The Great Target Adventure Through OrangeCounty This Morning

canvas_adamcanvas_adam Posts: 45
edited September 2009 in The Porch
wow... what a morning lol.

so i get out of bed at 7am and leave my house in anaheim at about 7:50, pull into the target by disneyland on harbor blvd. right at 8am. excited... i speed walk back to the electronics to find... absolutely nothing backspacer related on the shelves. me and some others who are there for the album ask the guy working there if they received the album, record, or shirt. this guy had no idea who pearl jam is or what a backspacer was lol. he does go snoop around in the back, and finds the cd. he says they don't have records or shirts. i didn't care. i had the cd... i could pop in the album in the car, cruise southward down the 5 freeway to the next target and pick em up there. so as you can see in the pic below, i check out of there at 8:17am.

so southward i go down the 5. i wanted to listen to the whole record without interuption so i drove south for 36 minutes until the record was finished. i was in the aliso viejo area so i pull off the 5 and into the target on aliso viejo parkway. heck these guys didn't even have the cd let alone the record or shirt.

so i head a little more northward towards the spectrum shopping center in irvine. same story... nothing but 7 inch fixer singles.

so northward again to the jamboree exit in irvine. i check the jamboree target... hey a somewhat musically knowledged person is working the counter. i explain to him that i need the shirt and LP. he goes into the stock room and finds me an LP. he tells me that only ONE store in all of orange county, california got the shirts. thankfully, that target is only 4 miles away. so i check out with my LP at 9:45am.

so 4 miles down jamboree towards culver/barranca i go... i pull into the target there. my dad in alabama(where i'm originally from) calls. so apparently only one store in all of alabama got the shirts lol. oh... btw me and my dad are both hardcore pj fans. when my parents got divorced in 1991(i was 10 years old) the TEN album got us through the hard times and have just done the whole pearl jam thing together ever since. he flew out here for outside lands a couple weeks ago and we made the trek northward up to san fran together =) anyway, back to the original story... so my dad lives in birmingham, AL... and the store that got them is in trussville which is just a few miles away. so he goes... and the people working there tell him that they did not receive their shipment and they are not sure if they are coming at all.

so i tell him that as fate would have it that i'm apparently pulling into the only OC target that has the shirts. i tell him i'll pick him up a shirt and mail it to him. he is totally relieved. so i walk in, go to te electronics section, and am extremely relieved to see that at least one target has their act together. displayed nicely in one place... the cd's, LP's, fixer single, shirts, and rock band game. thank God! so i pick up 2 shirts and get the heck out there at 10:08am.

so 2 hour 8 minutes and 5(FIVE!) targets later(6 if you count my dad's in bama) i have all my backspacer goodies.

which brings me to my next point... i reeeeally miss the days of midnight sales, purchasing the albums at an actual record store, talking with the other fans in line who are waiting, just the vibe of the music store itself. it was driving me nuts to talk to employee after employee in these target store this morning who had no idea what they were selling... i mean The Fixer was on every screen in every store. now i don't fault the target employees at all, this is not typically the kind of thing they are going to be specializing in selling. but it's just kind of annoying to go through all this, ya know?

i understand this gives PJ more freedom, and i guess this is just a side effect of not doing things the "normal way". but i fear i'll never have those awesome experiences i used to have... like when binaural came out. the midnight sale in birmingham, Alabama at this little indie store called Slip Disc. me and my dad and a ton of other rabid fans at midnight. way too much fun! hopefully one day we can get back to that =)

so here are a couple pics, the first one is kinda funny... the 2nd one is the goods!



