Michael Moore on Larry King

Transcripts from his recent interview.
http://www.cnn.com/2009/SHOWBIZ/Movies/ ... index.html
I admit to be left leaning, and we all know Michael Moore's politics, but I think his documentaries are timely and damning and should be damn near required viewing. You can disagree with a lot of his views, but I bet there's a little bit in his films that we can all agree on.
http://www.cnn.com/2009/SHOWBIZ/Movies/ ... index.html
I admit to be left leaning, and we all know Michael Moore's politics, but I think his documentaries are timely and damning and should be damn near required viewing. You can disagree with a lot of his views, but I bet there's a little bit in his films that we can all agree on.
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For his style of film making, the criticism and deconstruction just comes with the territory. I wish people WOULD criticize and deconstruct mainstream TV and news a lot more, really. I for one am going to see his Capitalism movie shortly after it comes out, and am prepared to have VERY strong feelings about it. I've stated in another thread that if he fails to mention the role of the Federal Reserve in all of this, that he's either NOT done his research, is a moron, or is a puppet for them. This is a golden opportunity to further UNITE two different political ideologies (the Libertarian "right" and the true-blue Liberal "left") against the true source of our nations problems, the FOR-PROFIT MONOPOLISTIC central bank of this country. Moore has NO PROBLEM railing against monopolies and big businesses that completely put their profit motives above the good of the people-- he obviously has huge BALLS, and has proven so by putting out a movie like Farenheit 9/11-- then why not take on the biggest, baddest monopoly ever in the history of our country by exposing the Fed, particularly since the movement against this entity is the largest its been since Andrew Jackson was president of this country. After all, in the King interview here, he mentions, "follow the money." Well, seeing as how the Wall Street and Auto bailouts seem to be at the focal point of this movie, if Moore is a true investigative reporter, he should be asking and answering the following questions:
1) Why are we bailing these companies out? Because we've neglected the whole principle of 'failure' that is ingrained in capitalism, and have far too much corporate influence in government watching out for their own stocks and former companies.
2) How are they being bailed out? Where do they get the money for this? Congress appropriates it, and the Fed finances it.
3) Where does the Federal Reserve get this money? From other countries, through borrowing, OR-- THEY SIMPLY CREATE IT OUT OF THIN AIR, but still feel the need to collect interest on money, through the coercion of taxation, on money that didn't even exist previously. And when they borrow money from other foreign central banks, in secret, who's to say that these other central banks, who all have fiat currencies themselves aren't loaning us money that they have created out of thin air at interest to us?
Even if he didn't oppose the idea of a central bank, wouldn't a true socialist want this bank to actually SERVE US, by not operating at a profit?
Between Ron Paul's bill in Congress, and now this movie, there is real potential for this country to wake up and realize just who exactly is robbing us. I truly hope I love Moore's next movie, as I hope he aims to UNITE us rather than divide us.
Awwww...I feel so bad for poor Michael...people being so mean to a guy...c'mon.
Certainly makes some movie about topics worth watching. Makes them in almost an unwatchable way for me.