New Member Name Help - A Public Service

cd21millercd21miller Columbia, MO Posts: 302
edited September 2009 in The Porch
With all the excitement of Backspacer finally out and negativity nowhere to be found (because, hey, it’s new material and tour and video and merchandise and everything else, why would anyone feel a need to be negative?), there will undoubtedly be new recruits to our happy little community on the 10C board. Of course one of the most important steps to this process is picking out a cool message board name. Fear not, new friends, as a friendly face and a man who came up with a boring board name (because he panicked when it came to sign up – a little thing called “message board panic syndrome” but that’s for another post), I am here to help you (“y’all” for our often-ignored southern comrades) out. As you have probably already realized, most of the cool names from the earlier albums have already been used. (Sorry, only one “FoxyMop” or “Jeremy’s Spoken” allowed around here.) ;) Fortunately, a whole new album means a bunch of whole new possibilities. I’ve added the personality types for clarification purposes. Let’s get to it!

TheFriendHeSees – for the new member who optimistically (and mistakenly) thinks he’ll be hanging with the band before or after the show.

GettingMeSome – the new wave of college fraternity boy who is obviously compensating for something.

TheFixer – the newest fan won over by “the Target campaign.” Went in to pick up some batteries, toilet paper and a holiday decoration or two, heard the song and suddenly is the #1 fan. “It’s just so…catchy!”

YeahYeahYeah – a future fist-pumper who will somehow stand in front of me at every show I attend. This man is 6-5 with unusually long arms and has no clue how much turmoil those 3 words have caused in this board.

JohnnyGuitar – the 14-year-old Rock Band whiz who can play every note to every song on his plastic toy while also texting 3 friends at once and drinking a 44 oz. Dr. Pepper.

Lost&LonelyMe – “I got fan club seats, but no one I know has heard of Pearl Jam…anyone out there need a ticket? Flying in from Kentucky. PM me. Please?!”

AmongstTheWaves – “That singer guy likes to surf?! Awwwwwesomme! Like me, too, and stuff!”

BetterLoud – Will attend first concert and try his or her darndest to sonically defeat the band’s instruments with screaming, and Ed’s lyrics with incorrect words.

UnknownThought, ThoughtUnknown, KnownUnthought – Ladies and gentlemen, let’s give a big welcome to the always fun, slightly ditzy and maybe just a little dyslexic Hooper triplets from Bakersfield!

Gems&Rhinestones – The only crossover from the Glen Campbell Fan Club. Odd, but really loves the new “Speed of Sound” mix.

MoonPath – this one will go quick…first hippie or Native American to log in wins!

NoOne’sRival – this guy lets you cut in line at the bathroom/beer stand/poster stand when the encore gets cut short and the opening notes of “Long Nights” or “No Way” kicks in. He’s also the same guy who has a cooler full of beer willing to share in the parking lot before and after the show.

ToothlessGrin – for the guy who just had a kid and therefore must post constant updates about the newborn and how he swears that the kid’s first word will be “Supersonic”.

CutTheCrease – for our new friend from Canada. Halifax in 2010, baby!

WhisperInTheDark – will only lurk on the board at odd hours. Will spend most of the time trying to figure out why “bump” is a common post.

ForceOfNature – this new friend will spend quickly let it be known that the 10C is unfair. “Have you SEEN my seats? I’ve been in the fan club for 2 weeks and THIS is where I sit? This costs too much and where’s my Christmas single, anyway? I demand to talk to this Kat person now!”

There are endless possibilities out there, but thought these might help get you started. You can always go back through the previous albums and find something that suits you. Just a suggestion – “Satan’sDi#k” may be open, but you may want to rethink it…
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  • SteveoSteveo Posts: 352
    Life has nothing to do with killing time.
    So why be satisfied?
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