as far as the record goes... YES YES YES!!! Pearl Jam... you guys continue to rock my world all these years later! a fan from the age of 10... i turned 28 years old yesterday, and i'm as in love with the music at 28 as i was while i was still in elementary school =)

all i have to say is... SUPERSONIC GONE AND TOOK MY SOUL YEH!!!
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  • Thank You!!!!! 8-)
    11/30/93 7/11/98 10/22/00 4/28/03 6/6/03 9/30/05 7/6/06 6/19/08 6/20/08 10/9/09 10/27/09 10/28/09 10/30/09 10/31/09 5/4/10 5/17/10 5/18/10 6/22/10 6/23/10 6/25/10 10/23/10 10/24/10 9/3/11 9/4/11 9/21/11 9/23/11 9/25/11 6/20/12 6/21/12 9/30/12 7/19/13 10/21/13 10/22/13 10/30/13 11/19/13 11/21/13 11/29/13 11/30/13 12/2/13 12/4/13 12/6/13 6/16/14 6/17/14 6/22/14 6/25/14 6/26/14
    EV Solo: SAN 08 EWR 08 STL 11 LAS 12
    Who Rock Honors 08
    Bridge School 10 14
    FTM 12
    Holier than
    Surrendered...Executed any how........
  • shejammzt wrote:
    Thank You!!!!! 8-)

    No problem!

    And hey... for the record, i'm not trying to be "that guy" who is picking on the band for doing things their own way. like i said, i completely support their decision to distribute like this. i just wish there were better means than this. i don't think they are going to get the kind of support that wal-mart gave the eagles and AC/DC in marketing the album.

    a loyal fan to the end, 23 shows in, 3 eddie solo shows, and 5 to come in the next few weeks.

    LAx4 and San Diego baby! woooo!!!
  • looks like you also had quite the sugar buzz going too. 3 snickers and a dr. pepper??? ;)
  • looks like you also had quite the sugar buzz going too. 3 snickers and a dr. pepper??? ;)

    lmao heck yeah man... little 137 pound me needed some sugar energy to rock out in the car all morning long!!!
  • i had problems too! i'm in Georgia and went thru 2 targets to get the cd and tshirt, however no vinyl! but thats ok since i ordered the 10c vinyl anyway. i had a fear a few days ago that EXACTLY this would happen, walk into target, search for backspacer stuff, can't find it, ask employees. and exactly that happened. sigh, target dropped the ball, hope pearl jam have a penalty clause in the contract and get 100% of their album sales if target screws up. :oops:
    [2008] New York, NY. Beacon Theater
    [2007] Chicago, Il. Lollapalooza
    [2006] East Rutherford, NJ. Continental Airlines Arena
    [2003] Atlanta, GA. HifiBuys Amphitheater
    [2000] Atlanta, GA. Philips Arena
  • albertgt wrote:
    i had problems too! i'm in Georgia and went thru 2 targets to get the cd and tshirt, however no vinyl! but thats ok since i ordered the 10c vinyl anyway. i had a fear a few days ago that EXACTLY this would happen, walk into target, search for backspacer stuff, can't find it, ask employees. and exactly that happened. sigh, target dropped the ball, hope pearl jam have a penalty clause in the contract and get 100% of their album sales if target screws up. :oops:

    well, in the end, we got all the goodies we wanted. heck, it will probably make for a funny story some time down the road =)
  • curmudgeonesscurmudgeoness Brigadoon, foodie capital Posts: 4,007
    Thanks for the virtual road trip through south OC. I think I have been in all of those Targets at one time or another. :lol: If I remember, I will check the superdeluxe Target Greatland near me here in Jersey when I am out and about tomorrow.
    All those who seek to destroy the liberties of a democratic nation ought to know that war is the surest and shortest means to accomplish it.
  • wolfbearwolfbear Posts: 3,965
    Great story! Our Target was much better prepared. They had two huge displays, one by the registers and the other in the music section. The shirts were displayed at the music counter. Quick in and out for me. :)
    "I'd rather be with an animal." "Those that can be trusted can change their mind." "The in between is mine." "If I don't lose control, explore and not explode, a preternatural other plane with the power to maintain." "Yeh this is living." "Life is what you make it."
  • wolfbear wrote:
    Great story! Our Target was much better prepared. They had two huge displays, one by the registers and the other in the music section. The shirts were displayed at the music counter. Quick in and out for me. :)

    very cool. i think as the week goes on it will get easier to find the stuff in target. i just don't think they'd have all us rabid fans beating down the doors at 8am on a sunday morning lol.
  • Your adventure really made me laugh but by the way, you missed the two in Mission Viejo off Alicia Pkwy and the new one on Jeronimo.

