Pearl Jam & Money
There is a lot of negativity on this board since Backspacer was released and I wondered what the root of it all was. To my mind they have made a record that's as pop as they are willing to venture without feeling like they are selling their souls, put a lot of faith in their producer and held back on the egos for the greater good. Its such a different direction that its seems apparent that the record really does need to do well. And by do well I mean make them lots of money. Now I understand that this is their first album out of the indie Monkeywrench stable so there is an element of risk which they have tried to minimise by appealing to the mainstream, but is this aggressive stance what's really rubbing people up the wrong way?
Nature drunk and High
Post edited by Unknown User on
Like you somehow
i'm as critical a listener as they come and i'm loving the new album!!
i feel sorry for the people who are not allowing themselves to feel this record....they are missing out on some great tunes!!
It would be nice to hear why the album falls so far below the usual stand for you, to just label it as 'shit' seems somewhat angry to me.
I get the feeling that's precisely what they attempted to do with this record, but to have fans on their own forum bitterly against what they have created seems interesting at least. I know the internet is a hive of scum and villainy at times, but does this go down after every new album or is it different this time?
once you got some $ you want more
it really really is a great album
the band is better than ever
some will hate but who really cares
Cleveland 5/20/2006
Pittsburgh 6/23/2006
Columbia 6/16/2008
Bristow 5/13/2010
It seems like what is going on is that many people hold each PJ release to a standard established by the album or two or three before it (or their favorite for that matter). While this is not necessarily a bad or unreasonable thing to do, it is my observation that PJ keeps moving the bar forward (musically speaking), not backward. Sometimes the bar is moved farther than others, but it's forward none the less.
Just my opinion.