell
Are you sure that's not a Counting Crows line?
for the least they could possibly do
if so they stole it from joni...and i couldn't name a counting crows line to save my life
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”