One year ago
You closed your eyes for good
The world and those who knew you
Lost one of the most caring, loving woman to grace this Earth
Your strength and endurance was monumental
Both in the way you lived life
And how you dealt with your disease
The memories that you invoke
On a daily basis
Always put a smile on my face
Sometimes tears in my eyes
Spiritually I have gotten stronger
If only to ask tougher questions
May you be driving around heaven
Visiting all those that have gone before you
You closed your eyes for good
The world and those who knew you
Lost one of the most caring, loving woman to grace this Earth
Your strength and endurance was monumental
Both in the way you lived life
And how you dealt with your disease
The memories that you invoke
On a daily basis
Always put a smile on my face
Sometimes tears in my eyes
Spiritually I have gotten stronger
If only to ask tougher questions
May you be driving around heaven
Visiting all those that have gone before you
The poison from the poison stream caught up to you ELEVEN years ago and you floated out of here. Sept. 14, 08
Post edited by Unknown User on
that remind me.
Those every day,
in every way things.
It's in things remebered,
like a turn of phrase,
a scent that lingers,
or an echoed smile
that eases my soul to sleep.
It's in things more tangible,
like a picture on the fridge,
a recipe recaptured,
or your mannerisms
playing out before my eyes
in the actions of your son.
It's in everything!
You're in everything!
Because you touched
my life deeply.
You made me feel
like your daughter,
your friend.
I miss your phyical
presence, but,
I know that you
continue to live,
in the hearts and minds
of those that loved you.
And somehow, I imagine you, light, lithe, and youthful; gracing the eternal stage with a presence that will echo throughout the ages. Mother. Sister. Daughter. Friend.