Senority Glitch in Seattle Last night?
I tried a few searches and didn't see a thread on this last night. There was a bit of a glitch with senority and tickets last night. Somehow a whole section of numbers ended up in the wrong section. I'm 164xxx and I ended up in section 113 row 10. According to the guy sitting behind me (as he was survey other people during the afternoon, when he was dissapointed with his tickets), around the 160xxx give our take 10-30 thousand higher or lower, got relocated?
This theory was that it skipped on the floor from about 130xxx to 180xxxish. And people with 174's were row 16 on the floor, while 13xxxx's were in the wings (but a closer wing section then us?).
It wasn't like that show a few years ago with reverse senority. I was like they forget to allocation a blocked of 10c numbers and added them on the end. There were people with numbers with better tickets.
oh well, I thought i'd let some higher senority members know why there tickets on night 2 were probably better than night 1.
This theory was that it skipped on the floor from about 130xxx to 180xxxish. And people with 174's were row 16 on the floor, while 13xxxx's were in the wings (but a closer wing section then us?).
It wasn't like that show a few years ago with reverse senority. I was like they forget to allocation a blocked of 10c numbers and added them on the end. There were people with numbers with better tickets.
oh well, I thought i'd let some higher senority members know why there tickets on night 2 were probably better than night 1.
Post edited by Unknown User on
|11.6.00Seattle|6.6.03Vegas|6.7.03PHX|5.25.06Boston|7.22.06Gorge|7.23.06Gorge|9.21.09Seattle|9.22.09Seattle |10.6.09LA|11.19.13PHX|11.29.13Portland|12.6.13Seattle |10.22.14Denver| 8.8.18 Seattle | 8.10.18 Seattle
EV Solo |7.15.11 Benaroya|7.16.11 Benaroya|4.13.12PHX|10.30.14Redmond|
TOTD 11.11.16 San Fran
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I'd mostly agree with that. I was row 20 the first night, and i'm fairly tall but about 5 rows ahead of me a taller guy blocked my view of the middle of the stage. Everytime I tried to look around him he'd move the same way, even worse he'd hold up his camera for a whole song and really block the whole stage.
That being said, section 113 is the last section (3rd one away from the stage), just before the arena curves. I was rather expecting if in the wings, to be in one of the closer sections.
It's good the glitch didn't affect everyone. It seems to have affected a specific block of fan club numbers.
Ah well, can't win all the time
we were wondering what happened... if it was just my friends or if it was a bigger problem. looks like a bigger issue.
can anyone from 10c clear up what happened?
yah that was really odd.. I'd understand it if they had comp tickets for fam/friends and it pushed us behind where our seats were on night 1.
but according to your stats, there were people with higher fan club numbers in those rows.. so it didn't make much sense.
ah well.. helluva good show.. too bad I'm not going to vancouver :(
Well explain how we were on the floor with primo seats night one and then got put near the back of the arena night two. Seems like a mistake to me.
i could see much better last night than from my row 22 floor seats night one though, so that was cool. and it was sort of fun being with a few people that hadn't seen PJ before.
there was a small thread about this in the given to fly section, seems like our seats in section 113 were same seats that the people across the arena with 300xxx had, and the section beside us (closer to the stage) had 190xxx type numbers.
What up G!! Did you and Billy get a chance to hang last night?
As for my seats...I am a 185XX and the tickets I gave to my friends to use were in row 16 AA...Or at least that is what they told me! :-)
My friend was going to see Eddie last night. Since he was in Vegas, I gave him 5 Grand to gamble with. I told him I wanted it all to go on Black. Bastard! PhillyCrownOfThorns-11-2-12
To add insult to injury, I had a fan club member who had committed to buy my extra ticket (I traveled up from L.A.), and he bailed on me three hours before the show when he saw how disappointing my seats were.
Hey bud! No I didn't get a chance to hit up Bill. :( Too much going on. Is he coming to PTown?
Those were good seats. I would have been closer if it wasn't for the mistake. Oh well. Ten club made it right. Those shows kicked ass regardless of your seats.
Well that sucks. What a jerk.
This may not be the place to complain about this but in light of you saying that you are usually in row 4/5 I'll express my irritation that a person in my office was spouting off about going to PJ Tuesday night with a buddy that works at a local radio station and they sat in the 4th row. I'm wondering how many radio/media people get these great tickets? My number isn't amazing but i was in row 24 AA and thought perhaps I should've gotten better if this wasn't the case. Hoping for better in Vancouver tomorrow...
and I would guess that there was a very long list of friends that requested tickets through the band
doesnt excuse the 10c seating mishap though
Eddie Vedder solo: 2008 - Boston night 1 & 2 || 2009 - Albany, NY night 1 & 2 || 2011 - Hartford, CT, Boston, MA
they can't right now, they're very busy listening to their 10C editions of the CD and Vinyl.
6/29/03 - Montreal, QC 10/1/04 - Reading, PA
10/3/05 - Philadelphia, PA 5/12/06 - Albany, NY
6/27/08 - Hartford, CT (FRONT ROW CENTER!)
8/2/08 - (ev) Boston, MA 6/9/09 - (ev) Albany, NY
8/21/09 - Toronto, ON 5/10/10 - Buffalo, NY
From the floor to the've been BACKSPACED!!
So I guess those of us in the 160-180 range will be rows 1-5 tomorrow ?!
(amazing show on Tuesday, from any angle)
Eddie Vedder solo: 2008 - Boston night 1 & 2 || 2009 - Albany, NY night 1 & 2 || 2011 - Hartford, CT, Boston, MA
I'm 279XXX and was in 101, row 14 night one and 128, row 2 night two. I originally thought maybe they didn't sell as many 10C tix to night two, but realized most people who travel go to both shows. The mix-up by 10C explains a lot. Killer shows that really complimented each other quite well. Just happy to have been there with great seats from 10C!