Philly's on it's way!!!!!!



  • I am so psyched! Get to see an awesome concert with my brother and sister and get to see a good friend of mine that I don't see often. Plus, I get to take off from work! :D
  • im going to 2 shows but the philly hype isnt any fun anymore

    its overkill. imo
  • emptyglass wrote:
    im going to 2 shows but the philly hype isnt any fun anymore

    its overkill. imo

    FUCK THIZZ-AT!! The closer it gets..the more hyped i heart is going to be leaping out of my chest by the weekend!!! i think once you step into the city of brotherly love and all the talk is behind us...and it's time to'll be back on cloud 9 with the rest of us! :mrgreen:
  • emptyglass wrote:
    im going to 2 shows but the philly hype isnt any fun anymore

    its overkill. imo

    FUCK THIZZ-AT!! The closer it gets..the more hyped i heart is going to be leaping out of my chest by the weekend!!! i think once you step into the city of brotherly love and all the talk is behind us...and it's time to'll be back on cloud 9 with the rest of us! :mrgreen:

    dude ive been to nyc and my guess is nyc>philly

    yaaawn 2 fillee
  • MASMAS Posts: 630
    Much respect to Philly and these shows will be memorable, but NYC is NYC.....
  • emptyglass wrote:
    dude ive been to nyc and my guess is nyc>philly

    yaaawn 2 fillee

    dude...i have also been to NYC..and while i loved NYC, the shows were not all that....the shows in Boston rocked more IMO....but 4 shows in 5 fucking nights!!!!!! this Spectrum run is going to be the fucking nutz!!!!
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