    I grew up behind the Orange Curtain and my parents still live there, but now I live in NYC. There aren't any Targets in Manhattan but that's ok, we've got a lot of of other stuff that more than makes up for it.
  • albertgt wrote:
    i had problems too! i'm in Georgia and went thru 2 targets to get the cd and tshirt, however no vinyl! but thats ok since i ordered the 10c vinyl anyway. i had a fear a few days ago that EXACTLY this would happen, walk into target, search for backspacer stuff, can't find it, ask employees. and exactly that happened. sigh, target dropped the ball, hope pearl jam have a penalty clause in the contract and get 100% of their album sales if target screws up. :oops:

    Hey! If this is the guy that helped me get to the Druid Hills Target..thanks again! You were too kind! I just love PJ fans. They're the best!!
  • NYCslacker wrote:
    Your adventure really made me laugh but by the way, you missed the two in Mission Viejo off Alicia Pkwy and the new one on Jeronimo.

    I grew up behind the Orange Curtain and my parents still live there, but now I live in NYC. There aren't any Targets in Manhattan but that's ok, we've got a lot of of other stuff that more than makes up for it.

    lol cool... someone who can geographically understand and sympathize with me!

    jeronimo is dana point, right? i never made it quite that far south. i figured with 5 of em between me and anaheim i could just kinda play connect the dots and round em all up. foruntately i was able to!

    never thought about it until today, but man there is a ton of targets in orange county.
  • dustinparduedustinpardue Las Vegas, NV Posts: 1,829
    I hear that. I really miss the days of the midnight sales. Peaches in Winston-Salem, NC had a great No Code party one time. And it is hard to beat Fat Cats in Boone, NC. They were always on point. When they did the midnight sale for Yield I spent $250 on Yield and a bunch of bootlegs (a great way to blow your financial aid check in college). Remember the days when a bootleg would cost about $50 in a record store?
    "All I Ever Knew" available now in print and digital formats at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iBooks.
  • I hear that. I really miss the days of the midnight sales. Peaches in Winston-Salem, NC had a great No Code party one time. And it is hard to beat Fat Cats in Boone, NC. They were always on point. When they did the midnight sale for Yield I spent $250 on Yield and a bunch of bootlegs (a great way to blow your financial aid check in college). Remember the days when a bootleg would cost about $50 in a record store?

    lol heck yeah... at the same indie store i was talking about above, Slip Disc in Birmingham, i spent $45 on the 9/3/1998 Birmingham, AL bootleg in like 1999. it was always amazing when you would walk into the store and find the boot of a show you attended.

    i'm kind of weird i guess, i do buy all the official bootlegs of the shows i attend(and even have all of the 2000 series), but if i can get my hands on a good sounding fan-boot i usually prefer those. i barely listen to the official bonnaroo album, i much prefer the audience recording.
  • Dude I bought Backspacer at the Target on Barranca! I have gone to that Target all my life and it's 5 minutes from my house, pretty fucking convenient!
  • Dude I bought Backspacer at the Target on Barranca!

    lmao serious?

    hello from anaheim! i'm in your part of the woods all the time, i work right off of sand canyon.
  • Dude I bought Backspacer at the Target on Barranca!

    lmao serious?

    hello from anaheim! i'm in your part of the woods all the time, i work right off of sand canyon.
    I always go to the UCI Center area where there is an In N Out, so if you ever drive by a dude who is cranking Backspacer give me a honk, lol.
  • Dude I bought Backspacer at the Target on Barranca!

    lmao serious?

    hello from anaheim! i'm in your part of the woods all the time, i work right off of sand canyon.
    I always go to the UCI Center area where there is an In N Out, so if you ever drive by a dude who is cranking Backspacer give me a honk, lol.

    lol man i'm in that area all the time! if you ever hear a blue 2005 honda civic honkin' atcha you know it's me!

    hey, you should come check me out live sometime(as we already apparently have similar taste in music.

    take a listen here if ya want...

    i play in oc/LA pretty often.
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