THEBIBLEISTEN wrote: anyone?
THEBIBLEISTEN wrote: Thanks Paulie......hey you seen Pussy around? hahaa
clockistotime wrote: THEBIBLEISTEN wrote: anyone? this was a misinterpretation of the lyrics for 'gonna see my friend' on an italian website. it should have read "Well I said I..." guess it got lost in translation? here's a site that has some mostly accurate or all accurate lyrics:
norm wrote: no it's buona's in the liner notes
clockistotime wrote: norm wrote: no it's buona's in the liner notes yea i just saw that, haha, i'm an idiot. d'oh! on my part
means good evening in Italian
this was a misinterpretation of the lyrics for 'gonna see my friend' on an italian website.
it should have read "Well I said I..." guess it got lost in translation?
here's a site that has some mostly accurate or all accurate lyrics:
a beacon on dry land
eyes above the horizon
in the dark before the dawn..."
"i am a donut"
no it's buona's in the liner notes
ok i'm an idiot... because in the 10c edition of BACKSPACER it actually reads 'buona sera' in the lyrics.
buona sera means 'good night' or 'good evening'
sorry for trying to sound cool with my previous post :oops:
a beacon on dry land
eyes above the horizon
in the dark before the dawn..."
"i am a donut"
yea i just saw that, haha, i'm an idiot. d'oh! on my part
a beacon on dry land
eyes above the horizon
in the dark before the dawn..."
"i am a donut"