What kinda moron still expects breakthrough music 20 years into a bands career?
QFTMFT (quoted for the mother Fu----)
anyone expecting this album to better than their classics is crazy. The best it could be is the best since yield. Which according to alot of us,is. There isn't one band on earth that has released music this far into their career where it was as good as the original stuff.
wrong - wait till you see it live (all of it) its different, its better, its fucking awsome
especially johnny guitar
No, really, the first time I heard it, all I could think of was Unemployable. And that's all I heard every time.
BTW, I have seen it live, in Toronto. I will admit, it's a completely different experience live and is 10 times the live song that Unemployable is. But studio... just can't shake it.
I agree with a some of the posts on here about people needing to get over wanting another Ten or Yield album. This band has changed and this album is nothing like any of their other albums and I freakin love it. I understand how people are entitled to their opinion but I just don't see how you can listen to Got Some, Just Breathe, Amongst the Waves and Unthought Known and think that this album sucks and that they have sold out. Now I just need to see this live!
Seeing visions of falling up somehow.
Pensacola '94 New Orleans '95 Birmingham '98 New Orleans '00 New Orleans '03 Tampa '08 New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest Fenway Park '18 St. Louis '22
are nucking futs?
if pj played the superbowl they would be joining some good company imo
you can never accuse tom petty of "selling out"(what ever that means)...go ahead and try
anyhoo it aint lame to play the superbowl...get over it...perhaps it is lame to blow your performance on the show but i thought bruce's performance was also A++, along with tom's
People really need to get past the whole "return to VS, Vitalogy, No Code" thought process. This isn't the same band it was 15 years ago. If you're the same person, than frankly that's a shame for you.
They changed. For better or for worse, they changed. Get over it.
And saying "sold out" is such a cop out term these days. If people don't like something that fits into their mold of what Pearl Jam should sound like they just attribute it to "selling out".
Its such an overused term that doesn't even make any sense. If you want to get really technical, they sold out by signing with Sony close to 20 years ago.
EXACTLY. What the hell is it with some people who cannot seem to handle the band EVOLVING. Guys, they are human beings who have evolved as people and as a group. If you don't like it that's fine but stop acting like they "sold out" because they aren't making another No Code every three years. :roll:
Up here in my tree...
Albuquerque 2000
Denver 2006
Chicago 2009
Seattle 2013
This band needs a fresh sound??
Did you even listen to ATW or Unthought Known? A band that has been solidified as long as this one is not just gonna change up its entire "sound" every record. Its impossible and would be too much to expect. You have to have some consistency, for that is what usually drives you to like a band, its characteristics.
Also, didnt PJ change their "sound" back in 1996?
And so you see, I have come to doubt All that I once held as true I stand alone without beliefs The only truth I know is you.
This is their 9th Album...how much creativity can you expect one band to have... and whats wrong with writing songs with a style that they have previously made their own. I love that amounst the waves sounds like classic pearl jam, why not. Did people criticise springsteen for writing classic springsteen songs 20 years into his career....come on, how rediculous can u be.
This is their 9th Album...how much creativity can you expect one band to have... and whats wrong with writing songs with a style that they have previously made their own. I love that amounst the waves sounds like classic pearl jam, why not. Did people criticise springsteen for writing classic springsteen songs 20 years into his career....come on, how rediculous can u be.
What's funny to me is that, until this thread, the biggest complain regarding Backspacer on this board was that "it doesn't sound like Pearl Jam."
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
This is their 9th Album...how much creativity can you expect one band to have... and whats wrong with writing songs with a style that they have previously made their own. I love that amounst the waves sounds like classic pearl jam, why not. Did people criticise springsteen for writing classic springsteen songs 20 years into his career....come on, how rediculous can u be.
What's funny to me is that, until this thread, the biggest complain regarding Backspacer on this board was that "it doesn't sound like Pearl Jam."
Exactly. In all honestly, this album sounds massively different to me, at least by PJ standards. To the point where I need to leave it some time to grow on me. Avocado was just instant gratification. This is a bit more like an acid trip, that's kinda cool but kinda wrong at the same time.
This is their 9th Album...how much creativity can you expect one band to have... and whats wrong with writing songs with a style that they have previously made their own. I love that amounst the waves sounds like classic pearl jam, why not. Did people criticise springsteen for writing classic springsteen songs 20 years into his career....come on, how rediculous can u be.
