An extra twenty-four minutes in the morning. It doesn't sound like much, but, it's a great way to start the day.
When the traffic isn't stuck, I arrive to work early and get a parking spot by the lake instead of up the hill. My reward is time to sit on a quiet bench in the morning sun. Maybe it's not quite quiet, with so much going on, but it's a great spot to welcome the day before the heat comes out completely.
Bikes go by, the breeze blows, the fountain in the middle of the water throws a stream of water thirty feet into the air like a geyser at Yosemite. (There's a white water noise from this.)
There's a trombonist practicing on a bench like mine across the water. I love this. Every morning the wind players are outside practicing.
Today someone is diligently playing an etude of long notes (Blaaaaagh, bloooooough, blooouuu. Blaaaagh, blooooough, blooouuu. Blaaaaagh, bloooooough, blooouuu. Blaaaagh, blooooough, blooouuu.) To reward himself, he occasionally bursts out of his work and plays the heroic bit from Die Walküre. Yump de de da da, Yump de de da da, Yump de de dahhhhh...
(Then he goes back to the long hummm, hommm, whooo, notes again.)
Today, the trombone is calming accepting the trumpet on the third bench practising a baroque concerto cadenza at the same time. (All these notes are mixing together as I scribble over here. And, it doesn't sound bad!!)
Meanwhile, the birds are crankily conversing under the tree behind me. They're squawking for some snacks. Now, add to this, the small plane buzzing overhead and there's a lot going on. Yet, somehow it still feels like a quiet, soft place on a bright warm morning.
A great morning picture painted with words...
'I want to hurry home to you
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
A great morning picture painted with words...
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'