So today I listened to every PJ studio album, starting from Backspacer and ending with Ten. It was really interesting to hear the progression of the band in reverse. You can really hear their sound progress into what we have now. Their more recent albums are just so much more complex and beautiful. Backspacer really is the amalgamation of every one of their past albums, and their experiences and wisdom shine on it big time. I really love it even more after having done this!
“May you live to be 100 and may the last voice you hear be mine.” - Frank Sinatra
Post edited by Unknown User on
my greatest discovery so far: at this point in my life, for the first time in a decade, i like no code better than yield. in fact, vitalogy sounds better to me now than yield does even. crazy, yield has always been my fave...
funny you should mention that about Vitalogy because when I listened to it today I was taken back at how fantastic it is. I mean I knew it was, but I guess I had forgotten just how good it is. I have to disagree with you about Yield though. I listened to it in the car really loud today and it moved me so much I almost had to pull over! :shock:
stop right there... You listened to nine studio albums in a row? You're the f'ing man!
lol yeah, long drive today
i had a vitalogy epiphany a few months back, was sweet as.
Man, I did the exact same thing today. Revisited Vitalogy and Yield. Both those albums blew me away, again!
i guess this puts me WAY off the deep end to most of y'all...
only the greatest album of all time.
When I first got into PJ in 2000 Vitalogy was my least favorite PJ album! It slowly made its way up the ranking as I got more into it. It was about third place until about 5 months ago when I reheard it and it became my fav PJ album!
How so? The new one, imo, has instrumentation more in line with Binaural and before.
I had a Vitalogy awakening not long ago as well....from the cassette.
Well I really think from Yield to now their albums have just progressed so much and the themes are just much deeper. For instance, this new record seems to be about the discovery and acceptance of the band's own mortality. Now you compare that to Vitalogy where the theme was about being famous and wanting some privacy or to Ten where the theme seems to be riddled with youthful angst about the establishment in our country. The band has grown up WITH their music and hasn't gotten caught in a rut of making the same sounding thing every time. Can you imagine the band releasing songs like Leash now? It would be laughable in my opinion. Don't get me wrong, I love every album they've ever done but it just seems they have identified themselves with a certain generation and have continued to write the soundtrack of that generations lives as they progress in age. It's a beautiful thing...
this is a good point to bring up. i think it's a big part of why so many of us around here have loved 'em for so long; they've grown up with us - or is that we've grown up with them?
I'm glad there's someone around who has some love for Riot Act. I always liked this album, regardless of those who dont. I dont think it's their worst album, because they have no "worst" album, imo, they're all good. Hope you're enjoying the new one too! I guess my favourite will always be Vitalogy, but whnever I listen to any of the others I enjoy the experience of whichever one I'm listening to at any given time.
Well, I agree with most of that. I still think the greater period of "growth" was from Ten-Binaural, but Backspacer is the biggest step since then.
They have grown with their audience, but not to the point, where they alienate newer fans. I realize they don't generate many new fans and alotta fans have dropped off, but the people that get it just get it. It's like that with any great band.
I've relistened alot lately and Riot Act has aged amazingly well. Viewed as a singular piece of music its prob top 3 for them, arguably their best.