What's funny to me is that, until this thread, the biggest complain regarding Backspacer on this board was that "it doesn't sound like Pearl Jam."
Exactly. In all honestly, this album sounds massively different to me, at least by PJ standards. To the point where I need to leave it some time to grow on me. Avocado was just instant gratification. This is a bit more like an acid trip, that's kinda cool but kinda wrong at the same time.
What's weird is that Avocado took a while for me. Not as long as some of Binaural and RA. It was more accessible than that. But there were still good chunks that took me weeks (some months, some years) to truly appreciate.
Backspacer was like right in my wheelhouse for some reason. Everything on it clicked on the first or second listen, save Johnny Guitar and Supersonic. That's rare for me. First time that's happened for me since Yield.
everybody wants the most they can possibly get
for the least they could possibly do
This is their 9th Album...how much creativity can you expect one band to have... and whats wrong with writing songs with a style that they have previously made their own. I love that amounst the waves sounds like classic pearl jam, why not. Did people criticise springsteen for writing classic springsteen songs 20 years into his career....come on, how rediculous can u be.
What's funny to me is that, until this thread, the biggest complain regarding Backspacer on this board was that "it doesn't sound like Pearl Jam."
True, but Amounst the waves and unthought known sound like classic pj to me. And then theirs of course the three itw tunes. I think their is some good new creative stuff like jhonny guitar but that most poeple saying it sounds nothing like pj have been those complaining about the pop element in some of these songs
QFTMFT (quoted for the mother Fu----)
anyone expecting this album to better than their classics is crazy. The best it could be is the best since yield. Which according to alot of us,is. There isn't one band on earth that has released music this far into their career where it was as good as the original stuff.
8/7/08, 6/9/09
Hail, Hail!!!
No, really, the first time I heard it, all I could think of was Unemployable. And that's all I heard every time.
BTW, I have seen it live, in Toronto. I will admit, it's a completely different experience live and is 10 times the live song that Unemployable is. But studio... just can't shake it.
Fuck Radiohead...........PJ stomps a mother fucking hole in Radiohead's ass!! :twisted:
Pensacola '94
New Orleans '95
Birmingham '98
New Orleans '00
New Orleans '03
Tampa '08
New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest
New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest
Fenway Park '18
St. Louis '22
are nucking futs?
if pj played the superbowl they would be joining some good company imo
you can never accuse tom petty of "selling out"(what ever that means)...go ahead and try
anyhoo it aint lame to play the superbowl...get over it...perhaps it is lame to blow your performance on the show but i thought bruce's performance was also A++, along with tom's
EXACTLY. What the hell is it with some people who cannot seem to handle the band EVOLVING. Guys, they are human beings who have evolved as people and as a group. If you don't like it that's fine but stop acting like they "sold out" because they aren't making another No Code every three years. :roll:
Albuquerque 2000
Denver 2006
Chicago 2009
Seattle 2013
ahahahah nice one, man
Did you even listen to ATW or Unthought Known? A band that has been solidified as long as this one is not just gonna change up its entire "sound" every record. Its impossible and would be too much to expect. You have to have some consistency, for that is what usually drives you to like a band, its characteristics.
Also, didnt PJ change their "sound" back in 1996?
All that I once held as true
I stand alone without beliefs
The only truth I know is you.
What's funny to me is that, until this thread, the biggest complain regarding Backspacer on this board was that "it doesn't sound like Pearl Jam."
for the least they could possibly do
Exactly. In all honestly, this album sounds massively different to me, at least by PJ standards. To the point where I need to leave it some time to grow on me. Avocado was just instant gratification. This is a bit more like an acid trip, that's kinda cool but kinda wrong at the same time.
What's weird is that Avocado took a while for me. Not as long as some of Binaural and RA. It was more accessible than that. But there were still good chunks that took me weeks (some months, some years) to truly appreciate.
Backspacer was like right in my wheelhouse for some reason. Everything on it clicked on the first or second listen, save Johnny Guitar and Supersonic. That's rare for me. First time that's happened for me since Yield.
for the least they could possibly do
True, but Amounst the waves and unthought known sound like classic pj to me. And then theirs of course the three itw tunes. I think their is some good new creative stuff like jhonny guitar but that most poeple saying it sounds nothing like pj have been those complaining about the pop element in some of these songs